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history of the mackenzies-第121节

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He died in 1649; and was succeeded by his eldest son;

II。  COLIN  MACKENZIE; second of Kincraig; who married  Agnes; daughter of Duncan Bayne of Delny; with issue

1。  Colin; his heir and successor。

2。  Duncan; Lieutenant…Colonel Scots Guards; who married; and  died without issue in 1724。

3。  Lilias; who married the Rev。 William Mackenzie; minister of Rosskeen。

4。  Katharine; who in 1680 married; as his second wife; William  Grant of Ardoch; with issue。  She was maternal great great…grandmother of the Rev。 Gustavus Aird; D。D。; Creich; ex…Moderator of the Free Church  General Assembly; and who has in his possession a copy of the marriage  contract dated as above。

5。  Christian; who in 1681 married William Mackenzie; brother of Murdoch Mackenzie; II。 of Ardross。

6。  Florence。

7。  Agnes。

Colin married; secondly; Christian Munro; widow of William  Ross; Knockgartie (contract of marriage 16th of March; 1680)。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

III。  COLIN  MACKENZIE; third of Kincraig; who in 1679  married Lilias; daughter of John Mackenzie; II。 of Scatwell; with issue

1。  Colin; his heir and successor。

2。  John; who succeeded his brother as V。 of Kincraig。

3。  Anne; who married John Mackenzie; brother of Alexander  Mackenzie; I。 of Ardross; without issue。

4。  Barbara; who married James Mackenzie; of Tarrel。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

IV。  COLIN  MACKENZIE; fourth of Kincraig; who married; as  her third husband; Margaret; daughter of Sir Roderick Mackenzie of  Findon; without issue。

He was succeeded by his next brother;

V。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; fifth of Kincraig; Captain in Lochiel's  Regiment。 He married Christina; daughter of James Menzies of Comrie;  without issue。  She died at Kincraig on the 21st of December; 1775。  He was dangerously wounded at Malplaguet in 1709。  On the 20th of December; 1760; he made a disposition of the lands of Kincraig to Roderick Mackenzie; VII。 of Redcastle; in trust for his second son John;  then only nine years old。

John died a few days after; and was succeeded by his remote  cousin;

VI。  CAPTAIN  JOHN   MACKENZIE; sixth of Kincraig;  second surviving son of Roderick  Ban; VII。 of Redcastle; born there  in 1751。  He served in Lord  Macleod's Regiment (now 71st  Highlanders); and was wounded at  Gibraltar。  His descendants; since  the death of Roderick; IX。 of  Redcastle in 1798 without issue;  carried on  also the representation  of the main line of that family。  He  married Mary; daughter of the Rev。  Colin Mackenzie; minister of  Fodderty; with issue

1。  Roderick; his heir and successor。

2。  Colin; Lieutenant 71st Regiment; killed in action at Vittoria; on  the 21st of June; 1813; without issue。

3。  John; who died without issue; on the 20th of August; 1822; off St。 Helena; coming home from Java。

4。  Kenneth Francis; Colonel 64th Bengal Native Infantry; who married on the 6th of January; 1832; Margaret; daughter of the Rev。 Thomas Taylor; D。D。; of Tibbermore; with issueCaptain Roderick Boyd;  H。E。I。C。S。; who died at Cheltenham; on the 5th of October; 1867;  unmarried Lieutenant Wedderburn Hannah; H。E。I。C。S。; Thomas Harry;  who died young Mary Christina; who married on the 17th of December;  1849; Colonel Brown…Constable; with issue …twelve children Margaret  Jane; who on the 10th of October; 1850; married Major…General H。 F。  Waddington; of Monmouthshire; with issuesix children; several of  whom married with issue; Isabella Fraser; who died young; and Annie  Colina; who on the 31st of October; 1866; married Thomas H。 Knolles;  with issuefive children。  Colonel Kenneth Francis died at sea in 1856。

5。  Hector; Major H。E。I。C。S。; who died unmarried。

6。  Hugh; late Colonel 2nd Bengal Europeans; who married; first;  Anne; daughter of Thomas Duncan; Advocate; Aberdeen; with issueCaptain Harry Leith; R。A。; who was twice married; with issue; John Hugh; M。D。 Thomas Duncan; Bombay Civil Service; who married on the 25th of  April; 1871; with issue; Mary Janet; who on the 31st of July; 1866;  married Surgeon…Major Kilgour; with issue; and Sarah Anne。 Colonel  Hugh married; secondly; Edith S。 Hastings; Oxfordshire; also with issue。

7。  Charles Fitzgerald; H。E。I。C。S。; who married the Hon。 Mrs Fergusson; daughter of Lord Kirkcudbright; and died; without issue; on the  5th of September; 1850。

Captain John had also

8。  Maxwell; a natural son;  Lieutenant…Colonel  71st Regiment; killed at Bayonne in 1813; to whom  and his brother Colin a monument by Chantry is erected in Rosskeen  Church。

9。  Mary; who on the 28th of January; 1813; married Major…General Sir Donald Macleod。

10。  Johanna Charlotte Menzies; who died unmarried in 1794。

11。  Margaret; who married Donald Macintyre; Calcutta; with issue (1) Lieutenant…General John Mackenzie Macintyre; Royal (Madras) Artillery; who; in 1857; married Marianne Margaret; daughter of Alexander Nisbet Shaw; Bombay Civil Service; with issueDonald Charles Frederick; Captain 2nd (P。W。O。) Goorkhas; Alexander William; Robert Cadell; Isabella Mary; who married George Wade; sculptor; son of  Canon Wade; Bristol; Margaret Faimy; the celebrated prima donna and  Georgina Caroline。  (2) Major…General Donald Macintyre; V。C。; who in  1882 married Angelica Alison; daughter of the Rev。 T。 J。 Patteson;  Kinnettles; Forfarshire; with issueDonald; Francis Hector Mackenzie;  Ian Agnew Patteson; and Alison Margaret。  (3) Colina Maxwell; who; in  1844; married Dr William Brydon; 〃the last man〃 or sole survivor of  13;000 men in the disastrous retreat from Cabul to Jellalabad in 1842;  who died in 1873; with issueeight children。  (4) Mary Isabella; who in 1849 married General James Travers; V。C。; and (5) Charlotte Anne。

12。  Jane Petley; who died young。

13。  Isabella; who married; first; Captain Allan Cameron; with  issue and secondly; General Sir Hugh Fraser; K。C。B。; of Braelangwell; with issue(1) John Fraser of Braelangwell; who married Elizabeth; daughter of Beauchamp Colclough Urquhart of Meldrum; Aberdeenshire; with issueHugh K。 Fraser of Braelangwell; and Annie M。 Mackenzie Fraser; (2) Hugh Fraser; Lieutenant 71st Regiment; who died without issue; (3) Isabella Forbes Fraser; who married Beauchamp Colclough Urquhart of Meldrum; with issueBeauchamp Colclough Urquhart; and  Isobel A。 Urquhart; who married Garden A。 Duff of Hatton; (4) Alexander; Captain 10th Regiment; who married a daughter of Major D'Arcy; with issue。  Isabella died in 1852。

14。  Elizabeth Jane; who died unmarried in 1832。

Captain John's widow died at Park House; Dingwall; on the 4th of January; 1838。  He having died at Kincraig on the 29th of April; 1822;  aged 72 years; when he was succeeded by his eldest son;

VII。  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; Major H。E。I。C。S。; who married  in 1836; Katharine; daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; of Millbank; son of Bailie Hector Mackenzie; of Dingwall; a cadet of Letterewe and Gairloch;  with issue

1。  Roderick; his heir and successor。

2。  Katharine; who died unmarried in 1870。

3。  Eliza Jane; who married George Martineau; with issueGeorge; William; Alfred; and a daughter Katherine。

4。  Mary Ann; unmarried。

5。  Alice; who married Alexander Edmond; without issue。

Major Roderick died at Kincraig on the 6th of April; 1853; and  was succeeded by his only son。

VIII。  CAPTAIN  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; late of Kincraig;  who; on the 5th of February; 1867; married Georgina Adelaide; daughter  of Roderick Mackenzie; IV。 of Flowerburn; without issue。


THIS family; next to the House of Kintail and Seaforth; played the most  important part in the history of the  Highlands。  They are descended  from Sir Roderick Mackenzie of  Coigeach; Tutor of Kintail; who in  his day took such a conspicuous  part in the affairs of the Clan。  His  career is noticed at considerable  length in the history of the Seaforth  family; and need not here be  enlarged upon。  He was the second  son of Colin Cam Mackenzie; XI。  of Kintail; by Barbara; daughter of  John Grant; XII。 of Grant。  He was  a brave and resolute man。  On a  certain occasion he seized MacNeil  of Barra by stratagem; and carried  that chief; of whom Queen  Elizabeth had been complaining; to  the Court of King James at  Holyrood。  When brought into His  Majesty's presence MacNeil; who;  much to the surprise of all; was a  tall; good…looking man of reverend  aspect; with a long grey beard;  proved a match for the King。

When asked by His Majesty what  could induce him to commit so many piracies and robberies on the  Queen of England's subjects; he  replied that he thought he was  doing the King good service by annoying 〃a woman who had  murdered his mother。〃  James  exclaimed; 〃The devil take the  carle!  Rorie; take him with you  again; and dispose of him and his  fortune as you please。〃  On another occasion; when Sir Roderick was  passing through Athole on his way to Edinburgh; in the interest of his  ward; he was stopped and found fault with by the men of that  district for passing through their country without the permission of  their lord。  The Tutor dismounted and sought out a stone; on which he  began to sharpen his claymore; whereupon the Athole men; from a  safe distance; asked him what he was doing?  〃

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