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history of the mackenzies-第120节

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land  of Granada; in the West Indies。  He  spent ?5;000 of his own money in  defending the island successfully against the French; for which Pitt  offered him a Baronetcy; which he declined。  Colin had also two  daughtersRose; who married  John Wilson; and Margaret; who  married Gilbert Robertson of  Kindeace。 Kenneth Francis  married Anne Townshend。  She  died in 1847。  He died in 1831;  aged 83; and left issue(1)  Charles; who married Rebecca  Molyneux; with issueCharles;  who married Lucie de Momet; with  issuea son; Charles。  He died in  New York in 1865。  (2) James  Joseph; who married Marian;  daughter of Edward  Impey; B。C。S。; and died without issue in  1872; (3) Kenneth; who died; without issue; (4) Colin;  Lieutenant…General; C。B。; 48th  Regiment; Madras Army; Brigadier  Commanding; Commissioner  Southern Division Nizam  Dominions; and Governor  General's agent at Murshedabad in 1843。  He was; in 1844; Assistant  Political Agent at Peshawur; and afterwards for a time a hostage  with the Afghans。  He married; first; on the 26th of May; 1832;  Adeline Marian; daughter of James Pattle; Bengal Civil Service; with  issueAdeline Anne; who married Major…General Henry Hoseason;  Madras Army; with issueeight children Mary Julia; who married  Major Herbert Clogstorm; with issuefour children; Rose Prinsep;  who married; first; Lieutenant David Arnot; and secondly; Captain  Francis Pictet; Madras Army; with  issuesix children; (5) Anne; (6)  Isabella Jessy; who married; on the  17th of October; 1839; James  Baines of Ludlow; with issue; (7)  Mary Cochrane; who on the 17th of  March; 1835; married James King  of Staunton Park; Herts; for twenty  years M。P。 for Hereford; with issue  three sons and seven daughters; (8) Eliza Margaret; who on the 15th  of August; 1832; married Major…General Thomas  D。 Carpenter;  Madras Army; with issue; (9) Amelia Frances; who in 1838  married her brother…in…law; the  Rev。 Thomas King of Staunton  Park; Herts; with issue; and (10)  Townshend; who died without  issue。  Lieutenant…General Colin  married; secondly; in 1843; Helen  Catharine; daughter of Admiral  John Erskine Douglas; of the  Queensberry family; without issue;  and died in 1881。

Roderick Mor had twelve  other sons and two daughters; of  whose history very little is known。

One of the sons; either John or  William; married; with issueat least two sonsthe Rev。 Hugh  Mackenzie; who was born in 1771; and was for fourteen years Baptist  minister at St。 Ives; where he died  and was buried in 1836。  Hugh  married; with issuea son and  daughter; both without issue。  The  second  son; ALEXANDER MACKENZIE; was born in 1772;  and married in 1795。 Helen;  daughter of John Donaldson;  Dunfermline; factor for the Earl of  Dundonald; with issue(1)  William; who was born in 1797 and  died in infancy; (2) JOHN   DONALDSON  MACKENZIE;  surgeon; who was born in 1803; and practised his profession in  Jersey。  He married; in 1840;  Emma Caroline; daughter of John   Landseer; and sister of the eminent painter; Sir Edwin Landseer; with   issueEdwin John Landseer Mackenzie; of Kensington Park  Gardens; London; who was born in 1843; and Landseer Mackenzie; of  St。 Bernard; Bournemouth; born in  1849。  (3) Alexander; who was  born in 1806; and died young in  1822; (4) David Donaldson; born in  1811; and died unmarried in 1836;  (5) Margaret Donaldson; who was  born in 1799; married James  Symington; banker; and died in  1863; without surviving issue; (6)  Helen; born in 1801; died in 1802;  (7) Mary Anne; born in 1808; and  died young in 1823; and (8) Jane  Donaldson; who; in 1840; married  Andrew Armstrong Kerr; banker;  Edinburgh; with issueRobert;  who; born in 1843; became a Judge  in Jamaica; married; with issue;  and died in 1884; Alexander  Charles; born in 1847; married;  with issue; Andrew William; who;  born in 1848; married; without  issue; Henry Francis; born in 1855;  married; with issue; Frederick  Ebenezer; born in 1858; and died in  infancy。 Helen Alexandrina; who  married Francis Suther Melville;  Edinburgh; Depute Clerk of  Session and Registrar of Law  Agents in Scotland; with issue;  Jane; and Margaret Jessie; who  died young in 1868。 William  Mackenzie had also a daughter  Margaret; who married (and died in  1832) John Fraser of Honduras;  with issuea son; John; and a  daughter; Catherine; who; in 1834;  married William Napier; of  Bathurst; New Brunswick; without  issue。  Alexander died in 1841。

Roderick Mor died on the 29th of March; 1751; at Redcastle; and was succeeded by his eldest son;

VII。  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; seventh of Redcastle; known  among his countrymen as  〃Ruairi Ban。〃  He married in 1730; Hannah  Anna Murdoch of Cambodden; Galloway; with issue

1。  Kenneth; his heir and successor。

2。  Captain John; who by the will of the then proprietor; he having had no son of his own to leave it to; succeeded as VI。 of Kincraig。

3。  and 4。  Alexander and Roderick; died in infancy。

5。  Margaret; who on the 29th of November; 1755; married Sir Alexander Mackenzie; third Baronet and X。 of Gairloch; with issue。 She  died on the 1st of September; 1759。

6。  Mary who was born in 1732; and died; unmarried; at Lettoch; Redcastle; in 1828; aged 96 years。

7。  Elizabeth; who was born in 1746; and married in August 1782; Major…General Colin Mackenzie; with issueAlexander Wedderburn; who died; unmarried; on the 4th of January; 1838; at Park House; Dingwall  and Hannah Margaret Cochrane; who died; unmarried; on the  2nd of February 1858; at Golder's Green; Hendon。

8。  Christina; who was born in 1749。

9。  Jean; who was born in 1752; married Robert Anderson;  Glasgow; and died; in 1819; without issue。

Roderick's wife died at Redcastle on the 21st of April; 1755; in the  39th year of her age。  He died at Inverness on the 10th of May 1785; and  was succeeded by his eldest son;

VIII。  CAPTAIN  KENNETH  MACKENZIE; eighth of Redcastle。   He was born on the 21st of February; 1748; and married at Edinburgh; on  the 17th of August; 1767; Jean; daughter of James Thomson; Accountant…General of Excise in Scotland; with issue

1。  Roderick; his heir and successor。

2。  Hector; who married at Edinburgh; on the 29th of March; 1800; Diana Davidson; daughter of Dr Davidson of the H。E。I。C。S。; Leeds; with  issueRobert Davidson Mackenzie; Adjutant 1st Bombay Light Cavalry;  who died of cholera on the 22nd of December; 1822; at Sholapore; India;  without issue。  She died at Garlieston in 1852。

3。  Boyd; who married  William MacCall of NewtonStewart; without issue。

4。  Hanna; who was the last  surviving child of Kenneth; of  Redcastle; married William  MacCa; of Barnshalloch; and died  at Creebridge; Newton…Stewart; on  the 8th of August; 1849; aged 83  years。

Captain Kenneth was tried  for the murder of Kenneth  Mackenzie; alias Jefferson。  He  was found guilty and sentenced to  be hanged; but was afterwards  pardoned。  He divorced his wife  went abroad entered the Russian  service; and was killed in 1789  near Constantinople; where he was  Assistant Consul; in a duel with  Captain Smith; master of a  merchant ship; to whom he had  entrusted all his property when he  had got into trouble about  Jefferson。  He figures in Kay's  Edinburgh portraits as one of the  Bucks of the City。

He was succeeded by his  eldest son;

IX。  RODERICK   MACKENZIE; ninth of Redcastle。   He never took possession。  The  estate; being encumbered; he sold it  in June; 1790; to James Grant of  Corriemony; for ?5;450; whose  nephew; Patrick Grant; sold it in  1828 to Sir William Fettes of  Comely Bank; Bart。; for ?33;000。   Sir William's trustees re…sold it to Colonel Hugh D。 Baillie; whose  relative; James Evan Bruce Baillie of Dochfour; now possesses it。

This Roderick; the last  direct male representative of the  House of Redcastle; died in 1798;  in Jamaica; unmarried; when the representation of the family  devolved upon his uncle; Captain John Mackenzie; VI。 of Kincraig;  of whom next。


I。  COLIN  MACKENZIE; second son of Roderick Mor Mackenzie; I。 of Redcastle; who was the first of this  family; married Catherine; daughter  of the Rev。 John Mackenzie of  Tolly; minister of Dingwall (sasine  to her 15th September; 1617); with  issue

1。  Colin; his heir and successor。

2。  Roderick; who married; first; Isabel; daughter of Hector Mackenzie; IV。 of Fairburn; and secondly; Elizabeth; daughter of John  Bayne of Tulloch; sasine to him in 1652; and to her in 1656。

3。  Margaret; who in 1638 married; first; Gilbert Robertson; II。 of Kindeace; and secondly; John; eldest son of Hugh Ross of Achnacloich。

4。  Florence; who in 1643 married David Cuthbert; Town…Clerk of Inverness。

5。  Agnes; who married; first; in 1672; Alexander Bayne of  Knockbain; and secondly; the Rev。 John Macrae; minister of Dingwall;  author of the Ardintoul MS。 History of the Mackenzies; and of a MS。 Genealogy of the MacRas。

6。  A daughter; who married John Clunes; Cromarty。  Colin  married; secondly; a daughter of Innes of Inverbreakie; widow of Murdo Mackenzie of Towie; with issueJames; who married Catherine Innes。

He died in 1649; and was succeeded by his eldest son;

II。  COLIN  MACKENZIE; second of Kincraig; who married  Agnes; 

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