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history of the mackenzies-第108节

小说: history of the mackenzies 字数: 每页4000字

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 issueJohn Mackenzie;  locally known as 〃Ian Mor Mac  Alastair Mhic Alastair Chaim。〃   JOHN  MOR married Barbara;  daughter of John Roy Mackenzie;  of Sand。  He had a tack from Sir  Alexander Mackenzie; second  Baronet and IX。 of Gairloch; of the  half of North Erradale; in 1760; for  twenty years; to begin at Whit…sunday; 1765; and he is described  in the lease as then in possession (see pp。 483…84)。  By his wife he  had issueseven sons; known as 〃Clann Ian Mhoir;〃 said to have  been the biggest and most powerful men in Gairloch in their day(1)  JOHN; 〃Ian Mor Aireach;〃 who succeeded his father in a portion of  North Erradale; and married Marsali; or Marjory; daughter of  John Ban Mackenzie; Isle of Ewe;  by his wife; Annabella; natural  daughter of Sir Alexander Mackenzie; second Baronet and IX。  of Gairloch。  By Marsali  Mackenzie; 〃Ian Mor Aireach had  issuefour sons; Duncan;  Murdoch; John Mor Og; and  William; and two daughtersAnnabella; who married her cousin   four times removed; Alexander  Mackenzie; Melvaig; the male  representative of Alastair Cam;  with issue  and Margaret; who  married John Mackenzie; also in  Melvaig; with issueseveral sons  and daughters。  The sons were also  married and left numerous descendants in Gairloch。  Ian Mor Mac  Alastair's other sons were (2)  Alexander; who died unmarried;  (3) Roderick; who married; with  issue; (4) Colin; married; with  issue; (5) Roderick Ban; unmarried;  (6) John Og; and (7) Kenneth;  married; with issue。  JOHN OG;  who was tacksman of Loch…a…Druing; married Jessie; daughter of  Miles Macrae; with issue; among  othersAlastair Og Mackenzie; tacksman of Mellan Charles; who  married Margaret; daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; of  Badachro; with issueJames  Mackenzie; who died unmarried a  few years ago; at Poolewe; John  Mackenzie; of the Beauties of  Gaelic Poetry and several other  works; who died; unmarried in his  father's house at Kirkton; in 1848;  and to whose memory a monument  was erected in 1878; by a few of  his Celtic admirers on a projecting  rock overlooking his grave in the 〃Sliochd Alastair Chaim burying  ground; within the ancient Chapel in the Gairloch Churchyard。   Alastair Og had also several  daughters; married and unmarried;  of whom three are still alive。

We shall now revert to  Alastair Cam's eldest son; by Janet  Mackenzie of Ord

I。  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; who married Isabella; daughter of  William Mackenzie of Sand; with issue; among others;

II。  HECTOR  MACKENZIE; Melvaig; who married Mary;  daughter of William Mackenzie; of the same place; with issue; along with  a younger son Murdoch;

III。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; also in Melvaig; who married  Mary; daughter of Hugh Morrison; Sand; with issue

IV。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; designated; Highland fashion;  as 〃Alastair Mac Alastair; Mhic Eachainn; ‘ic Alastair; ‘ic Ruairidh; Mhic  Alastair Chaim Mac an Tighearna。〃  He married his third cousin;  Annabella; eldest daughter of John Mor Mackenzie; 〃Ian Mor Aireach;〃  great grandson of 〃Alastair Cam Mac an Tighearna;〃 with issue; an only  son

V。  HECTOR   MACKENZIE; born in April; 1810。   His father died before Hector was a  year old; and the widow soon after  married; as her second husband;  Alexander; son of Alexander Grant;  〃Bard mor an t…Slagain;〃 with issue  three sons; Roderick; John;  Duncan; and Margaret; who  subsequently emigrated with their  father and mother to Cape Breton;  where they settled; married; and  have large families; and another  daughter; Janet; who married and  remained in Gairloch。  His father  left Hector what was considered a substantial sum of money for those  day's; in the hands of Murdo Mackenzie; tacksman of Melvaig;  one of the original Sand family; and a near relative of Gairloch; but  he never received a penny of it。  He  was thus left a penniless orphan  and was obliged to fight his way in  the world as best he could as an  honest; industrious; and respected  crofter and fisherman。  He married  on the 17th of February; 1838;  Catherine; daughter of Roderick;  eldest son of Alexander Campbell;  〃Alastair Buidhe Mac Iomhair;〃 the  well…known Gairloch Gaelic Bard;  by his wife Catherine; daughter of  Roderick; son of William  Mackenzie of Shieldaig; a cadet of  the Gairloch family。  By his wife  Catherine Campbell (who died at  Inverness on the 20th of January;  1882; and was buried at Gairloch);  or more correctly MacIver (the  family having only discarded the  older and better name and adopted  the new within living memory);  Hector Mackenzie; who is still  alive in his 84th year; had issue

1。  Alexander; of Park  House; Inverness; who was born on  Christmas Day; 1838。  He was for  seventeen years an active member  of the Town Council and a Police  Commissioner of Inverness  four  years Dean of Guild and a  Magistrate of the Burgh; as well as  a Commissioner of Supply and  Justice of Peace for the County。  He was also a member of the first  Inverness County Council; and took a prominent part in its proceedings。   In 1875 he founded the Celtic  Magazine; which he owned and  conducted for thirteen years until it  was incorporated with the Scottish  Highlander newspaper in 1888。  In  1885 he started the Scottish  Highlander; which he has managed  and edited since; and which now;  though still nominally carried on as  a Limited Liability Company; is  practically his own property。  He is  the author of several Clan histories  that of the Mackenzies; the first  edition of which appeared in 1879;  of the Macdonalds; in 1881; of the  Mathesons; in 1882; of the  Camerons; in 1884; of the  Macleods; in 1889; and of the  Chisholms; in 1891。 He is also the  author of The History of the  Highland Clearances; which  created quite a sensation when it  appeared; of the Social State of the  Isle of Skye; the Prophecies of the  Brahan Seer; and of several other  minor works。  He married; on the  3rd of August; 1865; Emma Sarah  Rose (author of Tales of the  Heather) only surviving daughter  of Thomas Whittaker Rose;  Henrietta Park Villas; Bath (still  living in his eighty…sixth year); by  his first wife Sarah Cole; with issue  Hector Rose Mackenzie; solicitor;  Inverness; who was born in  Ipswich; on the 25th of February;  1867; and married on the 19th of  July; 1892; Barbara Sutherland;  elder surviving daughter of John  Anderson; late of the 71st  Regiment of Foot (The Highland  Light Infantry); Thomas William;  born in Inverness on the 4th of  August; 1875; Alastair Ian; born on  the 30th of December; 1880;  Kenneth John; born on the 17th of  October; 1885; Catharine Anne;  born on the 24th of February; 1868;  died on the 1st of August in the  same year; and buried in Ipswich  Cemetery; Annie Emma;  Catharine; who died in infancy in  1873; Mary Rose; and Emma  Barabel。

2。  Roderick; born on the 13th of July; 1844; a member of the firm  of William Cumming & Co。; wholesale woollen warehousemen; Huddersfield; but residing in London。  He married; first; on the 18th of  January; 1871; Julia Catherine; eldest daughter of Thomas Lewis  shipowner; Sunderland; with issueWilliam Frank; who was born on the  6th of October; 1874; Hector Dundas; born on the 22nd of July; 1876;  Catherine Louisa; who died in her thirteenth year; on the 11th of July;  1884; while on a holiday visit; at Inverness; Ellen Maria; and Mary  Josephine。  His first wife having died on the 14th of June; 1881; Roderick  married; secondly; on the 18th of December; 1889; Mary Lang; daughter  of John Sandford; Cambuslang。

3。  William; clothier;  Inverness; born on the 12th of  November; 1846; and married on  the 16th of July; 1873; Annabella  Bertrude; daughter of Alexander  Grant; tacks…man of Easter  Gallovie; Strathspey; with issueAlexander Roderick; C。E。; born on  the 17th of May; 1874; Hector  Donald Grant; born on the 20th of  June; 1875; William John  Macintyre; born on the 18th of  January; 1877; James Grant; born  on the 20th of June; 1878; died on  the 23rd of September; 1889;  Arthur Henderson; born on the 9th  of February; 1880; Allan Campbell;  born on the 19th of April; 1881;  Eneas Kenneth; born on the 9th of  March; 1883; Andrew Duncan;  born on the 7th of January; 1885;  died on the 2nd of May; 1888;  Harry Macpherson; born on the  28th of October; 1887; Douglas  Mitchell; born on the 19th of  February; 1890; and Ella May; born  on the 21st of June; 1886; and died  on the 24th; three days after。

4。  Another Alexander; who served for twelve years in the 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys) in which he was Troop Sergeant…Major; and subsequently went abroad。

5。  Catherine; who married John Fraser; shipowner; Inverness; without issue。

6。  Mary; who married Alexander Fraser; and resides in  Cheltenham; with issueHector Alexander John; born on the 4th of May;  1883; Catherine Campbell; and Lily Mary。

7。  Annabella; who married George Mackenzie; draper; Ipswich; afterwards at Nairn and Inverness with issueWilliam Hector; born on the  9th of January; 1877 Alastair; born on the 5th of March; 1878; George  John; born on the 14th of April; 1884; Marion; and Catherine Campbell;  who died in infancy。  Annabella died at Edinburgh on the 9th of May;  1888; and is buried there。

This is the lease; with its miscellaneous rent; curious and antiquated c

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