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history of the mackenzies-第102节

小说: history of the mackenzies 字数: 每页4000字

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III。  CAPTAIN  JOHN  MACKENZIE; third of Lochend; who  married first; a daughter of Mr Morrison; in the Lewis; with issue

1。  Anne; who married Kenneth Gardiner; Leith。

He married; secondly; a  daughter of Roderick Morrison;  Island of Tanera; with issue

2。  Annabella; who married Neil Morrison; Sailing Master; Royal Navy; with issue。

3。  Sybella; who married Lieutenant William Ryrie; of the Royal Marines; with issue。

4。  Ellen; who married John Mackenzie; Ullapool; of the Sand  family; who resided in Tanera; without issue。

Captain John married; thirdly; a daughter of Collector John Reid; Stornoway; with issue

5。  Anne; who married Alexander Stewart; Chamberlain of the  Lewis; and afterwards factor for the Duke of Sutherland at Scourie。

6。  Alexander; who died before his father; unmarried。

7。  John Reid; who succeeded to Lochend。

8。  Daniel Lewis; who married Helen Mackay; widow of his  cousin; Donald Macdonald; master mariner; with issueAeneas;  unmarried; and Agnes Ann; who married Murdoch Mac Iver; a London  merchant; with issuea son; Kenneth; and three daughters; one of whom;  Helen Isabella; married Donald MacIver; merchant; Currachee; India。

9。  James Reid; M。D。; who married his cousin; a daughter of  Captain Donald Reid; of Eilean Riach; without issue。

10。  Margaret; alive as late as August; 1881; unmarried。

He was succeeded as representative of the family by his eldest son;

IV。  JOHN  REID  MACKENZIE; fourth of Lochend; who married  Miss Mackenzie Morrison; daughter of Captain John Morrison; RN。; and sister of Mrs Stewart; wife of the Rev。 Alexander Stewart; LL。D。; 〃Nether…Lochaber。〃  He died in New Zealand in 1879; and his wife died in the  following year; leaving issue

1。  John Alexander; his heir。

2。  Daniel Lewis。

3。  Agnes。

4。  Kennethina。

5。  Christina Mary。

He was succeeded as representative of the family by his eldest son;

V。  JOHN  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; fifth of Lochend; now  at the head of a large Insurance Company; in the City of New York。

COLONEL  GEORGE  MACKENZIE; second son of John  Mackenzie; I。 of Lochend; served first as an officer in Murray Keith's   Highland Regiment; and  was subsequently; in September 1780;  appointed Major in the 78th or Seaforth Highlanders。  He was on Sir  David Baird's Staff in India; and was present at the storming of Seringapatam。 In 1783 he was promoted to the rank of Brevet Lieutenant…Colonel。 In 1791 he was killed near Inverness; by the upsetting of a coach in which he was a passenger。  He married Christina; daughter of Captain  Hector Munro of Braemore; with issue

1。  John; a Captain in the army; who married Miss Fraser; with issueGeorge; a Lieutenant in the 2nd or Queen's Regiment; who died;  unmarried; in Madras; and Poyntz; Lieutenant 79th Cameron Highlanders;  who died; unmarried; in North America; in 1843。

2。  Poyntz; Paymaster 72nd  Highlanders; who died unmarried; at Antigua; in the West Indies。

3。  Alexander; who joined  the army on the 9th of September;  1795; as Ensign in the 39th  Regiment。  He obtained his  Lieutenancy on the 27th of  February; 1796; was in June 1802  exchanged to the 60th Rifles; and  on the 27th of April; 1809;  promoted to a Captaincy in the 81st  Regiment。  During this period he  saw much service in the Peninsula;  and was subsequently engaged in  the expedition to Flushing; for  which he received the war medal  with four clasps。 On the 31st of  October; 1811; he exchanged to the  York Light Infantry; then serving in  Jamaica; was placed on half…pay on  the reduction of that regiment on  the 19th of March; 1817; appointed to the Royal Newfoundland  Companies on the formation of that  corps on the 25th of July; 1824; and  promoted to the rank of Major in July; 1830。  He retired from the  Army in 1836 and died in Canada in 1852。  He married; first; Eliza;  daughter of Captain John Sutherland; of Shiberscross;  Sutherlandshire; with issue(1) Mary Maxwell; who married  Garland Crawford Gordon; St。  John's; Newfoundland with issue。   She (Mary Maxwell) died in 1852。   Major Alexander married;  secondly; Eliza Frances; daughter  of William Brown; of Lucea;  Jamaica; with issue(2)  ALEXANDER  WILLIAM MACKENZIE; Lieutenant…Colonel;  who joined the 1st West India Regiment as Ensign; on the 3rd of  February; 1839; and obtained his  Captaincy on the 1st of January;  1847。  He retired from this regiment in January; 1850; but was  re…appointed to the Service as Regimental Paymaster in  December 1854a  position  in   which he subsequently served in  the 48th; 54th; 3rd West India and  the 21st and 18th Regiments; until  he was transferred to the Army Pay  Department on the 1st of April;  1878。  He was promoted to the rank  of Major on the 6th of February;  1862; and to that of Lieutenant…Colonel on the 1st of October;  1882。  He married; first; Selina  Martha; fourth daughter of Captain  William Webster late of the 1st  West India and 76th Regiments; by  his wife; Marie Gabrielle; daughter  of Charles Parseille; M。D。; of  Brittany; and grand…daughter of the  Countess De Mariset; with issue(a) Alexander William Webster  Mackenzie; Lieutenant in the 100th Regiment; who married Jessie Glen  Rae; daughter of Captain Hector Munro; 2nd Queen's and Royal  Canadian Rifles; son of Captain John Munro of the Sutherland  Militia; without Issue。  He died in Canada on the 16th of October;  1867; and his wife was lost at sea in September; 1870; on the passage  from Canada to Britain; (b) Rowland Poyntz Mackenzie; who  married Rosalie MacEwen;  daughter of William Wainwright;  of Trinidad; with issueAlexander  William; who went to Columbus;  Ohio; United States of America; on  the 5th of May; 1892; and is in the  Commercial National Bank there。   The daughters were Selina  Margaret; who married Henneage  Goldie Pasea of Strathearn Lodge;  Trinidad; and Rosalie Miriam  Gray。  He died in Trinidad on the  22nd of May; 1877; (c) Charles  William Beverley Mackenzie; late  of the 71st Highland Light Infantry;  Assistant Commissary General。  He  married Selina Janet; daughter of  Alexander Gray; of Lanark; for  many years a resident proprietor in  Trinidad; and a member of the  Legislative Council of that island;  without issue。  His wife died in  Ireland on the 18th of October;  1880; and he died at Gibraltar on  the 12th of August; 1884; (d)  George Ker Mackenzie; of the Agra  Bank; India; now residing in  Bedford; England。  He married  Jamesina Greig; daughter of Hugh  Fraser; a native of Kingussie; for  many years a resident proprietor in Calcutta; with issueGeorge  Fraser; who died in infancy; Hugh Fraser; Charles Fraser Alexander  Fraser; who died in childhood; and  Selina Fraser; (e) Evelina Gray;  who married Colonel Charles Hill  Jones; of the 54th Regiment; who  died; without issue; on the 3rd of  September; 1876; while in command of the 13th and 14th Sub…Districts at Liverpool。 Lieutenant  Colonel Alexander William Mackenzie's first wife died at  Folkstone; on the 13th of  December; 1890; and he married;  secondly; Mary Jane; daughter of  Thomas Crawford; coal…owner;  Little Town House; Durham。  (3)  George John Poyntz Mackenzie; a  resident proprietor; and for several  years a member of the Legislative  Council of Trinidad。  He married  Emily; daughter of a Mr Williams;  of that island; with issue; (4) Innes Munro Mackenzie; who died in  infancy; (5) Innes Munro  Mackenzie; who married Sarah  Nicholson; Lewes; Sussex; and  latterly of Toronto; Canada; with  issue; (6) Wemyss Erskine  Sutherland Mackenzie; who married Eliza Marache; Trinidad;  with issue。  He died in 1872 at La Guyra; Spanish Main; South  America; (7) Norman Leslie  Mackenzie; who married Catherine  Forsyth; Trinidad; with issue。  He  was drowned in the Gulf of Paria;  in 1858; by the upsetting of a  sailing…boat in which he was  proceeding from Port of Spain to  San Fernando; (8) the Rev。 Garland  Crawford Mackenzie; Rural Dean  of Brant; Ontario; Canada; who  married Helen; daughter of the  Rev。 Michael Boomer; Dean of  Ontaria; with issue; (9) Eliza  Francis Cressy; who married Henry  Lord; M。D。; Canada; with issue。   She died in 1851; (10) Lydia; who  married Henry Rowland Hanning;  Danville; Canada; without issue。   She died in 1857。

4。  Eliza (eldest daughter of Colonel George Mackenzie); married her cousin; the distinguished Colonel Alexander Mackenzie; fourth son of  William Mackenzie; IV。 of Gruinard; with issueCaptain George; who  was killed in action; unmarried; and Alexanderina; who married  Alexander Grove; M。D。; R。N。; Greenwich Hospital; with issue。

5。  Lilias; who married Captain Macgregor of the 18th Regiment; without issue。

6。  Georgina; who married a Mr Euracht; without issue。

7。  Christina; who  married  Angus  Macleod; Banff; with issue。

8。  Annabella; who married Captain John Munro of Kirkton; with issue。


I。  CHARLES  MACKENZIE; first of Letterewe; was the eldest son by his  third wife; Janet; daughter of John  Cuthbert of Castle Hill; Inverness  (marriage contract; 17th December;  1658); of Alexander Mackenzie;  VI。 of Gairloch。  He is originally  designed of Mellan Charles; no  doubt so called after himself; but  by his father's marriage contract he  got Log

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