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弌傍 agamemnon 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

    As column stout that holds the roof aloft

    As only child unto a sire bereaved

    As land beheld察past hope察by crews forlorn

    As sunshine fair when tempest's wrath is past

    As gushing spring to thirsty wayfarer。

    So sweet it is to 'scape the press of pain。

    With such salute I bid my husband hail

    Nor heaven be wroth therewith for long and hard

    I bore that ire of old。

                          Sweet lord察step forth

    Step from thy car察I pray´nay察not on earth

    Plant the proud foot察O king察that trod down Troy

    Women why tarry ye察whose task it is

    To spread your monarch's path with tapestry

    Swift察swift察with purple strew his passage fair

    That justice lead him to a home察at last

    He scarcely looked to see。

    The attendant women spread the tapestry。

                             For what remains

    Zeal unsubdued by sleep shall nerve my hand

    To work as right and as the gods command。

  AGAMEMNON still in the chariot

    Daughter of Leda察watcher o'er my home

    Thy greeting well befits mine absence long

    For late and hardly has it reached its end。

    Know察that the praise which honour bids us crave

    Must come from others' lips察not from our own

    See too that not in fashion feminine

    Thou make a warrior's pathway delicate

    Not unto me察as to some Eastern lord

    Bowing thyself to earth察make homage loud。

    Strew not this purple that shall make each step

    An arrogance察such pomp beseems the gods

    Not me。 A mortal man to set his foot

    On these rich dyes拭I hold such pride in fear

    And bid thee honour me as man察not god。

    Fear not´such footcloths and all gauds apart

    Loud from the trump of Fame my name is blown

    Best gift of heaven it is察in glory's hour

    To think thereon with soberness此and thou´

    Bethink thee of the adage察Call none blest

    Till peaceful death have crowned a life of weal。

    'Tis said此I fain would fare unvexed by fear。


    Nay察but unsay it´thwart not thou my will


    Know察I have said察and will not mar my word。


    Was it fear made this meekness to the gods


    If cause be cause察'tis mine for this resolve。


    What察think'st thou察in thy place had Priam done


    He surely would have walked on broidered robes。


    Then fear not thou the voice of human blame。


    Yet mighty is the murmur of a crowd。


    Shrink not from envy察appanage of bliss。


    War is not woman's part察nor war of words。


    Yet happy victors well may yield therein。


    Dost crave for triumph in this petty strife


    Yield察of thy grace permit me to prevail


    Then察if thou wilt察let some one stoop to loose

    Swiftly these sandals察slaves beneath my foot

    And stepping thus upon the sea's rich dye

    I pray察Let none among the gods look down

    With jealous eye on me´reluctant all

    To trample thus and mar a thing of price

    Wasting the wealth of garments silver´worth。

    Enough hereof此and察for the stranger maid

    Lead her within察but gently此God on high

    Looks graciously on him whom triumph's hour

    Has made not pitiless。 None willingly

    Wear the slave's yoke´and she察the prize and flower

    Of all we won察comes hither in my train

    Gift of the army to its chief and lord。

    ´Now察since in this my will bows down to thine

    I will pass in on purples to my home。

    He descends from the chariot察and moves towards the palace。


    A Sea there is´and who shall stay its springs

    And deep within its breast察a mighty store

    Precious as silver察of the purple dye

    Whereby the dipped robe doth its tint renew。

    Enough of such察O king察within thy halls

    There lies察a store that cannot fail察but I´

    I would have gladly vowed unto the gods

    Cost of a thousand garments trodden thus

    Had once the oracle such gift required

    Contriving ransom for thy life preserved。

    For while the stock is firm the foliage climbs

    Spreading a shade察what time the dog´star glows

    And thou察returning to thine hearth and home

    Art as a genial warmth in winter hours

    Or as a coolness察when the lord of heaven

    Mellows the juice within the bitter grape。

    Such boons and more doth bring into a home

    The present footstep of its proper lord。

    Zeus察Zeus察Fulfilment's lord my vows fulfil

    And whatsoe'er it be察work forth thy will

                             She follows AGAMEMNON into the palace。

  CHORUS singing

                                                            strophe 1

        Wherefore for ever on the wings of fear

          Hovers a vision drear

        Before my boding heart拭a strain

        Unbidden and unwelcome察thrills mine ear

          Oracular of pain。

        Not as of old upon my bosom's throne

          Sits Confidence察to spurn

          Such fears察like dreams we know not to discern。

    Old察old and grey long since the time has grown

          Which saw the linked cables moor

      The fleet察when erst it came to Ilion's sandy shore

                                                        antistrophe 1

          And now mine eyes and not another's see

            Their safe return。

          Yet none the less in me

      The inner spirit sings a boding song

          Self´prompted察sings the Furies' strain´

            And seeks察and seeks in vain

            To hope and to be strong

      Ah to some end of Fate察unseen察unguessed

          Are these wild throbbings of my heart and breast´

            Yea察of some doom they tell´

              Each pulse察a knell。

          Lief察lief I were察that all

      To unfulfilment's hidden realm might fall。

                                                            strophe 2

        Too far察too far our mortal spirits strive

          Grasping at utter weal察unsatisfied´

        Till the fell curse察that dwelleth hard beside

        Thrust down the sundering wall。 Too fair they blow

          The gales that waft our bark on Fortune's tide

          Swiftly we sail察the sooner an to drive

          Upon the hidden rock察the reef of woe。

        Then if the hand of caution warily

          Sling forth into the sea

        Part of the freight察lest all should sink below

        From the deep death it saves the bark此even so

          Doom´laden though it be察once more may rise

          His household察who is timely wise。

          How oft the famine´stricken field

    Is saved by God's large gift察the new year's yield

                                                        antistrophe 2

            But blood of man once spilled

         Once at his feet shed forth察and darkening the plain察

           Nor chant nor charm can call it back again。

            So Zeus hath willed

    Else had he spared the leech Asclepius察skilled

        To bring man from the dead此the hand divine

    Did smite himself with death´a warning and a sign´

        Ah me if Fate察ordained of old

    Held not the will of gods constrained察controlled

        Helpless to us´ward察and apart´

        Swifter than speech my heart

    Had poured its presage out

    Now察fretting察chafing in the dark of doubt

        'Tis hopeless to unfold

    Truth察from fear's tangled skein察and察yearning to proclaim

        Its thought察my soul is prophecy and flame。

    CLYTEMNESTRA comes out of the palace and addresses CASSANDRA

        who has remained motionless in her chariot。


    Get thee within thou too察Cassandra察go

    For Zeus to thee in gracious mercy grants

    To share the sprinklings of the lustral bowl

    Beside the altar of his guardianship

    Slave among many slaves。 What察haughty still

    Step from the car察Alcmena's son察'tis said

    Was sold perforce and bore the yoke of old。

    Ay察hard it is察but察if such fate befall

    'Tis a fair chance to serve within a home

    Of ancient wealth and power。 An upstart lord

    To whom wealth's harvest came beyond his hope

    Is as a lion to his slaves察in all

    Exceeding fierce察immoderate in sway。

    Pass in此thou hearest what our ways will be。


    Clear unto thee察O maid察is her command

    But thou´within the toils of Fate thou art´

    If such thy will察I urge thee to obey

    Yet I misdoubt thou dost nor hear nor heed。


    I wot´unless like swallows she doth use

    Some strange barbarian tongue from oversea´

    My words must sp

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