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the professor at the breakfast table-第6节

小说: the professor at the breakfast table 字数: 每页4000字

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strident; her laugh too much like a giggle; and she has that foolish

way of dancing and bobbing like a quill…float with a 〃minnum〃 biting

the hook below it; which one sees and weeps over sometimes in persons

of more pretensions。  I can't help hoping we shall put something into

that empty chair yet which will add the missing string to our social

harp。  I hear talk of a rare Miss who is expected。  Something in the

schoolgirl way; I believe。  We shall see。

My friend who calls himself The Autocrat has given me a caution

which I am going to repeat; with my comment upon it; for the benefit

of all concerned。

Professor;said he; one day;don't you think your brain will run

dry before a year's out; if you don't get the pump to help the cow?

Let me tell you what happened to me once。  I put a little money into

a bank; and bought a check…book; so that I might draw it as I wanted;

in sums to suit。  Things went on nicely for a time; scratching with a

pen was as easy as rubbing Aladdin's Lamp; and my blank check…book

seemed to be a dictionary of possibilities; in which I could find all

the synonymes of happiness; and realize any one of them on the spot。

A check came back to me at last with these two words on it;NO

FUNDS。  My check…book was a volume of waste…paper。

Now; Professor;said he;I have drawn something out of your bank;

you know; and just so sure as you keep drawing out your soul's

currency without making new deposits; the next thing will be; NO

FUNDS;and then where will you be; my boy?  These little bits of

paper mean your gold and your silver and your copper; Professor; and

you will certainly break up and go to pieces; if you don't hold on to

your metallic basis。

There is something in that;said I。 Only I rather think life can

coin thought somewhat faster than I can count it off in words。  What

if one shall go round and dry up with soft napkins all the dew that

falls of a June evening on the leaves of his garden?  Shall there be

no more dew on those leaves thereafter?  Marry; yea;many drops;

large and round and full of moonlight as those thou shalt have


Here am I; the Professor;a man who has lived long enough to have

plucked the flowers of life and come to the berries;which are not

always sad…colored; but sometimes golden…hued as the crocus of April;

or rosy…cheeked as the damask of June; a man who staggered against

books as a baby; and will totter against them; if he lives to

decrepitude; with a brain full of tingling thoughts; such as they

are; as a limb which we call 〃asleep;〃 because it is so particuly

awake; is of pricking points; presenting a key…board of nerve…pulps;

not as yet tanned or ossified; to finger…touch of all outward

agencies; knowing nothing of the filmy threads of this web of life in

which we insects buzz awhile; waiting for the gray old spider to come

along; contented enough with daily realities; but twirling on his

finger the key of a private Bedlam of ideals; in knowledge feeding

with the fox oftener than with the stork;loving better the breadth

of a fertilizing inundation than the depth of narrow artesian well;

finding nothing too small for his contemplation in the markings of

the grammatophora subtilissima; and nothing too large in the movement

of the solar system towards the star Lambda of the constellation

Hercules;and the question is; whether there is anything left for

me; the Professor; to suck out of creation; after my lively friend

has had his straw in the bung…hole of the Universe!

A man's mental reactions with the atmosphere of life must go on;

whether he will or no; as between his blood and the air he breathes。

As to catching the residuum of the process; or what we call thought;…

…the gaseous ashes of burned…out thinking;the excretion of mental

respiration;that will depend on many things; as; on having a

favorable intellectual temperature about one; and a fitting

receptacle。 I sow more thought…seeds in twenty…four hours' travel

over the desert…sand along which my lonely consciousness paces day

and night; than I shall throw into soil where it will germinate; in a

year。  All sorts of bodily and mental perturbations come between us

and the due projection of our thought。  The pulse…like 〃fits of easy

and difficult transmission〃 seem to reach even the transparent medium

through which our souls are seen。  We know our humanity by its often

intercepted rays; as we tell a revolving light from a star or meteor

by its constantly recurring obscuration。

An illustrious scholar once told me; that; in the first lecture he

ever delivered; he spoke but half his allotted time; and felt as if

he had told all he knew。  Braham came forward once to sing one of his

most famous and familiar songs; and for his life could not recall the

first line of it;he told his mishap to the audience; and they

screamed it at him in a chorus of a thousand voices。  Milton could

not write to suit himself; except from the autumnal to the vernal

equinox。  One in the clothing…business; who; there is reason to

suspect; may have inherited; by descent; the great poet's impressible

temperament; let a customer slip through his fingers one day without

fitting him with a new garment。  〃Ah!〃 said he to a friend of mine;

who was standing by; 〃if it hadn't been for that confounded headache

of mine this morning; I'd have had a coat on that man; in spite of

himself; before he left…the store。〃  A passing throb; only;but it

deranged the nice mechanism required to persuade the accidental human

being; X; into a given piece of broadcloth; A。

We must take care not to confound this frequent difficulty of

transmission of our ideas with want of ideas。  I suppose that a man's

mind does in time form a neutral salt with the elements in the

universe for which it has special elective affinities。  In fact; I

look upon a library as a kind of mental chemist's shop filled with

the crystals of all forms and hues which have come from the union of

individual thought with local circumstances or universal principles。

When a man has worked out his special affinities in this way; there

is an end of his genius as a real solvent。  No more effervescence and

hissing tumultas he pours his sharp thought on the world's biting

alkaline unbeliefs!  No more corrosion of the old monumental tablets

covered with lies!  No more taking up of dull earths; and turning

them; first into clear solutions; and then into lustrous prisms!

I; the Professor; am very much like other men: I shall not find out

when I have used up my affinities。  What a blessed thing it is; that

Nature; when she invented; manufactured; and patented her authors;

contrived to make critics out of the chips that were left!  Painful

as the task is; they never fail to warn the author; in the most

impressive manner; of the probabilities of failure in what he has

undertaken。  Sad as the necessity is to their delicate sensibilities;

they never hesitate to advertise him of the decline of his powers;

and to press upon him the propriety of retiring before he sinks into

imbecility。  Trusting to their kind offices; I shall endeavor to


Bridget enters and begins clearing the table。

The following poem is my (The Professor's) only contribution to the

great department of Ocean…Cable literature。  As all the poets of this

country will be engaged for the next six weeks in writing for the

premium offered by the Crystal…Palace Company for the Burns

Centenary; (so called; according to our Benjamin Franklin; because

there will be nary a cent for any of us;) poetry will be very scarce

and dear。  Consumers may; consequently; be glad to take the present

article; which; by the aid of a Latin tutorand a Professor of

Chemistry; will be found intelligible to the educated classes。

                  DE SAUTY


         Professor。       Blue…Nose。


Tell me; O Provincial!  speak; Ceruleo…Nasal!

Lives there one De Sauty extant now among yon;

Whispering Boanerges; son of silent thunder;

Holding talk with nations ?

Is there a De Sauty; ambulant on Tellus;

Bifid…cleft like mortals; dormient in night…cap;

Having sight; smell; hearing; food…receiving feature

Three times daily patent ?

Breathes there such a being; O Ceruleo…Nasal?

Or is he a mythus;ancient word for 〃humbug;〃

Such as Livy told about the wolf that wet…nursed

Romulus and Remus?

Was he born of woman; this alleged De Sauty?

Or a living product of galvanic action;

Like the status bred in Crosses flint…solution?

Speak; thou Cyano…Rhinal!


Many things thou askest; jackknife…bearing stranger;

Much…conjecturing mortal; pork…and…treacle…waster!

Pretermit thy whittling; wheel thine ear…flap toward me;

Thou shalt hear them answered。

When the charge galvanic tingled through the cable;

At the polar focus of the wi

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