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the professor at the breakfast table-第45节

小说: the professor at the breakfast table 字数: 每页4000字

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unsunned depths of a young girl's nature; which I can look through;

as the balloon…voyagers tell us they see from their hanging…baskets

through the translucent waters which the keenest eye of such as sail

over them in ships might strive to pierce in vain?  Why has the

child trusted me with such artless confessions;self…revelations;

which might be whispered by trembling lips; under the veil of

twilight; in sacred confessionals; but which I cannot look at in the

light of day without a feeling of wronging a sacred confidence?

To all this the answer seemed plain enough after a little thought。

She did not know how fearfully she had disclosed herself; she was

too profoundly innocent。  Her soul was no more ashamed than the fair

shapes that walked in Eden without a thought of over…liberal

loveliness。  Having nobody to tell her story to;having; as she

said in her verses; no musical instrument to laugh and cry with

her;nothing; in short; but the language of pen and pencil;all

the veinings of her nature were impressed on these pages as those of

a fresh leaf are transferred to the blank sheets which inclose it。

It was the same thing which I remember seeing beautifully shown in a

child of some four or five years we had one day at our boarding…

house。  The child was a deaf mute。  But its soul had the inner sense

that answers to hearing; and the shaping capacity which through

natural organs realizes itself in words。  Only it had to talk with

its face alone; and such speaking eyes; such rapid alternations of

feeling and shifting expressions of thought as flitted over its

face; I have never seen in any other human countenance。

I wonder if something of spiritual transparency is not typified in

the golden…blonde organization。  There are a great many little

creatures;many small fishes; for instance;which are literally

transparent; with the exception of some of the internal organs。  The

heart can be seen beating as if in a case of clouded crystal。  The

central nervous column with its sheath runs as a dark stripe through

the whole length of the diaphanous muscles of the body。  Other

little creatures are so darkened with pigment that we can see only

their surface。  Conspirators and poisoners are painted with black;

beady…eyes and swarthy hue; Judas; in Leonardo's picture; is the

model of them all。

However this may be; I should say there never had been a book like

this of Iris;so full of the heart's silent language; so

transparent that the heart itself could be seen beating through it。

I should say there never could have been such a book; but for one

recollection; which is not peculiar to myself; but is shared by a

certain number of my former townsmen。  If you think I over…color

this matter of the young girl's book; hear this; which there are

others; as I just said; besides myself; will tell you is strictly



In the town called Cantabridge; now a city; water…veined and gas

windpiped; in the street running down to the Bridge; beyond which

dwelt Sally; told of in a book of a friend of mine; was of old a

house inhabited by three maidens。  They left no near kinsfolk; I

believe; whether they did or not; I have no ill to speak of them;

for they lived and died in all good report and maidenly credit。  The

house they lived in was of the small; gambrel…roofed cottage

pattern; after the shape of Esquires' houses; but after the size of

the dwellings of handicraftsmen。  The lower story was fitted up as a

shop。  Specially was it provided with one of those half…doors now so

rarely met with; which are to whole doors as spencers worn by old

folk are to coats。  They speak of limited commerce united with a

social or observing dispositionon the part of the shopkeeper;

allowing; as they do; talk with passers…by; yet keeping off such as

have not the excuse of business to cross the threshold。  On the

door…posts; at either side; above the half…door; hung certain

perennial articles of merchandise; of which my memory still has

hanging among its faded photographs a kind of netted scarf and some

pairs of thick woollen stockings。  More articles; but not very many;

were stored inside; and there was one drawer; containing children's

books; out of which I once was treated to a minute quarto ornamented

with handsome cuts。  This was the only purchase I ever knew to be

made at the shop kept by the three maiden ladies; though it is

probable there were others。  So long as I remember the shop; the

same scarf and; I should say; the same stockings hung on the door…

posts。 You think I am exaggerating again; and that shopkeepers

would not keep the same article exposed for years。  Come to me; the

Professor; and I will take you in five minutes to a shop in this

city where I will show you an article hanging now in the very place

where more than thirty years ago I myself inquired the price of it

of the present head of the establishment。 ' This was a glass

alembic; which hung up in Daniel Henchman's apothecary shop; corner

of Cambridge and Chambers streets。'

The three maidens were of comely presence; and one of them had had

claims to be considered a Beauty。  When I saw them in the old

meeting…house on Sundays; as they rustled in through the aisles in

silks and satins; not gay; but more than decent; as I remember them;

I thought of My Lady Bountiful in the history of 〃Little King

Pippin;〃 and of the Madam Blaize of Goldsmith (who; by the way; must

have taken the hint of it from a pleasant poem; 〃Monsieur de la

Palisse;〃 attributed to De la Monnoye; in the collection of French

songs before me)。  There was some story of an old romance in which

the Beauty had played her part。  Perhaps they all had had lovers;

for; as I said; they were shapely and seemly personages; as I

remember them; but their lives were out of the flower and in the

berry at the time of my first recollections。

One after another they all three dropped away; objects of kindly

attention to the good people round; leaving little or almost

nothing; and nobody to inherit it。  Not absolutely nothing; of

course。  There must have been a few old dressesperhaps some bits

of furniture; a Bible; and the spectacles the good old souls read it

through; and little keepsakes; such as make us cry to look at; when

we find them in old drawers;such relics there must have been。  But

there was more。  There was a manuscript of some hundred pages;

closely written; in which the poor things had chronicled for many

years the incidents of their daily life。  After their death it was

passed round somewhat freely; and fell into my hands。  How I have

cried and laughed and colored over it!  There was nothing in it to

be ashamed of; perhaps there was nothing in it to laugh at; but such

a picture of the mode of being of poor simple good old women I do

believe was never drawn before。  And there were all the smallest

incidents recorded; such as do really make up humble life; but which

die out of all mere literary memoirs; as the houses where the

Egyptians or the Athenians lived crumble and leave only their

temples standing。  I know; for instance; that on a given day of a

certain year; a kindly woman; herself a poor widow; now; I trust;

not without special mercies in heaven for her good deeds;for I

read her name on a proper tablet in the churchyard a week ago;sent

a fractional pudding from her own table to the Maiden Sisters; who;

I fear; from the warmth and detail of their description; were

fasting; or at least on short allowance; about that time。  I know

who sent them the segment of melon; which in her riotous fancy one

of them compared to those huge barges to which we give the

ungracious name of mudscows。  But why should I illustrate further

what it seems almost a breach of confidence to speak of?  Some kind

friend; who could challenge a nearer interest than the curious

strangers into whose hands the book might fall; at last claimed it;

and I was glad that it should be henceforth sealed to common eyes。

I learned from it that every good and; alas! every evil act we do

may slumber unforgotten even in some earthly record。  I got a new

lesson in that humanity which our sharp race finds it so hard to

learn。  The poor widow; fighting hard to feed and clothe and educate

her children; had not forgotten the poorer ancient maidens。

I remembered it the other day; as I stood by her place of rest; and

I felt sure that it was remembered elsewhere。  I know there are

prettier words than pudding; but I can't help it;the pudding went

upon the record; I feel sure; with the mite which was cast into the

treasury by that other poor widow whose deed the world shall

remember forever; and with the coats and garments which the good

women cried over; when Tabitha; called by interpretation Dorcas; lay

dead in the upper chamber; with her charitable needlework strewed

around her。

Such was the Book of the Maiden Sisters。  You w

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