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the professor at the breakfast table-第44节

小说: the professor at the breakfast table 字数: 每页4000字

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tints have faded out as their line of descent has become

impoverished; are of various blood; and in them the soul has often

become pale with that blanching of the hair and loss of color in the

eyes which makes them approach the character of Albinesses。

I see in this young girl that union of strength and sensibility

which; when directed and impelled by the strong instinct so apt to

accompany this combination of active and passive capacity; we call

genius。  She is not an accomplished artist; certainly; as yet; but

there is always an air in every careless figure she draws; as it

were of upward aspiration;the elan of John of Bologna's Mercury;

a lift to them; as if they had on winged sandals; like the herald of

the Gods。  I hear her singing sometimes; and though she evidently is

not trained; yet is there a wild sweetness in her fitful and

sometimes fantastic melodies;such as can come only from the

inspiration of the moment;strangely enough; reminding me of those

long passages I have heard from my little neighbor's room; yet of

different tone; and by no means to be mistaken for those weird


I cannot pretend to deny that I am interested in the girl。  Alone;

unprotected; as I have seen so many young girls left in boarding…

houses; the centre of all the men's eyes that surround the table;

watched with jealous sharpness by every woman; most of all by that

poor relation of our landlady; who belongs to the class of women

that like to catch others in mischief when they themselves are too

mature for indiscretions; (as one sees old rogues turn to thief…

catchers;) one of Nature's gendarmerie; clad in a complete suit of

wrinkles; the cheapest coat…of…mail against the shafts of the great

little enemy;so surrounded; Iris spans this commonplace household…

life of ours with her arch of beauty; as the rainbow; whose name she

borrows; looks down on a dreary pasture with its feeding flocks and

herds of indifferent animals。

These young girls that live in boarding…houses can do pretty much as

they will。  The female gendarmes are off guard occasionally。  The

sitting…room has its solitary moments; when any two boarders who

wish to meet may come together accidentally; (accidentally; I said;

Madam; and I had not the slightest intention of Italicizing the

word;) and discuss the social or political questions of the day; or

any other subject that may prove interesting。  Many charming

conversations take place at the foot of the stairs; or while one of

the parties is holding the latch of a door;in the shadow of

porticoes; and especially on those outside balconies which some of

our Southern neighbors call 〃stoops;〃 the most charming places in

the world when the moon is just right and the roses and honeysuckles

are in full blow;as we used to think in eighteen hundred and never

mention it。

On such a balcony or 〃stoop;〃 one evening; I walked with Iris。  We

were on pretty good terms now; and I had coaxed her arm under mine;…

…my left arm; of course。  That leaves one's right arm free to defend

the lovely creature; if the rivalodious wretch! attempt; to ravish

her from your side。  Likewise if one's heart should happen to beat a

little; its mute language will not be without its meaning; as you

will perceive when the arm you hold begins to tremble; a

circumstance like to occur; if you happen to be a good…looking young

fellow; and you two have the 〃stoop〃 to yourselves。

We had it to ourselves that evening。  The Koh…inoor; as we called

him; was in a corner with our landlady's daughter。  The young fellow

John was smoking out in the yard。  The gendarme was afraid of the

evening air; and kept inside; The young Marylander came to the door;

looked out and saw us walking together; gave his hat a pull over his

forehead and stalked off。  I felt a slight spasm; as it were; in the

arm I held; and saw the girl's head turn over her shoulder for a

second。  What a kind creature this is!  She has no special interest

in this youth; but she does not like to see a young fellow going off

because he feels as if he were not wanted。

She had her locked drawing…book under her arm。 Let me take it;I


She gave it to me to carry。

This is full of caricatures of all of us; I am sure;said I。

She laughed; and said;No;not all of you。

I was there; of course?

Why; no;she had never taken so much pains with me。

Then she would let me see the inside of it?

She would think of it。

Just as we parted; she took a little key from her pocket and handed

it to me。  This unlocks my naughty book;she said;you shall see

it。  I am not afraid of you。

I don't know whether the last words exactly pleased me。  At any

rate; I took the book and hurried with it to my room。  I opened it;

and saw; in a few glances; that I held the heart of Iris in my hand。

I have no verses for you this month; except these few lines

suggested by the season。


Here!  sweep these foolish leaves away;

I will not crush my brains to…day!

Look! are the southern curtains drawn?

Fetch me a fan; and so begone!

Not that;the palm…tree's rustling leaf

Brought from a parching coral…reef!

Its breath is heated;I would swing

The broad gray plumes;the eagle's wing。

I hate these roses' feverish blood!

Pluck me a half…blown lily…bud;

A long…stemmed lily from the lake;

Cold as a coiling water…snake。

Rain me sweet odors on the air;

And wheel me up my Indian chair;

And spread some book not overwise

Flat out before my sleepy eyes。

Who knows it not;this dead recoil

Of weary fibres stretched with toil;

The pulse that flutters faint and low

When Summer's seething breezes blow?

O Nature!  bare thy loving breast

And give thy child one hour of rest;

One little hour to lie unseen

Beneath thy scarf of leafy green!

So; curtained by a singing pine;

Its murmuring voice shall blend with mine;

Till; lost in dreams; my faltering lay

In sweeter music dies away。


          IRIS; HER BOOK

I pray thee by the soul of her that bore thee;

By thine own sister's spirit I implore thee;

Deal gently with the leaves that lie before thee!

For Iris had no mother to infold her;

Nor ever leaned upon a sister's shoulder;

Telling the twilight thoughts that Nature told her。

She had not learned the mystery of awaking

Those chorded keys that soothe a sorrow's aching;

Giving the dumb heart voice; that else were breaking。

Yet lived; wrought; suffered。  Lo; the pictured token!

Why should her fleeting day…dreams fade unspoken;

Like daffodils that die with sheaths unbroken?

She knew not love; yet lived in maiden fancies;

Walked simply clad; a queen of high romances;

And talked strange tongues with angels in her trances。

Twin…souled she seemed; a twofold nature wearing;

Sometimes a flashing falcon in her daring;

Then a poor mateless dove that droops despairing。

Questioning all things: Why her Lord had sent her?

What were these torturing gifts; and wherefore lent her?

Scornful as spirit fallen; its own tormentor。

And then all tears and anguish: Queen of Heaven;

Sweet Saints; and Thou by mortal sorrows riven;

Save me!  oh; save me!  Shall I die forgiven?

And thenAh; God!  But nay; it little matters

Look at the wasted seeds that autumn scatters;

The myriad germs that Nature shapes and shatters!

If she hadWell!  She longed; and knew not wherefore

Had the world nothing she might live to care for?

No second self to say her evening prayer for?

She knew the marble shapes that set men dreaming;

Yet with her shoulders bare and tresses streaming

Showed not unlovely to her simple seeming。

Vain?  Let it be so!  Nature was her teacher。

What if a lonely and unsistered creature

Loved her own harmless gift of pleasing feature;

Saying; unsaddened;This shall soon be faded;

And double…hued the shining tresses braided;

And all the sunlight of the morning shaded?

This her poor book is full of saddest follies;

Of tearful smiles and laughing melancholies;

With summer roses twined and wintry hollies。

In the strange crossing of uncertain chances;

Somewhere; beneath some maiden's tear…dimmed glances

May fall her little book of dreams and fancies。

Sweet sister!  Iris; who shall never name thee;

Trembling for fear her open heart may shame thee;

Speaks from this vision…haunted page to claim thee。

Spare her; I pray thee!  If the maid is sleeping;

Peace with her! she has had her hour of weeping。

No more!  She leaves her memory in thy keeping。

These verses were written in the first leaves of the locked volume。

As I turned the pages; I hesitated for a moment。  Is it quite fair

to take advantage of a generous; trusting impulse to read the

unsunned depths of a young girl's nature; which I can look through;

as the balloon…voyagers tell us th

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