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the professor at the breakfast table-第30节

小说: the professor at the breakfast table 字数: 每页4000字

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speaks; and looking into his sad eyes as if she found some fountain

in them at which her soul could quiet its thirst。

Women like the Model are a natural product of a chilly climate and

high culture。  It is not

    〃The frolic wind that breathes the spring;

     Zephyr with Aurora playing;〃

when the two meet

    〃…on beds of violets blue;

     And fresh…blown roses washed in dew;〃

that claim such women as their offspring。  It is rather the east

wind; as it blows out of the fogs of Newfoundland; and clasps a

clear…eyed wintry noon on the chill bridal couch of a New England

ice…quarry。 Don't throw up your cap now; and hurrah as if this

were giving up everything; and turning against the best growth of

our latitudes;the daughters of the soil。  The brain…women never

interest us like the heart women; white roses please less than red。

But our Northern seasons have a narrow green streak of spring; as

well as a broad white zone of winter;they have a glowing band of

summer and a golden stripe of autumn in their many…colored wardrobe;

and women are born to us that wear all these hues of earth and

heaven in their souls。  Our ice…eyed brain…women are really

admirable; if we only ask of them just what they can give; and no

more。  Only compare them; talking or writing; with one of those

babbling; chattering dolls; of warmer latitudes; who do not know

enough even to keep out of print; and who are interesting to us only

as specimens of arrest of development for our psychological


Good…bye; Model of all the Virtues!  We can spare you now。  A little

clear perfection; undiluted with human weakness; goes a great way。

Go! be useful; be honorable and honored; be just; be charitable;

talk pure reason; and help to disenchant the world by the light of

an achromatic understanding。  Goodbye!  Where is my Beranger?  I

must read a verse or two of 〃Fretillon。〃

Fair play for all。  But don't claim incompatible qualities for

anybody。  Justice is a very rare virtue in our community。

Everything that public sentiment cares about is put into a Papin's

digester; and boiled under high pressure till all is turned into one

homogeneous pulp; and the very bones give up their jelly。  What are

all the strongest epithets of our dictionary to us now?  The critics

and politicians; and especially the philanthropists; have chewed

them; till they are mere wads of syllable…fibre; without a

suggestion of their old pungency and power。

Justice!  A good man respects the rights even of brute matter and

arbitrary symbols。  If he writes the same word twice in succession;

by accident; he always erases the one that stands second; has not

the first…comer the prior right?  This act of abstract justice;

which I trust many of my readers; like myself; have often performed;

is a curious anti…illustration; by the way; of the absolute

wickedness of human dispositions。  Why doesn't a man always strike

out the first of the two words; to gratify his diabolical love of


So; I say; we owe a genuine; substantial tribute of respect to these

filtered intellects which have left their womanhood on the strainer。

They are so clear that it is a pleasure at times to look at the

world of thought through them。  But the rose and purple tints of

richer natures they cannot give us; and it is not just to them to

ask it。

Fashionable society gets at these rich natures very often in a way

one would hardly at first think of。  It loves vitality above all

things; sometimes disguised by affected languor; always well kept

under by the laws of good…breeding;but still it loves abundant

life; opulent and showy organizations;the spherical rather than

the plane trigonometry of female architecture;plenty of red blood;

flashing eyes; tropical voices; and forms that bear the splendors of

dress without growing pale beneath their lustre。  Among these you

will find the most delicious women you will ever meet;women whom

dress and flattery and the round of city gayeties cannot spoil;

talking with whom; you forget their diamonds and laces;and around

whom all the nice details of elegance; which the cold…blooded beauty

next them is scanning so nicely; blend in one harmonious whole; too

perfect to be disturbed by the petulant sparkle of a jewel; or the

yellow glare of a bangle; or the gay toss of a feather。

There are many things that I; personally; love better than fashion

or wealth。  Not to speak of those highest objects of our love and

loyalty; I think I love ease and independence better than the golden

slavery of perpetual matinees and soirees; or the pleasures of


But fashion and wealth are two very solemn realities; which the

frivolous class of moralists have talked a great deal of silly stuff

about。  Fashion is only the attempt to realize Art in living forms

and social intercourse。  What business has a man who knows nothing

about the beautiful; and cannot pronounce the word view; to talk

about fashion to a set of people who; if one of the quality left a

card at their doors; would contrive to keep it on the very top of

their heap of the names of their two…story acquaintances; till it

was as yellow as the Codex Vaticanus?

Wealth; too;what an endless repetition of the same foolish

trivialities about it!  Take the single fact of its alleged

uncertain tenure and transitory character。  In old times; when men

were all the time fighting and robbing each other;in those

tropical countries where the Sabeans and the Chaldeans stole all a

man's cattle and camels; and there were frightful tornadoes and

rains of fire from heaven; it was true enough that riches took wings

to themselves not unfrequently in a very unexpected way。  But; with

common prudence in investments; it is not so now。  In fact; there is

nothing earthly that lasts so well; on the whole; as money。  A man's

learning dies with him; even his virtues fade out of remembrance;

but the dividends on the stocks he bequeaths to his children live

and keep his memory green。

I do not think there is much courage or originality in giving

utterance to truths that everybody knows; but which get overlaid by

conventional trumpery。  The only distinction which it is necessary

to point out to feeble…minded folk is this: that; in asserting the

breadth and depth of that significance which gives to fashion and

fortune their tremendous power; we do not indorse the extravagances

which often disgrace the one; nor the meanness which often degrades

the other。

A remark which seems to contradict a universally current opinion is

not generally to be taken 〃neat;〃 but watered with the ideas of

common…sense and commonplace people。  So; if any of my young friends

should be tempted to waste their substance on white kids and 〃all…

rounds;〃 or to insist on becoming millionaires at once; by anything

I have said; I will give them references to some of the class

referred to; well known to the public as providers of literary

diluents; who will weaken any truth so that there is not an old

woman in the land who cannot take it with perfect impunity。

I am afraid some of the blessed saints in diamonds will think I mean

to flatter them。  I hope not;if I do; set it down as a weakness。

But there is so much foolish talk about wealth and fashion; (which;

of course; draw a good many heartless and essentially vulgar people

into the glare of their candelabra; but which have a real

respectability and meaning; if we will only look at them

stereoscopically; with both eyes instead of one;) that I thought it

a duty to speak a few words for them。  Why can't somebody give us a

list of things that everybody thinks and nobody says; and another

list of things that everybody says and nobody thinks?

Lest my parish should suppose we have forgotten graver matters in

these lesser topics; I beg them to drop these trifles and read the

following lesson for the day。


Behold the rocky wall

That down its sloping sides

Pours the swift rain…drops; blending; as they fall;

In rushing river…tides!

Yon stream; whose sources run

Turned by a pebble's edge;

Is Athabasca; rolling toward the sun

Through the cleft mountain…ledge。

The slender rill had strayed;

But for the slanting stone;

To evening's ocean; with the tangled braid

Of foam…flecked Oregon。

So from the heights of Will

Life's parting stream descends;

And; as a moment turns its slender rill;

Each widening torrent bends;

》From the same cradle's side;

》From the same mother's knee;

One to long darkness and the frozen tide;

One to the Peaceful Sea!


Our landlady's daughter is a young lady of some pretensions to

gentility。  She wears her bonnet well back on her head; which is

known by all to be a mark of high breeding。  She wears her trains

very long; as the great ladies do in Europe。  To be sure; their


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