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the professor at the breakfast table-第24节

小说: the professor at the breakfast table 字数: 每页4000字

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I had never half understood it before。  All paraphrases are more or

less perfect depolarizations。  But I tell you this: the faith of our

Christian community is not robust enough to bear the turning of our

most sacred language into its depolarized equivalents。  You have only

to look back to Dr。 Channing's famous Baltimore discourse and

remember the shrieks of blasphemy with which it was greeted; to

satisfy yourself on this point。  Time; time only; can gradually wean

us from our Epeolatry; or word…worship; by spiritualizing our ideas

of the thing signified。  Man is an idolater or symbol…worshipper by

nature; which; of course; is no fault of his; but sooner or later all

his local and temporary symbols must be ground to powder; like the

golden calf;word…images as well as metal and wooden ones。  Rough

work; iconoclasm;but the only way to get at truth。  It is; indeed;

as that quaint and rare old discourse; 〃A Summons for Sleepers;〃 hath

it; 〃no doubt a thankless office; and a verie unthriftie occupation;

veritas odium parit; truth never goeth without a scratcht face; he

that will be busie with voe vobis; let him looke shortly for coram


The very aim and end of our institutions is just this: that we may

think what we like and say what we think。

Think what we like! said the divinity…student;think what we

like!  What! against all human and divine authority?

Against all human versions of its own or any other authority。  At our

own peril always; if we do not like the right;but not at the risk

of being hanged and quartered for political heresy; or broiled on

green fagots for ecclesiastical treason!  Nay; we have got so far;

that the very word heresy has fallen into comparative disuse among


And now; my young friend; let…us shake hands and stop our discussion;

which we will not make a quarrel。  I trust you know; or will learn; a

great many things in your profession which we common scholars do not

know; but mark this: when the common people of New England stop

talking politics and theology; it will be because they have got an

Emperor to teach them the one; and a Pope to teach them the other!

That was the end of my long conference with the divinity…student。

The next morning we got talking a little on the same subject; very

good…naturedly; as people return to a matter they have talked out。

You must look to yourself;said the divinity…student;if your

democratic notions get into print。  You will be fired into from all


If it were only a bullet; with the marksman's name on it! I said。

I can't stop to pick out the peep…shot of the anonymous scribblers。

Right; Sir!  right!said the Little Gentleman。  The scamps!  I know

the fellows。  They can't give fifty cents to one of the Antipodes;

but they must have it jingled along through everybody's palms all the

way; till it reaches him;and forty cents of it gets spilt; like the

water out of the fire…buckets passed along a 〃lane〃 at a fire;but

when it comes to anonymous defamation; putting lies into people's

mouths; and then advertising those people through the country as the

authors of them;oh; then it is that they let not their left hand

know what their right hand doeth!

I don't like Ehud's style of doing business; Sir。  He comes along

with a very sanctimonious look; Sir; with his 〃secret errand unto

thee;〃 and his 〃message from God unto thee;〃 and then pulls out his

hidden knife with that unsuspected hand of his;…(the Little

Gentleman lifted his clenched left hand with the blood…red jewel on

the ring…finger;)and runs it; blade and haft; into a man's stomach!

Don't meddle with these fellows; Sir。  They are read mostly by

persons whom you would not reach; if you were to write ever so much。

Let 'em alone。  A man whose opinions are not attacked is beneath


I hope so;I said。 I got three pamphlets and innumerable squibs

flung at my head for attacking one of the pseudo…sciences; in former

years。  When; by the permission of Providence; I held up to the

professional public the damnable facts connected with the conveyance

of poison from one young mother's chamber to another's;for doing

which humble office I desire to be thankful that I have lived; though

nothing else good should ever come of my life;I had to bear the

sneers of those whose position I had assailed; and; as I believe;

have at last demolished; so that nothing but the ghosts of dead women

stir among the ruins。 What would you do; if the folks without names

kept at you; trying to get a San Benito on to your shoulders that

would fit you?Would you stand still in fly…time; or would you give

a kick now and then?

Let 'em bite! said the Little Gentleman;let 'em bite!  It makes

'em hungry to shake 'em off; and they settle down again as thick as

ever and twice as savage。  Do you know what meddling with the folks

without names; as you call 'em; is like?It is like riding at the

quintaan。  You run full tilt at the board; but the board is on a

pivot; with a bag of sand on an arm that balances it。  The board

gives way as soon as you touch it; and before you have got by; the

bag of sand comes round whack on the back of your neck。  〃Ananias;〃

for instance; pitches into your lecture; we will say; in some paper

taken by the people in your kitchen。  Your servants get saucy and

negligent。  If their newspaper calls you names; they need not be so

particular about shutting doors softly or boiling potatoes。  So you

lose your temper; and come out in an article which you think is going

to finish 〃Ananias;〃 proving him a booby who doesn't know enough to

understand even a lyceum…lecture; or else a person that tells lies。

Now you think you 've got him!  Not so fast。  〃Ananias 〃 keeps still

and winks to 〃Shimei;〃 and 〃Shimei〃 comes out in the paper which they

take in your neighbor's kitchen; ten times worse than t'other fellow。

If you meddle with 〃Shimei;〃 he steps out; and next week appears

〃Rab…shakeh;〃 an unsavory wretch; and now; at any rate; you find out

what good sense there was in Hezekiah's 〃Answer him not。〃No; no;

keep your temper。 So saying; the Little Gentleman doubled his left

fist and looked at it as if he should like to hit something or

somebody a most pernicious punch with it。

Good!said I。 Now let me give you some axioms I have arrived at;

after seeing something of a great many kinds of good folks。

Of a hundred people of each of the different leading religious

sects; about the same proportion will be safe and pleasant persons to

deal and to live with。

There are; at least; three real saints among the women to one among

the men; in every denomination。

The spiritual standard of different classes I would reckon thus:

1。  The comfortably rich。

2。  The decently comfortable。

3。  The very rich; who are apt to be irreligious。

4。  The very poor; who are apt to be immoral。

The cut nails of machine…divinity may be driven in; but they won't


The arguments which the greatest of our schoolmen could not refute

were two: the blood in men's veins; and the milk in women's breasts。

Humility is the first of the virtuesfor other people。

Faith always implies the disbelief of a lesser fact in favor of a

greater。  A little mind often sees the unbelief; without seeing the

belief of a large one。

The Poor Relation had been fidgeting about and working her mouth

while all this was going on。  She broke out in speech at this point。

I hate to hear folks talk so。  I don't see that you are any better

than a heathen。

I wish I were half as good as many heathens have been;I said。

Dying for a principle seems to me a higher degree of virtue than

scolding for it; and the history of heathen races is full of

instances where men have laid down their lives for the love of their

kind; of their country; of truth; nay; even for simple manhood's

sake; or to show their obedience or fidelity。  What would not such

beings have done for the souls of men; for the Christian

commonwealth; for the King of Kings; if they had lived in days of

larger light?  Which seems to you nearest heaven; Socrates drinking

his hemlock; Regulus going back to the enemy's camp; or that old New

England divine sitting comfortably in his study and chuckling over

his conceit of certain poor women; who had been burned to death in

his own town; going 〃roaring out of one fire into another〃?

I don't believe he said any such thing;replied the Poor Relation。

It is hard to believe;said I;but it is true for all that。  In

another hundred years it will be as incredible that men talked as we

sometimes hear them now。

Pectus est quod facit theologum。  The heart makes the theologian。

Every race; every civilization; either has a new revelation of its

own or a new interpretation of an old one。  Democratic America; has a

different humanity from feudal Europe; and so must have a new

divinity。  See; for one moment; how

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