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the professor at the breakfast table-第17节

小说: the professor at the breakfast table 字数: 每页4000字

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threatened onslaught and its suppression passed so quickly that it

was all over by the time the other end of the table found out there

was a disturbance; just as a man chopping wood half a mile off may be

seen resting on his axe at the instant you hear the last blow he

struck。  So you will please to observe that the Little Gentleman was

not; interrupted during the time implied by these ex…post…facto

remarks of mine; but for some ten or fifteen seconds only。

He did not seem to mind the interruption at all; for he started

again。  The 〃Sir〃 of his harangue was no doubt addressed to myself

more than anybody else; but he often uses it in discourse as if he

were talking with some imaginary opponent。

America; Sir;he exclaimed;is the only place where man is full…


He straightened himself up; as he spoke; standing on the top round of

his high chair; I suppose; and so presented the larger part of his

little figure to the view of the boarders。

It was next to impossible to keep from laughing。  The commentary was

so strange an illustration of the text!  I thought it was time to put

in a word; for I have lived in foreign parts; and am more or less


I doubt if we have more practical freedom in America than they have

in England;…I said。 An Englishman thinks as he likes in religion

and politics。  Mr。 Martineau speculates as freely as ever Dr。

Channing did; and Mr。 Bright is as independent as Mr。 Seward。

Sir;said he;it is n't what a man thinks or says; but when and

where and to whom he thinks and says it。  A man with a flint and

steel striking sparks over a wet blanket is one thing; and striking

them over a tinder…box is another。  The free Englishman is born under

protest; he lives and dies under protest;a tolerated; but not a

welcome fact。  Is not freethinker a term of reproach in England?  The

same idea in the soul of an Englishman who struggled up to it and

still holds it antagonistically; and in the soul of an American to

whom it is congenital and spontaneous; and often unrecognized; except

as an element blended with all his thoughts; a natural movement; like

the drawing of his breath or the beating of his heart; is a very

different thing。  You may teach a quadruped to walk on his hind legs;

but he is always wanting to be on all fours。  Nothing that can be

taught a growing youth is like the atmospheric knowledge he breathes

from his infancy upwards。  The American baby sucks in freedom with

the milk of the breast at which he hangs。

That's a good joke;said the young fellow John;considerin' it

commonly belongs to a female Paddy。

I thoughtI will not be certainthat the Little Gentleman winked;

as if he had been hit somewhereas I have no doubt Dr。 Darwin did

when the wooden…spoon suggestion upset his theory about why; etc。  If

he winked; however; he did not dodge。

A lively comment!he said。 But Rome; in her great founder; sucked

the blood of empire out of the dugs of a brute; Sir!  The Milesian

wet…nurse is only a convenient vessel through which the American

infant gets the life…blood of this virgin soil; Sir; that is making

man over again; on the sunset pattern!  You don't think what we are

doing and going to do here。  Why; Sir; while commentators are

bothering themselves with interpretation of prophecies; we have got

the new heavens and the new earth over us and under us!  Was there

ever anything in Italy; I should like to know; like a Boston sunset?

This time there was a laugh; and the little man himself almost


Yes;Boston sunsets;perhaps they're as good in some other places;

but I know 'em best here。  Anyhow; the American skies are different

from anything they see in the Old World。  Yes; and the rocks are

different; and the soil is different; and everything that comes out

of the soil; from grass up to Indians; is different。  And now that

the provisional races are dying out…

What do you mean by the provisional races; Sir?said the divinity…

student; interrupting him。

Why; the aboriginal bipeds; to be sure;he answered;the red…crayon

sketch of humanity laid on the canvas before the colors for the real

manhood were ready。

I hope they will come to something yet;said the divinity…student。

Irreclaimable; Sir;irreclaimable!said the Little Gentleman。

Cheaper to breed white men than domesticate a nation of red ones。

When you can get the bitter out of the partridge's thigh; you can

make an enlightened commonwealth of Indians。  A provisional race;

Sir;nothing more。  Exhaled carbonic acid for the use of vegetation;

kept down the bears and catamounts; enjoyed themselves in scalping

and being scalped; and then passed away or are passing away;

according to the programme。

Well; Sir; these races dying out; the white man has to acclimate

himself。  It takes him a good while; but he will come all right by…

and…by; Sir;as sound as a woodchuck;as sound as a musquash!

A new nursery; Sir; with Lake Superior and Huron and all the rest of

'em for wash…basins!  A new race; and a whole new world for the new…

born human soul to work in!  And Boston is the brain of it; and has

been any time these hundred years!  That's all I claim for Boston;

that it is the thinking centre of the continent; and therefore of the


And the grand emporium of modesty;said the divinity…student; a

little mischievously。

Oh; don't talk to me of modesty!answered the Little Gentleman;I

'm past that!  There is n't a thing that was ever said or done in

Boston; from pitching the tea overboard to the last ecclesiastical

lie it tore into tatters and flung into the dock; that was n't

thought very indelicate by some fool or tyrant or bigot; and all the

entrails of commercial and spiritual conservatism are twisted into

colics as often as this revolutionary brain of ours has a fit of

thinking come over it。 No; Sir;show me any other place that is;

or was since the megalosaurus has died out; where wealth and social

influence are so fairly divided between the stationary and the

progressive classes!  Show me any other place where every other

drawing…room is not a chamber of the Inquisition; with papas and

mammas for inquisitors;and the cold shoulder; instead of the 〃dry

pan and the gradual fire;〃 the punishment of 〃heresy〃!

We think Baltimore is a pretty civilized kind of a village;said

the young Marylander; good…naturedly。 But I suppose you can't

forgive it for always keeping a little ahead of Boston in point of

numbers;tell the truth now。  Are we not the centre of something?

Ah; indeed; to be sure you are。  You are the gastronomic metropolis

of the Union。  Why don't you put a canvas…back…duck on the top of the

Washington column?  Why don't you get that lady off from Battle

Monument and plant a terrapin in her place?  Why will you ask for

other glories when you have soft crabs?  No; Sir;you live too well

to think as hard as we do in Boston。  Logic comes to us with the

salt…fish of Cape Ann; rhetoric is born of the beans of Beverly; but

youif you open your mouths to speak; Nature stops them with a fat

oyster; or offers a slice of the breast of your divine bird; and

silences all your aspirations。

And what of Philadelphia?said the Marylander。

Oh; Philadelphia?Waterworks;killed by the Croton and Cochituate;…

…Ben Franklin;borrowed from Boston;David Rittenhouse;made an

orrery;Benjamin Rush;made a medical system;both interesting to

antiquarians;great Red…river raft of medical students;spontaneous

generation of professors to match;more widely known through the

Moyamensing hose…company; and the Wistar parties;…for geological

section of social strata; go to The Club。 Good place to live in;

first…rate market;tip…top peaches。 What do we know about

Philadelphia; except that the engine…companies are always shooting

each other?

And what do you say to New York?asked the Koh…i…noor。

A great city; Sir;replied the Little Gentleman;a very opulent;

splendid city。  A point of transit of much that is remarkable; and of

permanence for much that is respectable。  A great money…centre。  San

Francisco with the mines above…ground;and some of 'em under the

sidewalks。  I have seen next to nothing grandiose; out of New York;

in all our cities。  It makes 'em all look paltry and petty。  Has many

elements of civilization。  May stop where Venice did; though; for

aught we know。 The order of its development is just this:Wealth;

architecture; upholstery; painting; sculpture。  Printing; as a

mechanical art;just as Nicholas Jepson and the Aldi; who were

scholars too; made Venice renowned for it。  Journalism; which is the

accident of business and crowded populations; in great perfection。

Venice got as far as Titian and Paul Veronese and Tintoretto;great

colorists; mark you; magnificent on the flesh…and…blood side of Art;…

…but look over to Florence and see who lie in Santa Crocea; and ask

out of whose loins Dante

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