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the professor at the breakfast table-第16节

小说: the professor at the breakfast table 字数: 每页4000字

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amiable than they are in other places; but certainly quarrelling is

out of fashion among them。  This could never be; if they were in the

habit of secret anonymous puffing of each other。  That is the kind of

underground machinery which manufactures false reputations and

genuine hatreds。  On the other hand; I should like to know if we are

not at liberty to have a good time together; and say the pleasantest

things we can think of to each other; when any of us reaches his

thirtieth or fortieth or fiftieth or eightieth birthday。

We don't have 〃scenes;〃 I warrant you; on these occasions。  No

〃surprise〃 parties!  You understand these; of course。  In the rural

districts; where scenic tragedy and melodrama cannot be had; as in

the city; at the expense of a quarter and a white pocket…

handkerchief; emotional excitement has to be sought in the dramas of

real life。  Christenings; weddings; and funerals; especially the

latter; are the main dependence; but babies; brides; and deceased

citizens cannot be had at a day's notice。  Now; then; for a surprise…


A bag of flour; a barrel of potatoes; some strings of onions; a

basket of apples; a big cake and many little cakes; a jug of

lemonade; a purse stuffed with bills of the more modest

denominations; may; perhaps; do well enough for the properties in one

of these private theatrical exhibitions。  The minister of the parish;

a tender…hearted; quiet; hard…working man; living on a small salary;

with many children; sometimes pinched to feed and clothe them;

praying fervently every day to be blest in his 〃basket and store;〃

but sometimes fearing he asks amiss; to judge by the small returns;

has the first role;not; however; by his own choice; but forced upon

him。  The minister's wife; a sharp…eyed; unsentimental body; is first

lady; the remaining parts by the rest of the family。  If they only

had a playbill; it would run thus:

                     ON TUESDAY NEXT

                    WILL BE PRESENTED

                   THE AFFECTING SCENE


                   THE SURPRISE…PARTY


                  THE OVERCOME FAMILY;


The Rev。  Mr。 Overcome; by the Clergyman of this Parish。

Mrs。  Overcome; by his estimable lady。

Masters Matthew; Mark; Luke; and John Overcome;

Misses Dorcas; Tabitha; Rachel; and Hannah; Overcome; by their

interesting children。

Peggy; by the female help。

The poor man is really grateful;it is a most welcome and unexpected

relief。  He tries to express his thanks;his voice falters;he

chokes;and bursts into tears。  That is the great effect of the

evening。  The sharp…sighted lady cries a little with one eye; and

counts the strings of onions; and the rest of the things; with the

other。  The children stand ready for a spring at the apples。  The

female help weeps after the noisy fashion of untutored handmaids。

Now this is all very well as charity; but do let the kind visitors

remember they get their money's worth。  If you pay a quarter for dry

crying; done by a second…rate actor; how much ought you to pay for

real hot; wet tears; out of the honest eyes of a gentleman who is not

acting; but sobbing in earnest?

All I meant to say; when I began; was; that this was not a surprise…

party where I read these few lines that follow:

We will not speak of years to…night;

For what have years to bring;

But larger floods of love and light

And sweeter songs to sing?

We will not drown in wordy praise

The kindly thoughts that rise;

If friendship owns one tender phrase;

He reads it in our eyes。

We need not waste our schoolboy art

To gild this notch of time;

Forgive me; if my wayward heart

Has throbbed in artless rhyme。

Enough for him the silent grasp

That knits us hand in hand;

And he the bracelet's radiant clasp

That locks our circling band。

Strength to his hours of manly toil!

Peace to his starlit dreams!

Who loves alike the furrowed soil;

The music…haunted streams!

Sweet smiles to keep forever bright

The sunshine on his lips;

And faith; that sees the ring of light

Round Nature's last eclipse!

One of our boarders has been talking in such strong language that I

am almost afraid to report it。  However; as he seems to be really

honest and is so very sincere in his local prejudices; I don't

believe anybody will be very angry with him。

It is here; Sir!  right here!said the little deformed gentleman;

in this old new city of Boston;this remote provincial corner of a

provincial nation; that the Battle of the Standard is fighting; and

was fighting before we were born; and will be fighting when we are

dead and gone;please God!  The battle goes on everywhere throughout

civilization; but here; here; here is the broad white flag flying

which proclaims; first of all; peace and good…will to men; and; next

to that; the absolute; unconditional spiritual liberty of each

individual immortal soul!  The three…hilled city against the seven…

hilled city!  That is it; Sir;nothing less than that; and if you

know what that means; I don't think you'll ask for anything more。  I

swear to you; Sir; I believe that these two centres of civilization

are just exactly the two points that close the circuit in the battery

of our planetary intelligence!  And I believe there are spiritual

eyes looking out from Uranus and unseen Neptune;ay; Sir; from the

systems of Sirius and Arcturus and Aldebaran; and as far as that

faint stain of sprinkled worlds confluent in the distance that we

call the nebula of Orion;looking on; Sir; with what organs I know

not; to see which are going to melt in that fiery fusion; the

accidents and hindrances of humanity or man himself; Sir;the

stupendous abortion; the illustrious failure that he is; if the

three…hilled city does not ride down and trample out the seven…hilled


Steam 's up!said the young man John; so called; in a low tone。

Three hundred and sixty…five tons to the square inch。  Let him blow

her off; or he'll bu'st his b'iler。

The divinity…student took it calmly; only whispering that he thought

there was a little confusion of images between a galvanic battery and

a charge of cavalry。

But the Koh…i…noorthe gentleman; you remember; with a very large

diamond in his shirt…front laughed his scornful laugh; and made as if

to speak。

Sail in; Metropolis!said that same young man John; by name。  And

then; in a lower lane; not meaning to be heard;Now; then; Ma'am


But he was heard;and the Koh…i…noor's face turned so white with

rage; that his blue…black moustache and beard looked fearful; seen

against it。  He grinned with wrath; and caught at a tumbler; as if he

would have thrown it or its contents at the speaker。  The young

Marylander fixed his clear; steady eye upon him; and laid his hand on

his arm; carelessly almost; but the Jewel found it was held so that

he could not move it。  It was of no use。  The youth was his master in

muscle; and in that deadly Indian hug in which men wrestle with their

eyes;over in five seconds; but breaks one of their two backs; and

is good for threescore years and ten;one trial enough;settles the

whole matter;just as when two feathered songsters of the barnyard;

game and dunghill; come together;…after a jump or two at each other;

and a few sharp kicks; there is the end of it; and it is; Apres vous;

Monsieur; with the beaten party in all the social relations for all

the rest of his days。

I cannot philosophically account for the Koh…i…noor's wrath。  For

though a cosmetic is sold; bearing the name of the lady to whom

reference was made by the young person John; yet; as it is publicly

asserted in respectable prints that this cosmetic is not a dye; I see

no reason why he should have felt offended by any suggestion that he

was indebted to it or its authoress。

I have no doubt that there are certain exceptional complexions to

which the purple tinge; above alluded to; is natural。  Nature is

fertile in variety。  I saw an albiness in London once; for sixpence;

(including the inspection of a stuffed boa…constrictor;) who looked

as if she had been boiled in milk。  A young Hottentot of my

acquaintance had his hair all in little pellets of the size of

marrow…fat peas。  One of my own classmates has undergone a singular

change of late years;his hair losing its original tint; and getting

a remarkable discolored look; and another has ceased to cultivate any

hair at all over the vertex or crown of the head。  So I am perfectly

willing to believe that the purple…black of the Koh…i…noor's

moustache and whiskers is constitutional and not pigmentary。  But I

can't think why he got so angry。

The intelligent reader will understand that all this pantomime of the

threatened onslaught and its suppression passed so quickly that it

was a

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