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barnaby rudge(巴纳比·卢杰)-第5节

小说: barnaby rudge(巴纳比·卢杰) 字数: 每页4000字

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cadaverous hue; and he had a grizzly jagged beard of some three 

weeks’   date。   Such   was   the   figure   (very   meanly   and   poorly   clad) 

that now rose from the seat; and stalking across the room sat down 

in   a   corner   of   the   chimney;   which   the   politeness   or   fears   of   the 

little clerk very readily assigned to him。 

    ‘A highwayman!’ whispered Tom Cobb to Parkes the ranger。 

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                               Barnaby Rudge                                      20 

    ‘Do    you   suppose     highwaymen        don’t   dress   handsomer       than 

that?’   replied   Parkes。   ‘It’s   a   better   business   than   you   think   for; 

Tom;   and   highwaymen   don’t   need   or   use   to   be   shabby;   take   my 

word for it。’ 

    Meanwhile       the   subject    of  their  speculations      had   done    due 

honour      to  the   house     by   calling   for  some     drink;   which     was 

promptly  supplied by  the   landlord’s   son   Joe;   a broad…shouldered 

strapping young fellow of twenty; whom it pleased his father still 

to consider a little boy; and to treat accordingly。 Stretching out his 

hands to warm them by the blazing fire; the man turned his head 

towards      the  company;      and   after   running    his   eye  sharply    over 

them; said in a voice well suited to his appearance: 

    ‘What house is that which stands a mile or so from here?’ 

    ‘Public…house?’ said the landlord; with his usual deliberation。 

    ‘Public…house; father!’ exclaimed Joe; ‘where’s the public…house 

within a mile or so of the Maypole? He   means   the   great  house— 

the Warren—naturally and of course。 The old red brick house; sir; 

that stands in its own grounds—?’ 

    ‘Aye;’ said the stranger。 

    ‘And that fifteen or twenty years ago stood in a park five times 

as   broad;    which   with   other   and    richer   property   has   bit   by  bit 

changed hands and dwindled away—more’s the pity!’ pursued the 

young man。 

    ‘Maybe;’ was the reply。 ‘But my question related to the owner。 

What it has been I don’t care to know; and what it is I can see for 


    The heir…apparent to the Maypole pressed his finger on his lips; 

and   glancing   at   the   young   gentleman   already   noticed;   who   had 

changed his attitude when the house was first mentioned; replied 

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                              Barnaby Rudge                                     21 

in a lower tone: 

   ‘The   owner’s   name   is   Haredale;   Mr  Geoffrey  Haredale;   and’— 

again   he   glanced   in   the   same direction as before—‘and  a   worthy 

gentleman too—hem!’ 

   Paying      as  little  regard  to  this  admonitory      cough;    as  to  the 

significant gesture that had preceded it; the stranger pursued his 


   ‘I turned out of my way coming here; and took the footpath that 

crosses the grounds。 Who was the young lady that I saw entering a 

carriage? His daughter?’ 

   ‘Why; how should I know; honest man?’ replied Joe; contriving 

in the course of some arrangements about the hearth; to advance 

close to his   questioner  and pluck   him   by  the   sleeve;   ‘I didn’t  see 

the   young   lady;   you   know。   Whew!   There’s   the   wind   again—and 

rain—well it is a night!’ 

   Rough weather indeed!’ observed the strange man。 

   ‘You’re used to it?’ said Joe; catching at anything which seemed 

to promise a diversion of the subject。 

   ‘Pretty well;’ returned the other。 ‘About the young lady—has Mr 

Haredale a daughter?’ 

   ‘No;     no;’  said    the   young     fellow   fretfully;   ‘he’s   a   single 

gentleman—he’s—be quiet; can’t you; man? Don’t you see this talk 

is not relished yonder?’ 

   Regardless of this whispered remonstrance; and affecting not to 

hear it; his tormentor provokingly continued: 

   ‘Single men have had daughters before now。 Perhaps she may 

be his daughter; though he is not married。’ 

   ‘What   do   you   mean?’   said   Joe;   adding   in   an   undertone   as   he 

approached him again; ‘You’ll come in for it presently; I know you 

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    ‘I mean no harm’—returned the traveller boldly; ‘and have said 

none that I know of。 I ask a few questions—as any stranger may; 

and not unnaturally—about the inmates of a remarkable house in 

a neighbourhood which is new to me; and you are  as aghast and 

disturbed       as  if  I  were    talking    treason     against     King    George。 

Perhaps you can tell me why; sir; for (as I say) I am a stranger; and 

this is Greek to me?’ 

    The   latter   observation   was   addressed   to   the   obvious   cause   of 

Joe   Willet’s   discomposure;   who   had   risen   and   was   adjusting   his 

riding…cloak   preparatory   to   sallying   abroad。   Briefly   replying   that 

he could give him no information; the young man beckoned to Joe; 

and  handing  him a   piece  of money   in   payment   of   his   reckoning; 

hurried   out   attended   by   young   Willet   himself;   who   taking   up   a 

candle followed to light him to the house…door。 

    While   Joe   was  absent   on   this   errand;   the   elder   Willet   and   his 

three companions continued to smoke with profound gravity; and 

in   a   deep   silence;   each   having   his   eyes   fixed   on   a   huge   copper 

boiler   that   was   suspended   over   the   fire。   After   some       time   John 

Willet   slowly   shook   his   head;   and   thereupon   his        friends    slowly 

shook   theirs;   but   no   man   withdrew   his   eyes   from   the   boiler;   or 

altered the solemn expression of his countenance in   the  slightest 


    At   length    Joe    returned—very        talkative     and   conciliatory;     as 

though with a strong presentiment that he was going to be found 

fault with。 

    ‘Such a thing as love is!’ he said; drawing a chair near the fire; 

and     looking    round     for  sympathy。       ‘He   has   set   off  to  walk    to 

London;—all the way to London。 His nag gone lame in riding out 

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                               Barnaby Rudge                                      23 

here this blessed afternoon; and comfortably littered down in our 

stable at this minute; and he giving up a good hot supper and our 

best bed; because Miss Haredale has gone to a masquerade up in 

town;   and   he   has   set   his   heart   upon   seeing   her!   I   don’t   think   I 

could persuade myself to do that; beautiful as she is;—but then I’m 

not    in  love  (at  least  I  don’t   think   I  am)   and   that’s   the  whole 


    ‘He is in love then?’ said the stranger。 

    ‘Rather;’ replied Joe。 ‘He’ll never be more in love; and may very 

easily be less。’ 

    ‘Silence; sir!’ cried his father。 

    ‘What a chap you are; Joe!’ said Long Parkes。 

    ‘Such a inconsiderate lad!’ murmured Tom Cobb。 

    ‘Putting himself forward and wringing the very nose off his own 

father’s face!’ exclaimed the parish…clerk; metaphorically。 

    ‘What have I done?’ reasoned poor Joe。 

    ‘Silence; sir!’ returned his father; ‘what do you mean by talking; 

when you see people that are more than two or three times   your 

age; sitting still and silent and not dreaming of saying a word?’ 

    ‘Why   that’s   the   proper   time   for   me   to   talk;   isn’t   it?’   said   Joe 


    ‘The proper time; sir!’ retorted his father; ‘the proper time’s no 


    ‘Ah to be sure!’ muttered Parkes; nodding gravely to the other 

two who nodded likewise; observing under their breaths that that 

was the point。 

    ‘The proper time’s no time; sir;’ repeated   John   Willet;   ‘when   I 

was your age I never talked; I never wanted to talk。 I listened and 

improved myself that’s what I did。’ 

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

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    ‘And     you’d     find   your    father    rather    a   tough     customer      in 

argeyment; Joe; if anybody was to try and tackle him;’ said Parkes。 

    ‘For   the   matter   o’   that;   Phil!’   observed   Mr   Willet;   blowing   a 

long;   thin;   spiral   cloud   of  

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