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an autobiography-第87节

小说: an autobiography 字数: 每页4000字

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so as either to yield the most gentle pressure; or to possess the power of compressing to upwards of twenty thousand tons; the only limit to its power being in the materials employed in its construction。

The principle of this enormously powerful compressing machine is similar to that of the Hydraulic Press; the difference consisting principally in the substitution of what I term a Hydraulic Mattress in place of the cylinder and ram of the ordinary hydraulic press。 The Hydraulic Mattress consists of a square or circular water…tight vessel or flat bag formed of 1/2…inch thick iron or steel plates securely riveted together; its dimensions being; say 15 feet square by 3 feet deep; and having semicircular sides; which form enables the upper flat part of the Mattress to rise say to the extent of 6 inches; without any injury to the riveted joints; as such a rise or alteration of the normal form of the semicircular sides would be perfectly harmless; and not exceed their capability of returning to their normal curve when the 6…inch rise was no longer necessary; and the elevating pressure removed。


The action of this gigantic press is as follows。  The Mattress A A having been filled with water; an additional quantity is supplied by a force pump; capable of forcing in water with a pressure of one ton to the square inch; thus acting on an available surface of at least 144 square feet surfacenamely; that of the upper flat surface of the Mattress。  It will be forced up by no less a pressure than twenty thousand tons; and transfer that enormous pressure to any article that is placed between the rising table of the press and the upper table。 When any object less thick than the normal space is required to receive the pressure; the spare space must be filled with a suitable set of iron flat blocks; so as to subject the article to be pressed to the requisite power。

As before stated; there may be many processes in the manufacturing arts in which such an enormous pressure may be useful; and this can be accomplished with perfect ease and certainty。  I trust that this account of the principles and construction of such a machine may suggest some employment worthy of its powers。  In the general use of the Mattress press; it would be best to supply the pressure water from an accumulator; which should be kept constantly full by the action of suitable pumps worked by a small steam…engine。  The great press would require the high…pressure water only now and then; so that it would not be necessary to wait for the small pump to supply the pressure water when the Mattress was required to be in action。

1840。 A Tapping Square; or instrument by which Perfect Verticality of       the Tapping of Screwed Holes is insured。


The letter X shows how Screws are frequently made when tapped in the old mode; the letter T as they are always made when the Tapping Square is employed。

1840。 A Mode of turning Segmental Work in the Ordinary Lathe

In executing an order for twenty locomotive engines for the Great Western Railway Company; there was necessarily a repetition of detail parts。  Many of them required the labour of the most skilful workmen; as the parts referred to did not admit of their being executed by the lathe or planing…machine in their ordinary mode of application。 But the cost of their execution by hand labour was so great; and the risk of inaccuracy was so common (where extreme accuracy was essential); that I had recourse to the aid of special mechanical contrivances and machine tools for the purpose of getting over the difficulty。 The annexed illustration has reference to only one class of objects in which I effected great saving in the production; as well as great accuracy in the work。  It refers to a contrivance for producing by the turning…lathe the eighty bands of the eccentrics for these twenty engines。  Being of a segmental form; but with a projection at each extremity; which rendered their production and finish impossible by the ordinary lathe; I bethought me of applying what is termed the mangle motion to the rim of a face plate of the lay; with so many pins in it as to give the required course of segmental motion for the turning tool to operate upon; between the projections C C in the illustration。


I availed myself of the limited to…and…fro horizontal motion of the shaft of the mangle motion wheel; as it; at each end of the row of pegs in the face plate (when it passes from the exterior to the interior range of them) in giving the feed motion to the tool in; the slide rest; 〃turned〃 the segmental exterior of the eccentric hoops。 This it did perfectly; as the change of position of the small shaft occurred at the exact time when the cut was at its termination;that being the correct moment to give the tool 〃the feed; or advance for the taking of the next cut。  The saving; in respect to time; was 10 to 1 in comparison with the same amount of work done by hand labour; while the 〃truth〃 or correctness of the work done by this handy little application of the turning…lathe was absolutely perfect I have been the more particular in my allusion to this contrivance; as it is applicable to any lathe; and can perform work which no lathe without it can accomplish。  The unceasing industry of such machines is no small addition to their attractions; in respect to the production of unquestionably accurate work。

1843。 Invention of the Steam Hammer Pile…driver。

Described in text; p。 261。

1843。 A Universal Flexible Joint for Steam and Water…pipes。


The chief novelty in this swivel joint is the manner in which the packing of the joints is completely enclosed; thereby rendering them perfectly and permanently watertight。

1844。 An Improvement in Blowing Fans and their Bearings。

The principle on which Blowing Fans act; and to which they owe their efficiency; consists in their communicating Centrifugal action to the air within them。

In order to obtain the maximum force of blast; with the minimum expenditure of power; it is requisite so to form the outside rim of the Fan…case as that each compartment formed by the space between the ends of the blades of the Fan shall in its course of rotation possess an equal facility of exit for the passage of the air it is discharging。 Thus; in a Fan with six blades; the space between the top of the blades and the case of the Fan should increase in area in the progressive ratios of 1…2…3…4…5…6。


If a Fan be constructed on this common…sense principle; we shall secure the maximum of blast from the minimum of driving power。  And not only so; but the humming soundso disagreeable an accompaniment to the action of the Fans (being caused by the successive sudden escape of the air from each compartment as it comes opposite the space where it can discharge its confined block of air)will be avoided。  When the outer case of a Fan is formed on the expanding or spiral principle; as above described; all these important advantages will attend its use。 As the inward current of air rushes in at the circular openings on each side of the Fan…case; and would thus oppose each other if there was a free communication between them; this is effectually obviated by forming the rotating portion of the fan by a disc of iron plate; which prevents the opposite in…rushing currents from interfering with each other; and at the same time supplies a most substantial means of fastening the blades; as they are conveniently riveted to this central disc。  On the whole; this arrangement of machinery supplies a most effective 〃Noiseless Blowing Fan。〃

1845。 A direct Action 〃Suction〃 Fan for the Ventilation of Coal…Mines。

The frequency of disastrous colliery explosions induced me to give my attention to an improved method for ventilating coal mines。 The practice then was to employ a furnace; placed at the bottom of the upcast shaft of the coal…pit; to produce the necessary ventilation。 This practice was highly riskful。  It was dangerous as well as ineffective。  It was also liable to total destruction when an explosion occurred; and the means of ventilation were thus lost when it was most urgently required。  The ventilation of mines by a current of air forced by a Fan into the workings; had been proposed by a German named George Agricola; as far back as 1621。  The arrangement is found figured in his work entitled De Re Metalicat; p。 162。  But in all cases in which this system of forcing air through the workings and passages of a mine has been tried; it has invariably been found unsuccessful as a means of ventilation。

As all rotative Blowing Fans draw in the air at their centres; and expel it at their circumference; it occurred to me that if we were to make a communication between the upcast shaft of the mine and the centre or suctional part of the Fan closing the top of the upcast shaft; a Fan so arranged would draw out the foul air from the mine; and allow the fresh air to descend by the downcast shaft; and so traverse the workings。  And as a Suction Fan so placed would be on the surface of the ground; and quite out of the way of any risk of injurybeing open to view and inspection at all timeswe should thus have an effective and trustworthy means for thorough ventilation。


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