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an autobiography-第70节

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d me very much。  I was quite full of the Moon。  The words came almost unsought; and I believe the lecture went off very well; and terminated with 〃great applause。〃 And thus the meeting of the British Association at Edinburgh came to an end。

This; however; was not the end of our visit to Scotland。 I was strongly urged by the Duke of Argyll to pay him a visit at his castle at Inverary。  I had frequently before had the happiness of meeting the Duke and Duchess at the Earl of Ellesmere's mansion at Worsley Hall He had made us promise that if we ever came to Scotland we were not to fail to pay him a visit。  It was accordingly arranged at Edinburgh that we should carry out our promise; and spend some days with him at Inverary before our return home。  We were most cordially welcomed at the castle; and enjoyed our visit exceedingly。  We had the pleasure of seeing the splendid scenery of the Western Highlands the mountains round the head of Loch Fyne; Loch Awe; and the magnificent hoary…headed Ben Cruachan; requiring a base of more than twenty miles to support him;besides the beautiful and majestic scenery of the neighbourhood。

But my chief interest was in the specimens of high geological interest which the Duke showed me。  He had discovered them in the Island of Mull; in a bed of clay shale; under a volcanic basaltic cliff over eighty feet high; facing the Atlantic Ocean。  He found in this bed many beautifully perfect impressions of forest tree leaves; chiefly of the plane…tree class。  They appeared to have been enveloped in the muddy bottom of a lake; which had been sealed up by the belching forth from the bowels of the earth of molten volcanic basaltic lava; and which indeed formed the chief material of the Island of Mull。  This basaltic cliff now fronts the Atlantic; and resists its waves like a rock of iron。  To see all the delicate veins and stalklets; and exact forms of what had once been the green fresh foliage of a remotely primeval forest; thus brought to light again; as preserved in their clay envelope; after they had lain for ages and ages under what must have been the molten outburst of some tremendous volcanic discharge; and which now formed the rock…bound coast of Mull; filled one's mind with an idea of the inconceivable length of time that must have passed since the production of these Wonderful geological phenomena。

I felt all the more special interest in these specimens; as I had many years before; on my return visit from Londonderry; availed myself of the nearness of the Giant's Causeway to make a careful examination of the marvellous volcanic columns in that neighbourhood。 Having scrambled up to a great height; I found a thick band of hematitic clay underneath the upper bed of basalt; which was about sixty feet thick。  In this clay I detected a rich deposit of completely charred branches of what had once been a forest tree。  The bed had been burst through by the outburst of molten basalt; and converted the branches into charcoal。 I dug out some of the specimens; and afterwards distributed them amongst my geological friends。  The Duke was interested by my account; which so clearly confirmed his own discovery。  On a subsequent occasion I revisited the Giant's Causeway in company with my dear wife。 I again scrambled up to the hematitic bed of clay under the basaltic cliff; and dug out a sufficient quantity of the charred branches; which I sent to the Duke; in confirmation of his theory as to the origin of the leaf…beds at Mull。*  'footnote。。。

I received the following reply from the Duke of Argyll dated 〃Inverary; Nov。 19; 1850〃: 

〃MY DEAR SIRAm I right in concluding; from the description which; you were so kind as to send to me; that the lignite bed; with its superincumbent basalts; lies above those particular columnar basalts which form the far…famed Giant's Causeway?  I see from your sketch that basalts of great thickness; and in some views beautifully columnar; do underlie the lignite bed; but I am not quite sure that these columnar basalts are those precisely which are called the Causeway。 I had never heard before that the Giant's Causeway rested on chalk; which all the basalts in your sketch do。

'Image' The Astrologers TowerA Day Dream。  By James Nasmyth。         (Facsimile。)

〃I have been showing your drawing of 'Udolpho Castle' and 'The Astrologer's Tower' to the Duchess of Sutherland; who is enchanted with the beauty of the architectural details; and wishes she had seen them before Dunrobin was finished; for hints might  have been taken from bits of your work。 Very truly yours;

ARGYLL。〃  。。。'

In the year following the meeting of the British Association at Edinburgh; the great Exhibition of all nations at London took place。 The Commissioners appointed for carrying out this noble enterprise had made special visits to Manchester and the surrounding manufacturing districts for the purpose of organising local committees; so that the machinery and productions of each might be adequately represented in the World's Great Industrial Exhibition。  The Commissioners were met with enthusiasm; and nearly every manufacturer was found ready to display the results of his industry。  The local engineers and tool…makers were put upon their mettle; and each endeavoured to do his best。  Like others; our firm contributed specimens of our special machine tools; and a fair average specimen of the steam hammer; with a 30 cwt。 hammer…block。

I also sent one of my very simple and compact steam…engines; in the design of which I had embodied the form of my steam hammerplacing the crank where the anvil of the hammer usually stands。  The simplicity and grace of this arrangement of the steam…engine were much admired。 Its merits were acknowledged in a way most gratifying to me; by its rapid adoption by engineers of every class; especially by marine engineers。  It has been adopted for driving the shafts of screw…propelled steamships of the largest kind。  The comparatively small space it occupies; its compactness; its get…at…ability of parts; and the action of gravity on the piston; which; working vertically; and having no undue action in causing wearing of the cylinder on one side (which was the case with horizontal engines); has now brought my Steam Hammer Engine into almost universal use*  'footnote。。。 Sir John Anderson; in his Report on the machine tools; textile; and other machinery exhibited at Vienna in 1873; makes the following observations: 〃Perhaps the finest pair of marine engines yet produced by France; or any other country; were those exhibited by Schneider and Company; the leading firm in France。  These engines were not large; but were perfect in many respects; yet comparatively few of those who were struck with admiration seemed to know that the original of this style of construction came from the same mind as the Steam Hammer。 Nasmyth's Infant Hercules was the forerunner of all the steam hammer engines that have yet been made from that type; which is now being so extensively employed for working the screw propeller of steam vessels。〃  。。。'

The Commissioners; acting on the special recommendation of the jury; awarded me a medal for the construction of this form of steam…engine*  'footnote。。。 The Council of the Exhibition thus describe the engine in the awards:  〃Nasmyth; J。; Patricroft; Manchester; a small portable direct…acting steam…engine。  The cylinder is fixed; vertical and inverted; the crank being placed beneath it; and the piston working downwards。 The sides of the frame which support the cylinder serve as guides; and the bearings of the crank…shaft and fly…wheel are firmly fixed in the bed…plate of the engine。  The arrangement is compact and economical; and the workmanship practically good and durable。〃 (See illustration of the design; page 424。)  。。。' as it was merely a judicious arrangement of the parts; and not; in any correct sense of the term; an invention; I took out no patent for it; and left it free to work its own way into general adoption。 It has since been used for high as well as low…pressure steam an arrangement which has come into much favour on account of the great economy of fuel which results from using it。

A Council Medal was also awarded to me for the Steam Hammer。 But perhaps what pleased me most was the Prize Medal which I received for my special hobbythe drawings of the Moon's surface。  I sent a collection of these; with a map; to the Exhibition。  They attracted considerable attention; not only because of their novelty; but because of the accurate and artistic style of their execution。  The Jurors; in making the award; gave the following description of them:  〃Mr。 Nasmyth exhibits a well…delineated map of the Moon on a large scale; which is drawn with great accuracy; the irregularities upon the surface being shown with much force and spirit; also separate and enlarged representations of certain portions of the Moon as seen through a powerful telescope:  they are all good in detail; and very effective。〃

My drawings of the Moon attracted the special notice of the Prince Consort。  Shortly after the closing of the Exhibition; in October 1851; the Queen and the Prince made a visit to Manchester and Liverpool; during which time they were the guests of the Earl of Ellesmere at Worsley

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