an autobiography-第65节
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I had another opportunity of introducing my small engine system into the Government Arsenal at Woolwich。 In 1847 the attention of the Board of Ordnance was; directed to the inadequacy of the equipment of the workshops there。 The mechanical arrangements; the machine tools; and other appliances; were found insufficient for the economical production of the apparatus of modern warfare。 The Board did me the honour to call upon me to advise with them; and also with the heads of departments at the arsenal。 Sir Thomas Hastings; then head of the Ordnance; requested me to accompany him at the first inspection。 I made a careful survey of all the workshops; and although the machinery was very interesting as examples of the old and primitive methods of producing war material; I found that it was better fitted for a Museum of Technical Antiquity than for practical use in these days of rapid mechanical progress。 Everything was certainly far behind the arrangements which I had observed in foreign arsenals。 The immediate result of my inspection of the workshops and the processes conducted within them was; that I recommended the introduction of machine tools specially adapted to economise labour; as well as to perfect the rapid production of war material。 In this I was heartily supported by the heads of the various departments。 After several conferences with them; as well as with Sir Thomas Hastings; it was arranged that a large extension of the workshop space should be provided。 I was so fortunate as to make a happy suggestion on this head。 It was; that by a very small comparative outlay nearly double the workshop area might be providedby covering in with light iron roofs the long wide roadway spaces that divided the parallel ranges of workshops from each other。
This plan was at once adopted。 Messrs。 Fox and Henderson; the well…known railway roofing contractors; were entrusted with the order; and in a very short time the arsenal was provided with a noble set of light and airy workshops; giving ample accommodation for present requirements; as well as surplus space for many years to come。 In order to supply steam power to each of these beautiful workshops; and for working the various machines placed within them; I reverted to my favourite system of small separate steam…engines。 This was adopted; and the costly ranges of shafting that would otherwise have been necessary were entirely dispensed with。
A series of machine tools of the most improved modern construction; specially adapted for the various classes of work carried on in the arsenal; together with improved ranges of smiths' forge hearths; blown by an air blast supplied by fans of the best construction; and a suitable supply of small hand steam hammers; completed the arrangements; and quite a new era in the forge work of the arsenal was begun。 I showed the managers and the workmen the docile powers of the steam hammer; in producing in a few minutes; by the aid of dies; many forms in wrought…iron that had heretofore occupied hours of the most skilful smiths; and that; too; in much more perfect truth and exactitude。 Both masters and men were delighted with the result: and as such precise and often complex forms of wrought…iron work were frequently required by hundreds at a time for the equipment of naval gun carriages and other purposes; it was seen that the steam hammer must henceforward operate as a powerful auxiliary in the productions of the arsenal。
In the introduction of all these improvements I received the frank and cordial encouragement of the chief officers of the Board of Ordnance and Admiralty。 My suggestions were zealously carried out by Colonel J。 N。 Colquhoun; then head of the chief mechanical department of the Ordnance works at Woolwich。 He was one of the most clear…headed and intelligent men I have ever met with。 He had in a special degree that happy power of inspiring his zeal and energy into all who worked under his superintendence; whether foremen or workmen。 A wonderfully sympathetic effect is produced when the directing head of the establishment is possessed of the valuable faculty of cheerful and well…directed energy。 It works like an electric thrill; and soon pervades the whole department。 I may also mention General Dundas; director of the Royal Gun…Factory; and General Hardinge; head of the Royal Laboratories。* 'footnote。。。 The term 〃Laboratory〃 may appear an odd word to use in connection with machinery and mechanical operations。 Yet its original signification was quite appropriate; inasmuch as it related to the preparation of explosive substances; such as shells; rockets; fusees; cartridges; and percussion caps; where chemistry was as much concerned as mechanism in producing the required results。 。。。'
This latter department included all processes connected with explosives。 It was superintended by Captain Boxer; an officer of the highest talent and energy; who brought everything under his control to the highest pitch of excellence。 I must also add a most important person; my old and much esteemed friend John Anderson; then general director of the Machinery of the arsenal。 He was an admirable mechanic; a man of clear practical good sense and judgment; and he eventually raised himself to the highest position in the public service。
The satisfactory performance of the machinery which had been supplied to the workshops of the royal dock yards and arsenals; led to further demands for similar machinery for foreign Governments。 Foreign visitor were allowed freely to inspect all that had been done whatever may be said of the wisdom of this proceeding it is certainly true that no mechanical improvement can long be kept secret nowadays。 Everything is published and illustrated in our engineering journals。 And if the foreigners had not been allowed to obtain their new machines from England; they were provided with facilities enough for constructing them for themselves。 At all events; one result of the improved working of the new machines at the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich; was the receipt of large orders for our firm for the supply of foreign Governments。 For instance; that of Spain employed us liberally; principally tor the equipment of the royal dockyards of Ferrol and Cartagena。 These orders came to us through Messrs。 Zuluatta Brothers; who conducted their proceedings with us in a prompt and business…like way for many years。 Through the same firm we obtained orders to furnish machinery for the Spanish royal dockyard at Havana。
In 1849 we received an extensive order from the Russian Government。 This was transmitted to us through the Imperial Consulate in London。 The machinery was required for the equipment of a very extensive rope factory at the naval arsenal of Nicolaiev; on the Black Sea This order included all the machinery requisite for the factory; from the heckling of the hemp to the twisting of the largest ropes and cables required in the Russian naval service。 The design and organisation of this machinery in its minutest detail caused me to made a special study of the art of rope…making。 It was a comparatively new subject to me; but I found it full of interest。 It was difficulty; and therefore to be overcome。 And in this lies a great deal of the pleasure of contriving and inventing。
During the progress of the work I had the advantage of the frequent presence of an able Russian officer; Captain Putchkraskey; whose intelligent supervision was a source of much satisfaction。 We had also occasional visits from Admiral Kornileff; a man of the highest order of intelligence。 He was not only able to appreciate our exertions to execute the order in first…rate style; but to enter into all the special details and contrivances of the work while in progress。 I had often occasion to meet Russian officers while at the Bridgewater Foundry。 They were usually men of much ability; selected by the Russian Government to act as their agents abroad; in order to keep them well posted up in all that had a bearing upon their own interests。 They certainly reflected the highest credit on their Government; as proving their careful selection of the best men to advance the interests of Russia。
During the visit of the Grand Duke Constantine to England about that time; he resided for some days with the Earl of Ellesmere at Worsley Hall; about a mile and a half from Bridgewater Foundry。 We were favoured with several visits from the Grand Duke; accompanied by Baron Brunnow; Admiral Hoyden; and several other Russian officials。 They came by Lord Ellesmere's beautiful barge; which drew up alongside our wharf; where the party landed and entered the works。 The Grand Duke carefully inspected the whole place; and expressed himself as greatly pleased with the complete mastery which man had obtained over obdurate materials; through the unfailing agency of mechanical substitutes for manual dexterity and muscular force。
I was invited to meet this distinguished party at Worsley Hall on more than one occasion; and was much pleased with the frank and intelligent conversation of the Grand Duke; in his reference to what he had seen in his visits to our works。 It was always a source of high pleasure to me to receive visits from Lord Ellesmere; as he was generally accompanied by