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an autobiography-第33节

小说: an autobiography 字数: 每页4000字

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 Saturday the 9th of September 1830。 I took my place on the outside of the Liverpool coach; which set out from 〃The Swan with Two Necks;〃 in Lad Lane; City; one of the most celebrated coach…offices in those days

The first part of the journey to Liverpool was very dismal。 The night was wet。  The rain came pouring down; and no sort of wrappings could keep it out。  The outside passengers became thoroughly soaked。  On we went; however; as fast as four horses could carry us。 Next morning we reached Coventry; when the clouds cleared away; and the sun at last burst forth。  I could now enjoy this charming part of old England。 Although I had only a hasty glimpse in passing of the quaint streets and ancient buildings of the town I was perfectly delighted with the specimens of ancient domestic architecture which I saw。  At that time Coventry was quite a museum of that interesting class of buildings。 The greater part of them have since been swept away in the so…called improvement of modern builders; none of whose works can ever so attract an artistic eye。

During the rest of the day the journey was delightful。  Though the inside passengers had had the best of it during the night; the outside passengers had the best of it now。  To go scampering across the country on the top of the coach; passing old villages; gentlemen's parks; under old trees; along hedges tinged with autumn tints; up hill and down dale; sometimes getting off the coach to lighten the load; and walking along through the fields by a short cut to meet it farther on; all this was most enjoyable。  It gave me a new interest in the happier aspects of English scenery; and of rural and domestic life in the pretty old…fashioned farm buildings that we passed on our way。  Indeed; there was everything to delight the eye of the lover of the picturesque during the course of that bright autumnal day。

The coach reached Liverpool on Sunday night。  I took up my quarters at a commercial inn in Dale Street; where I found every comfort which I desired at moderate charges。  Next morning; without loss of time; I made my way to the then terminus of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway; and there; for the first time; I saw the famous 〃Rocket〃 The interest with which I beheld this distinguished and celebrated engine was much enhanced by seeing it make several short trial trips under the personal management of George Stephenson; who acted as engineman; while his son Robert acted as stoker。  During their trips of four or five miles along the line the 〃Rocket〃 attained the speed of thirty miles an houra speed then thought almost incredible!  It was to me a most memorable and interesting sight; especially to see the father and son so appropriately engaged in working the engine that was to effect so great a change in the communications of the civilised world。  I spent the entire day in watching the trial trips; in examining the railway works; and such portions of of their details as I could obtain access to。  About mid…day the 〃Rocket〃 was at rest for about an hour near where I stood; and I eagerly availed myself of the opportunity of making a careful sketch of the engine; which I still preserve。

The line was opened on the 15th of September; when the famous 〃Rocket〃 led the way in conducting the first train of passengers from Liverpool to Manchester。  There were present on that occasion thousands of spectators; many of whom had come from distant parts of the kingdom to witness this greatest of all events in the history of railway locomotion。

During my stay in Liverpool I visited the vast range of magnificent docks which extend along the north bank of the Mersey; all of which were crowded with noble merchant ships; some taking in cargoes of British manufactures; and others discharging immense stores of cotton; sugar; tobacco; and foreign produce。  The sight was most interesting; and gave me an impressive idea of the mighty functions of a manufacturing nationenergy and intelligence; working through machinery; increasing the value of raw materials and enabling them to be transported for use to all parts of the civilised world。

Mr。 Maudslay having given me a letter of introduction to his old friend William Fawcett; head of the firm of Fawcett; Preston; and Company; engineers; I went over their factory。  They were engaged in producing sugar mills for the West Indies; and also in manufacturing the steam…engines for working them。  The firm had acquired great reputation for their workmanship; and their shops were crowded with excellent specimens of their skill。  Everything was in good order; their assortment of machine tools was admirable。  Mr。 Fawcett; who accompanied me; was full in his praises of my master; whom he regarded as the greatest pioneer in the substitution of the unerring accuracy of machine tools for the often untrustworthy results of mere manual labour。

I cannot resist referring to the personal appearance and manner of this excellent gentleman; William Fawcett。  His peculiar courteous manner; both in speech and action; reminded me of the 〃grand old Style〃 Which I had observed in some of my father's oldest noble employers; and the representations given of them by some of our best actors。 There was also a dignified kindliness about his manner that was quite peculiar to himself; and when he conducted me through his busy workshops; the courtly yet kindly manner in which he addressed his various foremen and others; was especially cheering。  When I first presented my letter of introduction from Henry Maudslay; he was sitting at a beautiful inlaid escritoire table with his letters arrayed before him in the most neat and perfect order。  The writing table stood on a small Turkey carpet apart from the clerks' desks in the room; but so near to them that he could readily communicate with them。  His neat old…fashioned style of dress quite harmonised with his advanced age; and the kindly yet dignified grace of his manner left a lasting impression on me as a most interesting specimen of 〃the fine old English gentleman; quite of the olden time。〃

I spent another day in crossing the Mersey to Birkenheadthen a very small collection of buildingswandered about the neighbourhood。 I had my sketch…book with me; and made a drawing of Liverpool from the other side of the river。  Close to Birkenhead were some excellent bits of scenery; old and picturesque farmhouses; overshadowed with venerable oaks; with juttings…out of the New Red Sandstone rocks; covered with heather; furze; and broom; with pools of water edged with all manner of effective water plants。  They formed capital subjects for the artistic pencil; especially when distant peeps of the Welsh hills came into the prospect。  I made several sketches; and they kept company with my graphic memoranda of architectural and mechanical objects。  I may here mention that on my return to London I showed them to my brother Patrick; and some of them so much met his fancy that he borrowed my sketch…book and painted some pictures from them; which at this day are hanging on the walls of some of his admirers。

With the desire of seeing as much as possible of all that was interesting in the mechanical; architectural and picturesque line; on my return journey to London; I determined to walk; halting here and there by the way。  The season of the year and the state of the weather were favourable for my purpose。  I accordingly commenced my pedestrian tour on Saturday morning; the 17th September。  I set out for Manchester。 It was a long but pleasant walk。  I well remember; when nearing Manchester; that I sat down to rest for a time on Patricroft Bridge。 I was attracted by the rural aspect of the country; and the antique cottages of the neighbourhood。  The Bridgewater Canal lay before me; and as I was told that it was the first mile of the waterway that the great Duke had made; it became quite classic ground in my eyes。 I little thought at the time that I was so close to a piece of ground that should afterwards become my own; and where I should for twenty years carry on the most active and interesting business of my life。

I reached Manchester at seven in the evening; and took up my quarters at the King's Arms Inn; Deansgate。  Next day was Sunday。  I attended service in the Cathedral; then called the Old Church。  I was much interested by the service; as well as by the architecture of the building。  Some of the details were well worthy of attention; being very original; and yet the whole was not of the best period of Gothic architecture。  Some of the old buildings about the Cathedral were very interesting。  They were of a most quaint character; yet bold and effective。  Much finely carved oak timber work was introduced into them; and on the whole they gave a very striking illustration of the style of domestic architecture which prevailed in England some three or four centuries ago。

On the following day I called upon Mr。 Edward Tootal; of York Street。 He was a well…known man in Manchester。

I had the happiness of meeting him in London a few months before。 He then kindly invited me to call upon him should I ever visit Manchester; when he would endeavour to obtain for me sight of some of the most remarkable manufacturing establishments。  Mr。 Tootal was as good as his word。

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