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the countess of saint geran-第5节

小说: the countess of saint geran 字数: 每页4000字

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beside themselves with joy not one remarked the disappointment which

overspread her soul。  Every day she saw the marquis; who did all he

could to increase her regret; and incessantly stirred up her

ill…humour by repeating that the count and countess were triumphing

over her misfortune; and insinuating that they were importing a

supposititious child to disinherit her。  As usual both in private and

political affairs; he began by corrupting the marchioness's religious

views; to pervert her into crime。  The marquis was one of those

libertines so rare at that time; a period less unhappy than is

generally believed; who made science dependent upon; atheism。  It is

remarkable that great criminals of this epoch; Sainte…Croix for

instance; and Exili; the gloomy poisoner; were the first unbelievers;

and that they preceded the learned of the following age both; in

philosophy and in the exclusive study of physical science; in which

they included that of poisons。  Passion; interest; hatred fought the

marquis's battles in the heart of Madame de Bouille; she readily lent

herself to everything that M。 de Saint…Maixent wished。

The Marquis de Saint…Maixent had a confidential servant; cunning;

insolent; resourceful; whom he had brought from his estates; a

servant well suited to such a master; whom he sent on errands

frequently into the neighbourhood of Saint…Geran。

One evening; as the marquis was about to go to bed; this man;

returning from one of his expeditions; entered his room; where he

remained for a long time; telling him that he had at length found

what he wanted; and giving him a small piece of paper which contained

several names of places and persons。

Next morning; at daybreak; the marquis caused two of his horses to be

saddled; pretended that he was summoned home on pressing business;

foresaw that he should be absent for three or four days; made his

excuses to the count; and set off at full gallop; followed by his


They slept that night at an inn on the road to Auvergne; to put off

the scent any persons who might recognise them; then; following

cross…country roads; they arrived after two days at a large hamlet;

which they had seemed to have passed far to their left。

In this hamlet was a woman who practised the avocation of midwife;

and was known as such in the neighbourhood; but who had; it was said;

mysterious and infamous secrets for those who paid her well。

Further; she drew a good income from the influence which her art gave

her over credulous people。  It was all in her line to cure the king's

evil; compound philtres and love potions; she was useful in a variety

of ways to girls who could afford to pay her; she was a lovers'

go…between; and even practised sorcery for country folk。  She played

her cards so well; that the only persons privy to her misdeeds were

unfortunate creatures who had as strong an interest as herself in

keeping them profoundly secret; and as her terms were very high; she

lived comfortably enough in a house her own property; and entirely

alone; for greater security。  In a general way; she was considered

skilful in her ostensible profession; and was held in estimation by

many persons of rank。  This woman's name was Louise Goillard。

Alone one evening after curfew; she heard a loud knocking at the door

of her house。  Accustomed to receive visits at all hours; she took

her lamp without hesitation; and opened the door。  An armed man;

apparently much agitated; entered the room。  Louise Goillard; in a

great fright; fell into a chair; this man was the Marquis de


〃Calm yourself; good woman;〃 said the stranger; panting and

stammering; 〃be calm; I beg; for it is I; not you; who have any cause

for emotion。  I am not a brigand; and far from your having anything

to fear; it is I; on the contrary; who am come to beg for your


He threw his cloak into a corner; unbuckled his waistbelt; and laid

aside his sword。  Then falling into a chair; he said

〃First of all; let me rest a little。〃

The marquis wore a travelling…dress; but although he had not stated

his name; Louise Goillard saw at a glance that he was a very

different person from what she had thought; and that; on the

contrary; he was some fine gentleman who had come on his love


〃I beg you to excuse;〃 said she; 〃a fear which is insulting to you。

You came in so hurriedly that I had not time to see whom I was

talking to。  My house is rather lonely; I am alone; ill…disposed

people might easily take advantage of these circumstances to plunder

a poor woman who has little enough to lose。  The times are so bad!

You seem tired。  Will you inhale some essence?〃

〃Give me only a glass of water。〃

Louise Goillard went into the adjoining room; and returned with an

ewer。  The marquis affected to rinse his lips; and said

〃I come from a great distance on a most important matter。  Be assured

that I shall be properly grateful for your services。〃

He felt in his pocket; and pulled out a purse; which he rolled

between his fingers。

〃In the first place; you must swear to the greatest secrecy。〃

〃There is no need of that with us;〃 said Louise Goillard; 〃 that is

the first condition of our craft。〃

〃I must have more express guarantees; and your oath that you will

reveal to no one in the world what I am going to confide to you。〃

〃I give you my word; then; since you demand it; but I repeat that

this is superfluous; you do not know me。〃

〃Consider that this is a most serious matter; that I am as it were

placing my head in your hands; and that I would lose my life a

thousand times rather than see this mystery unravelled。〃

〃Consider also;〃 bluntly replied the midwife; 〃that we ourselves are

primarily interested in all the secrets entrusted to us; that an

indiscretion would destroy all confidence in us; and that there are

even casesYou may speak。〃

When the marquis had reassured her as to himself by this preface; he

continued: 〃I know that you are a very able woman。〃

〃I could indeed wish to be one; to serve you。〃。

〃That you have pushed the study of your art to its utmost limits。〃

〃I fear they have been flattering your humble servant。〃

〃And that your studies have enabled you to predict the future。〃

〃That is all nonsense。〃

〃It is true; I have been told so。〃

〃You have been imposed upon。〃

〃What is the use of denying it and refusing to do me a service?〃

Louise Goillard defended herself long: she could not understand a man

of this quality believing in fortune…telling; which she practised

only with low…class people and rich farmers; but the marquis appeared

so earnest that she knew not what to think。

〃Listen;〃 said he; 〃it is no use dissembling with me; I know all。  Be

easy; we are playing a game in which you are laying one against a

thousand; moreover; here is something on account to compensate you

for the trouble I am giving。〃

He laid a pile of gold on the table。  The matron weakly owned that

she had sometimes attempted astrological combinations which were not

always fortunate; and that she had been only induced to do so by the

fascination of the phenomena of science。  The secret of her guilty

practices was drawn from her at the very outset of her defence。

〃That being so;〃 replied the marquis; 〃you must be already aware of

the situation in which I find myself; you must know that; hurried

away by a blind and ardent passion; I have betrayed the confidence of

an old lady and violated the laws of hospitality by seducing her

daughter in her own house; that matters have come to a crisis; and

that this noble damsel; whom I Love to distraction; being pregnant;

is on the point of losing her life and honour by the discovery of her

fault; which is mine。〃

The matron replied that nothing could be ascertained about a person

except from private questions; and to further impose upon the

marquis; she fetched a kind of box marked with figures and strange

emblems。  Opening this; and putting together certain figures which it

contained; she declared that what the marquis had told her was true;

and that his situation was a most melancholy one。  She added; in

order to frighten him; that he was threatened by still more serious

misfortunes than those which had already overtaken him; but that it

was easy to anticipate and obviate these mischances by new


〃Madame;〃 replied the marquis; 〃I fear only one thing in the world;

the dishonour of the woman I love。  Is there no method of remedying

the usual embarrassment of a birth?〃

〃I know of none;〃 said the matron。

〃The young lady has succeeded in concealing her condition; it would

be easy for her confinement to take place privately。〃

〃She has already risked her life; and I cannot consent to be mixed up

in this affair; for fear of the consequences。〃

〃Could not; for insta

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