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fantastic fables-第14节

小说: fantastic fables 字数: 每页4000字

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A FOGY who lived in a cave near a great caravan route returned to 

his home one day and saw; near by; a great concourse of men and 

animals; and in their midst a tower; at the foot of which something 

with wheels smoked and panted like an exhausted horse。  He sought 

the Sheik of the Outfit。

〃What sin art thou committing now; O son of a Christian dog?〃 said 

the Fogy; with a truly Oriental politeness。

〃Boring for water; you black…and…tan galoot!〃 replied the Sheik of 

the Outfit; with that ready repartee which distinguishes the 


〃Knowest thou not; thou whelp of darkness and father of disordered 

livers;〃 cried the Fogy; 〃that water will cause grass to spring up 

here; and trees; and possibly even flowers?  Knowest thou not; that 

thou art; in truth; producing an oasis?〃

〃And don't you know;〃 said the Sheik of the Outfit; 〃that caravans 

will then stop here for rest and refreshments; giving you a chance 

to steal the camels; the horses; and the goods?〃

〃May the wild hog defile my grave; but thou speakest wisdom!〃 the 

Fogy replied; with the dignity of his race; extending his hand。  


They shook。

At Heaven's Gate

HAVING arisen from the tomb; a Woman presented herself at the gate 

of Heaven; and knocked with a trembling hand。

〃Madam;〃 said Saint Peter; rising and approaching the wicket; 

〃whence do you come?〃

〃From San Francisco;〃 replied the Woman; with embarrassment; as 

great beads of perspiration spangled her spiritual brow。

〃Never mind; my good girl;〃 the Saint said; compassionately。  

〃Eternity is a long time; you can live that down。〃

〃But that; if you please; is not all。〃  The Woman was growing more 

and more confused。  〃I poisoned my husband。  I chopped up my 

babies。  I … 〃

〃Ah;〃 said the Saint; with sudden austerity; 〃your confession 

suggests a very grave possibility。  Were you a member of the 

Women's Press Association?〃

The lady drew herself up and replied with warmth:

〃I was not。〃

The gates of pearl and jasper swung back upon their golden hinges; 

making the most ravishing music; and the Saint; stepping aside; 

bowed low; saying:

〃Enter; then; into thine eternal rest。〃

But the Woman hesitated。

〃The poisoning … the chopping … the … the … 〃 she stammered。

〃Of no consequence; I assure you。  We are not going to be hard on a 

lady who did not belong to the Women's Press Association。  Take a 


〃But I applied for membership … I was blackballed。〃

〃Take two harps。〃

The Catted Anarchist

AN Anarchist Orator who had been struck in the face with a Dead Cat 

by some Respector of Law to him unknown; had the Dead Cat arrested 

and taken before a Magistrate。

〃Why do you appeal to the law?〃 said the Magistrate … 〃You who go 

in for the abolition of law。〃

〃That;〃 replied the Anarchist; who was not without a certain 

hardness of head; 〃that is none of your business; I am not bound to 

be consistent。  You sit here to do justice between me and this Dead 


〃Very well;〃 said the Magistrate; putting on the black cap and a 

solemn look; 〃as the accused makes no defence; and is undoubtedly 

guilty; I sentence her to be eaten by the public executioner; and 

as that position happens to be vacant; I appoint you to it; without 


One of the most delighted spectators at the execution was the 

anonymous Respector of Law who had flung the condemned。

The Honourable Member

A MEMBER of a Legislature; who had pledged himself to his 

Constituents not to steal; brought home at the end of the session a 

large part of the dome of the Capitol。  Thereupon the Constituents 

held an indignation meeting and passed a resolution of tar and 


〃You are most unjust;〃 said the Member of the Legislature。  〃It is 

true I promised you I would not steal; but had I ever promised you 

that I would not lie?〃

The Constituents said he was an honourable man and elected him to 

the United States Congress; unpledged and unfledged。

The Expatriated Boss

A BOSS who had gone to Canada was taunted by a Citizen of Montreal 

with having fled to avoid prosecution。

〃You do me a grave injustice;〃 said the Boss; parting with a pair 

of tears。  〃I came to Canada solely because of its political 

attractions; its Government is the most corrupt in the world。〃

〃Pray forgive me;〃 said the Citizen of Montreal。

They fell upon each other's neck; and at the conclusion of that 

touching rite the Boss had two watches。

An Inadequate Fee

AN Ox; unable to extricate himself from the mire into which he 

sank; was advised to make use of a Political Pull。  When the 

Political Pull had arrived; the Ox said: 〃My good friend; please 

make fast to me; and let nature take her course。〃

So the Political Pull made fast to the Ox's head and nature took 

her course。  The Ox was drawn; first; from the mire; and; next; 

from his skin。  Then the Political Pull looked back upon the good 

fat carcase of beef that he was dragging to his lair and said; with 

a discontented spirit:

〃That is hardly my customary fee; I'll take home this first 

instalment; then return and bring an action for salvage against the 


The Judge and the Plaintiff

A MAN of Experience in Business was awaiting the judgment of the 

Court in an action for damages which he had brought against a 

railway company。  The door opened and the Judge of the Court 


〃Well;〃 said he; 〃I am going to decide your case to…day。  If I 

should decide in your favour; I wonder how you would express your 


〃Sir;〃 said the Man of Experience in Business; 〃I should risk your 

anger by offering you one half the sum awarded。〃

〃Did I say I was going to decide that case?〃 said the Judge; 

abruptly; as if awakening from a dream。  〃Dear me; how absent…

minded I am。  I mean I have already decided it; and judgment has 

been entered for the full amount that you sued for。〃

〃Did I say I would give you one half?〃 said the Man of Experience 

in Business; coldly。  〃Dear me; how near I came to being a rascal。  

I mean; that I am greatly obliged to you。〃

The Return of the Representative

HEARING that the Legislature had adjourned; the people of an 

Assembly District held a mass…meeting to devise a suitable 

punishment for their representative。  By one speaker it was 

proposed that he be disembowelled; by another that he be made to 

run the gauntlet。  Some favoured hanging; some thought that it 

would do him good to appear in a suit of tar and feathers。  An old 

man; famous for his wisdom and his habit of drooling on his shirt…

front; suggested that they first catch their hare。  So the Chairman 

appointed a committee to watch for the victim at midnight; and take 

him as he should attempt to sneak into town across…lots from the 

tamarack swamp。  At this point in the proceedings they were 

interrupted by the sound of a brass band。  Their dishonoured 

representative was driving up from the railway station in a coach…

and…four; with music and a banner。  A few moments later he entered 

the hall; went upon the platform; and said it was the proudest 

moment of his life。 (Cheers。)

A Statesman

A STATESMAN who attended a meeting of a Chamber of Commerce rose to 

speak; but was objected to on the ground that he had nothing to do 

with commerce。

〃Mr。 Chairman;〃 said an Aged Member; rising; 〃I conceive that the 

objection is not well taken; the gentleman's connection with 

commerce is close and intimate。  He is a Commodity。〃

Two Dogs

THE Dog; as created; had a rigid tail; but after some centuries of 

a cheerless existence; unappreciated by Man; who made him work for 

his living; he implored the Creator to endow him with a wag。  This 

being done he was able to dissemble his resentment with a sign of 

affection; and the earth was his and the fulness thereof。  

Observing this; the Politician (an animal created later) petitioned 

that a wag might be given him too。  As he was incaudate it was 

conferred upon his chin; which he now wags with great profit and 

gratification except when he is at his meals。

Three Recruits

A FARMER; an Artisan; and a L

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