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fantastic fables-第11节

小说: fantastic fables 字数: 每页4000字

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represent us in your Cabinet。〃

〃Then;〃 said the New President; 〃I shall have to lock you up until 

you do agree。〃

So the Delegation was cast into the deepest dungeon beneath the 

moat; where it maintained a divided mind for many weeks; but 

finally reconciled its differences and asked to be taken before the 

New President。

〃My child;〃 said he; 〃nothing is so beautiful as harmony。  My 

Cabinet Selections were all made before our former interview; but 

you have supplied a noble instance of patriotism in subordinating 

your personal preferences to the general good。  Go now to your 

beautiful homes and be happy。〃

It is not recorded that the Delegation was happy。

A Forfeited Right

THE Chief of the Weather Bureau having predicted a fine day; a 

Thrifty Person hastened to lay in a large stock of umbrellas; which 

he exposed for sale on the sidewalk; but the weather remained 

clear; and nobody would buy。  Thereupon the Thrifty Person brought 

an action against the Chief of the Weather Bureau for the cost of 

the umbrellas。

〃Your Honour;〃 said the defendant's attorney; when the case was 

called; 〃I move that this astonishing action be dismissed。  Not 

only is my client in no way responsible for the loss; but he 

distinctly foreshadowed the very thing that caused it。〃

〃That is just it; your Honour;〃 replied the counsel for the 

plaintiff; 〃the defendant by making a correct forecast fooled my 

client in the only way that he could do so。  He has lied so much 

and so notoriously that he has neither the legal nor moral right to 

tell the truth。〃

Judgment for the plaintiff。


AN Insurance Agent was trying to induce a Hard Man to Deal With to 

take out a policy on his house。  After listening to him for an 

hour; while he painted in vivid colours the extreme danger of fire 

consuming the house; the Hard Man to Deal With said:

〃Do you really think it likely that my house will burn down inside 

the time that policy will run?〃

〃Certainly;〃 replied the Insurance Agent; 〃have I not been trying 

all this time to convince you that I do?〃

〃Then;〃 said the Hard Man to Deal With; 〃why are you so anxious to 

have your Company bet me money that it will not?〃

The Agent was silent and thoughtful for a moment; then he drew the 

other apart into an unfrequented place and whispered in his ear:

〃My friend; I will impart to you a dark secret。  Years ago the 

Company betrayed my sweetheart by promise of marriage。  Under an 

assumed name I have wormed myself into its service for revenge; and 

as there is a heaven above us; I will have its heart's blood!〃

An Optimist

Two Frogs in the belly of a snake were considering their altered 


〃This is pretty hard luck;〃 said one。

〃Don't jump to conclusions;〃 the other said; 〃we are out of the wet 

and provided with board and lodging。〃

〃With lodging; certainly;〃 said the First Frog; 〃but I don't see 

the board。〃

〃You are a croaker;〃 the other explained。  〃We are ourselves the 


A Valuable Suggestion

A BIG Nation having a quarrel with a Little Nation; resolved to 

terrify its antagonist by a grand naval demonstration in the 

latter's principal port。  So the Big Nation assembled all its ships 

of war from all over the world; and was about to send them three 

hundred and fifty thousand miles to the place of rendezvous; when 

the President of the Big Nation received the following note from 

the President of the Little Nation:

〃My great and good friend; I hear that you are going to show us 

your navy; in order to impress us with a sense of your power。  How 

needless the expense!  To prove to you that we already know all 

about it; I inclose herewith a list and description of all the 

ships you have。〃

The great and good friend was so struck by the hard sense of the 

letter that he kept his navy at home; and saved one thousand 

million dollars。  This economy enabled him to buy a satisfactory 

decision when the cause of the quarrel was submitted to 


Two Footpads

Two Footpads sat at their grog in a roadside resort; comparing the 

evening's adventures。

〃I stood up the Chief of Police;〃 said the First Footpad; 〃and I 

got away with what he had。〃

〃And I;〃 said the Second Footpad; 〃stood up the United States 

District Attorney; and got away with … 〃

〃Good Lord!〃 interrupted the other in astonishment and admiration … 

〃you got away with what that fellow had?〃

〃No;〃 the unfortunate narrator explained … 〃with a small part of 

what I had。〃

Equipped for Service

DURING the Civil War a Patriot was passing through the State of 

Maryland with a pass from the President to join Grant's army and 

see the fighting。  Stopping a day at Annapolis; he visited the shop 

of a well…known optician and ordered seven powerful telescopes; one 

for every day in the week。  In recognition of this munificent 

patronage of the State's languishing industries; the Governor 

commissioned him a colonel。

The Basking Cyclone

A NEGRO in a boat; gathering driftwood; saw a sleeping Alligator; 

and; thinking it was a log; fell to estimating the number of 

shingles it would make for his new cabin。  Having satisfied his 

mind on that point; he stuck his boat…hook into the beast's back to 

harvest his good fortune。  Thereupon the saurian emerged from his 

dream and took to the water; greatly to the surprise of the man…


〃I never befo' seen such a cyclone as dat;〃 he exclaimed as soon as 

he had recovered his breath。  〃It done carry away de ruf of my 


At the Pole

AFTER a great expenditure of life and treasure a Daring Explorer 

had succeeded in reaching the North Pole; when he was approached by 

a Native Galeut who lived there。

〃Good morning;〃 said the Native Galeut。  〃I'm very glad to see you; 

but why did you come here?〃

〃Glory;〃 said the Daring Explorer; curtly。

〃Yes; yes; I know;〃 the other persisted; 〃but of what benefit to 

man is your discovery?  To what truths does it give access which 

were inaccessible before? … facts; I mean; having a scientific 


〃I'll be Tom scatted if I know;〃 the great man replied; frankly; 

〃you will have to ask the Scientist of the Expedition。〃

But the Scientist of the Expedition explained that he had been so 

engrossed with the care of his instruments and the study of his 

tables that he had found no time to think of it。

The Optimist and the Cynic

A MAN who had experienced the favours of fortune and was an 

Optimist; met a man who had experienced an optimist and was a 

Cynic。  So the Cynic turned out of the road to let the Optimist 

roll by in his gold carriage。

〃My son;〃 said the Optimist; stopping the gold carriage; 〃you look 

as if you had not a friend in the world。〃

〃I don't know if I have or not;〃 replied the Cynic; 〃for you have 

the world。〃

The Poet and the Editor

〃MY dear sir;〃 said the editor to the man; who had called to see 

about his poem; 〃I regret to say that owing to an unfortunate 

altercation in this office the greater part of your manuscript is 

illegible; a bottle of ink was upset upon it; blotting out all but 

the first line … that is to say … 〃

〃'The autumn leaves were falling; falling。'

〃Unluckily; not having read the poem; I was unable to supply the 

incidents that followed; otherwise we could have given them in our 

own words。  If the news is not stale; and has not already appeared 

in the other papers; perhaps you will kindly relate what occurred; 

while I make notes of it。

〃'The autumn leaves were falling; falling;'

〃Go on。〃

〃What!〃 said the poet; 〃do you expect me to reproduce the entire 

poem from memory?〃

〃Only the substance of it … just the leading facts。  We will add 

whatever is necessary in the way of amplification and 

embellishment。  It will detain you but a moment。

〃'The autumn leaves were falling; falling … '

〃Now; then。〃

There was a sound of a slow getting up and going away。  The 

chronicler of passing events sat through it; motionless; with 

suspended pen; and when the movement was complete Poesy was 


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