the expedition of humphry clinker-第88节
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dances a hornpipe with surprising agility。 He and I walked; and
rode; and hunted; and fished together; without minding the
vicissitudes of the weather; and I am persuaded; that in a raw;
moist climate; like this of England; continual exercise is as
necessary as food to the preservation of the individual。 In the
course of two and twenty years; there has not been one hour's
interruption or abatement in the friendship subsisting between
Wilson's family and mine; and; what is a rare instance of good
fortune; that friendship is continued to our children。 His son
and mine are nearly of the same age and the same disposition;
they have been bred up together at the same school and college;
and love each other with the warmest affection。
'By Wilson's means; I likewise formed an acquaintance with a
sensible physician; who lives in the next market…town; and his
sister; an agreeable old maiden; passed the Christmas holidays at
our house。 Mean while I began my farming with great eagerness;
and that very winter planted these groves that please you so
much。 As for the neighbouring gentry; I had no trouble from that
quarter during my first campaign; they were all gone to town
before I settled in the country; and by the summer I had taken
measures to defend myself from their attacks。 When a gay
equipage came to my gates; I was never at home; those who visited
me in a modest way; I received; and according to the remarks I
made on their characters and conversation; either rejected their
advances; or returned their civility I was in general despised
among the fashionable company; as a low fellow; both in breeding
and circumstances; nevertheless; I found a few individuals of
moderate fortune; who gladly adopted my stile of living; and many
others would have acceded to our society; had they not been
prevented by the pride; envy; and ambition of their wives and
daughters。 Those; in times of luxury and dissipation; are the
rocks upon which all the small estates in the country are
'I reserved in my own hands; some acres of ground adjacent to the
house; for making experiments in agriculture; according to the
directions of Lyle; Tull; Hart; Duhamel; and others who have
written on this subject; and qualified their theory with the
practical observations of farmer Bland; who was my great master
in the art of husbandry。 In short; I became enamoured of a
country life; and my success greatly exceeded my expectation I
drained bogs; burned heath; grubbed up furze and fern; I planted
copse and willows where nothing else would grow; I gradually
inclosed all my farms; and made such improvements that my estate
now yields me clear twelve hundred pounds a year All this time
my wife and I have enjoyed uninterrupted health; and a regular
flow of spirits; except on a very few occasions; when our
cheerfulness was invaded by such accidents as are inseparable
from the condition of life。 I lost two children in their infancy;
by the small…pox; so that I have one son only; in whom all our
hopes are centered。 He went yesterday to visit a friend; with
whom he has stayed all night; but he will be here to dinner。 I
shall this day have the pleasure of presenting him to you and
your family; and I flatter myself you will find him not
altogether unworthy of our affection。
'The truth is; either I am blinded by the partiality of a parent;
or he is a boy of very amiable character; and yet his conduct has
given us unspeakable disquiet。 You must know; we had projected a
match between him and a gentleman's daughter in the next county;
who will in all probability be heiress of a considerable fortune;
but; it seems; he had a personal disgust to the alliance。
He was then at Cambridge; and tried to gain time on various
pretences; but being pressed in letters by his mother and me to
give a definitive answer; he fairly gave his tutor the slip; and
disappeared about eight months ago。 Before he took this rash
step; he wrote me a letter; explaining his objections to the
match; and declaring; that he would keep himself concealed until
he should understand that his parents would dispense with his
contracting an engagement that must make him miserable for life;
and he prescribed the form of advertising in a certain newspaper;
by which he might be apprized of our sentiments on this subject。
'You may easily conceive how much we were alarmed and afflicted
by this elopement; which he had made without dropping the least
hint to his companion Charles Wilson; who belonged to the same
college。 We resolved to punish him with the appearance of
neglect; in hopes that he would return of his own accord; but he
maintained his purpose till the young lady chose a partner for
herself; then he produced himself; and made his peace by the
mediation of Wilson。 Suppose we should unite our families by
joining him with your niece; who is one of the most lovely
creatures I ever beheld。 My wife is already as fond of her as if
she were her own child; and I have a presentiment that my son
will be captivated by her at first sight。' 'Nothing could be more
agreeable to all our family (said I) than such an alliance; but;
my dear friend; candour obliges me to tell you; that I am afraid
Liddy's heart is not wholly disengaged there is a cursed
obstacle' 'You mean the young stroller at Gloucester (said he)
You are surprised that I should know this circumstance; but you
will be more surprised when I tell you that stroller is no other
than my son George Dennison That was the character he assumed in
his eclipse。' 'I am; indeed; astonished and overjoyed (cried I);
and shall be happy beyond expression to see your proposal take
He then gave me to understand that the young gentleman; at his
emerging from concealment; had disclosed his passion for Miss
Melford; the niece of Mr Bramble; of Monmouthshire。 Though Mr
Dennison little dreamed that this was his old friend Matthew
Loyd; he nevertheless furnished his son with proper credentials;
and he had been at Bath; London; and many other places in quest
of us; to make himself and his pretensions known。
The bad success of his enquiry had such an effect upon his
spirits; that immediately at his return he was seized with a
dangerous fever; which overwhelmed his parents with terror and
affliction; but he was now happily recovered; though still weak
and disconsolate。 My nephew joining us in our walk; I informed
him of these circumstances; with which he was wonderfully
pleased。 He declared he would promote the match to the utmost of
his power; and that he longed to embrace young Mr Dennison as his
friend and brother。 Mean while; the father went to desire his
wife to communicate this discovery gradually to Liddy; that her
delicate nerves might not suffer too sudden a shock; and I
imparted the particulars to my sister Tabby; who expressed some
surprize; not altogether unmixed; I believe; with an emotion of
envy; for; though she could have no objection to an alliance at
once so honourable and advantageous; she hesitated in giving her
consent on pretence of the youth and inexperience of the parties:
at length; however; she acquiesced; in consequence of having
consulted with captain Lismahago。
Mr Dennison took care to be in the way when his son arrived at
the gate; and; without giving him time or opportunity to make any
enquiry about the strangers; brought him up stairs to be
presented to Mr Loyd and his family The first person he saw when
he entered the room; was Liddy; who; notwithstanding all her
preparation; stood trembling in the utmost confusion At sight of
this object he was fixed motionless to the floor; and; gazing at
her with the utmost eagerness of astonishment; exclaimed; 'Sacred
heaven! what is this! ha! wherefore ' Here his speech failing;
he stood straining his eyes; in the most emphatic silence 'George
(said his father); this is my friend Mr Loyd。' Roused at this
intimation; he turned and received my salute; when I said; 'Young
gentleman; if you had trusted me with your secret at our last
meeting; we should have parted upon better terms。' Before he
could make any answer; Jery came round and stood before him with
open arms。 At first; he started and changed colour; but after a
short pause; he rushed into his embrace; and they hugged one
another as if they had been intimate friends from their infancy:
then he payed his respects to Mrs Tabitha; and advancing to
Liddy; 'Is it possible; (cried he); that my senses do not play me
false! that I see Miss Melford under my father's roof that I am
permitted to speak to her without giving offence and that her
relations have honoured me with their countenance and
protection。' Liddy blushed; and trembled; and faltered 'To be
sure; sir (said she); it is a very surprising circumstance a
great a providential … …I really know not what I say but I beg
you will think I have said what's agreeable。'
Mrs Dennison interposing said; 'Compose yourselves; my dear
children。 Your mutual happiness shall be our peculiar care。' The
son going up to his mother; kissed one hand; my niece bathed the
other with her tears; and the good old lady pressed them both in
their turns to her