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the expedition of humphry clinker-第73节

小说: the expedition of humphry clinker 字数: 每页4000字

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deemed a visionary in any sense of the word; was near his own
gate; in the twilight; visited by his grandfather; who has been
dead these fifteen years  The spectre was mounted seemingly on
the very horse he used to ride; with an angry and terrible
countenance; and said something; which his grandson; in the
confusion of fear; could not understand。 But this was not all  He
lifted up a huge horse whip; and applied it with great violence
to his back and shoulders; on which I saw the impression with my
own eyes。 The apparition was afterwards seen by the sexton of the
parish; hovering about the tomb where his body lies interred; as
the man declared to several persons in the village; before he
knew what had happened to the gentleman  Nay; he actually came to
me as a justice of the peace; in order to make oath of these
particulars; which; however; I declined administering。 As for the
grandson of the defunct; he is a sober; sensible; worldly minded
fellow; too intent upon schemes of interest to give in to
reveries。 He would have willingly concealed the affair; but he
bawled out in the first transport of his fear; and; running into
the house; exposed his back and his sconce to the whole family;
so that there was no denying it in the sequel。 It is now the
common discourse of the country; that this appearance and
behaviour of the old man's spirit; portends some great calamity
to the family; and the good…woman has actually taken to her bed
in this apprehension。'

Though I did not pretend to explain this mystery; I said; I did
not at all doubt; but it would one day appear to be a deception;
and; in all probability; a scheme executed by some enemy of the
person who had sustained the assault; but still the gentleman
insisted upon the clearness of the evidence; and the concurrence
of testimony; by which two creditable witnesses; without any
communication one with another; affirmed the appearance of the
same man; with whose person they were both well acquainted  From
Drumlanrig we pursued the course of the Nid to Dumfries; which
stands seven miles above the place where the river falls into the
sea; and is; after Glasgow; the handsomest town I have seen in
Scotland。 The inhabitants; indeed; seem to have proposed that city
as their model; not only in beautifying their town and regulating
its police; but; also in prosecuting their schemes of commerce
and manufacture; by which they are grown rich and opulent。

We re…entered England; by the way of Carlisle; where we
accidentally met with our friend Lismahago; whom we had in vain
inquired after at Dumfries and other places  It would seem that
the captain; like the prophets of old; is but little honoured in
his own country; which he has now renounced for ever  He gave me
the following particulars of his visit to his native soil  In his
way to the place of his nativity; he learned that his nephew had
married the daughter of a burgeois; who directed a weaving
manufacture; and had gone into partnership with his father…in…law:
chagrined with this information; he had arrived at the gate
in the twilight; where he heard the sound of treddles in the
great hall; which had exasperated him to such a degree; that he
had like to have lost his senses: while he was thus transported
with indignation; his nephew chanced to come forth; when; being
no longer master of his passion; he cried; 'Degenerate rascal!
you have made my father's house a den of thieves;' and at the
same time chastised him with his horse…whip; then; riding round
the adjoining village; he had visited the burying…ground of his
ancestors by moon…light; and; having paid his respects to their
manes; travelled all night to another part of the country 
Finding the head of the family in such a disgraceful situation;
all his own friends dead or removed from the places of their
former residence; and the expence of living increased to double
of what it had been; when he first left his native country; he
had bid it an eternal adieu; and was determined to seek for
repose among the forests of America。

I was no longer at a loss to account for the apparition; which
had been described at Drumlanrig; and when I repeated the story
to the lieutenant; he was much pleased to think his resentment
had been so much more effectual than he intended; and he owned;
he might at such an hour; and in such an equipage; very well pass
for the ghost of his father; whom he was said greatly to
resemble  Between friends; I fancy Lismahago will find a retreat
without going so far as the wigwams of the Miamis。 My sister
Tabby is making continual advances to him; in the way of
affection; and; if I may trust to appearances; the captain is
disposed to take opportunity by the forelock。 For my part; I
intend to encourage this correspondence; and shall be glad to see
them united  In that case; we shall find a way to settle them
comfortably in our own neighbourhood。 I; and my servants; will
get rid of a very troublesome and tyrannic gouvernante; and I
shall have the benefit of Lismahago's conversation; without being
obliged to take more of his company than I desire; for though an
olla is a high…flavoured dish; I could not bear to dine upon it
every day of my life。

I am much pleased with Manchester; which is one of the most
agreeable and flourishing towns in Great…Britain; and I perceive
that this is the place which hath animated the spirit; and
suggested the chief manufactures of Glasgow。 We propose to visit
Chatsworth; the Peak; and Buxton; from which last place we shall
proceed directly homewards; though by easy journies。 If the
season has been as favourable in Wales as in the North; your
harvest is happily finished; and we have nothing left to think of
but our October; of which let Barns be properly reminded。 You
will find me much better in flesh than I was at our parting; and
this short separation has given a new edge to those sentiments of
friendship with which I always have been; and ever shall be;


To Mrs GWILLIM; house…keeper at Brambleton…hall。


It has pleased Providence to bring us safe back to England; and
partake us in many pearls by land and water; in particular the
Devil's Harse a pike; and Hoyden's Hole; which hath got no
bottom; and; as we are drawing huomwards; it may be proper to
uprise you; that Brambleton…hall may be in condition to receive
us; after this long gurney to the islands of Scotland。 By the
first of next month you may begin to make constant fires in my
brother's chamber and mine; and burn a fagget every day in the
yellow damask room: have the tester and curtains dusted; and the
featherbed and matrosses well haired; because; perhaps; with the
blissing of haven; they may be yoosed on some occasion。 Let the
ould hogsheads be well skewred and seasoned for bear; as Mat is
resolved to have his seller choak fool。

If the house was mine; I would turn over a new leaf  I don't see
why the sarvants of Wales shouldn't drink fair water; and eat hot
cakes and barley cale; as they do in Scotland; without troubling
the botcher above once a quarter  I hope you keep accunt of
Roger's purseeding in reverence to the buttermilk。 I expect my
dew when I come huom; without baiting an ass; I'll assure you。 
As you must have layed a great many more eggs than would be
eaten; I do suppose there is a power of turks; chickings; and
guzzling about the house; and a brave kergo of cheese ready for
market; and that the owl has been sent to Crickhowel; saving what
the maids spun in the family。

Pray let the whole house and furniture have a thorough cleaning
from top to bottom; for the honour of Wales; and let Roger search
into; and make a general clearance of the slit holes; which the
maids have in secret; for I know they are much given to sloth and
uncleanness。 I hope you have worked a reformation among them; as
I exhorted you in my last; and set their hearts upon better
things than they can find in junkitting and caterwauling with the
fellows of the country。

As for Win Jenkins; she has undergone a perfect metamurphysis;
and is become a new creeter from the ammunition of Humphry
Clinker; our new footman; a pious young man; who has laboured
exceedingly; that she may bring forth fruits of repentance。 I
make no doubt but he will take the same pains with that pert
hussey Mary Jones; and all of you; and that he may have power
given to penetrate and instill his goodness; even into your most
inward parts; is the fervent prayer of

Your friend in the spirit;
Septr。 18。



Lismahago is more paradoxical than ever。  The late gulp he had of
his native air; seems to have blown fresh spirit into all his
polemical faculties。 I congratulated him the other day on the
present flourishing state of his country; observing that the
Scots were now in a fair way to wipe off the national reproach of
poverty; and expressing my satisfaction at the happy effects of
the union; so conspicuous in the improvement of their
agriculture; commerce; manufactures; and manners  The lieutenant;
screwing up his features into a look of dissent and disgust;
commented on my remark

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