the expedition of humphry clinker-第11节
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and I'm afraid he will leave it off The first day we came to
Bath; he fell into a violent passion; beat two black…a…moors; and
I was afraid he would have fought with their master; but the
stranger proved a peaceable man。 To be sure; the gout had got
into his head; as my aunt observed; but; I believe; his passion
drove it away; for he has been remarkably well ever since。 It is
a thousand pities he should ever be troubled with that ugly
distemper; for; when he is free from pain; he is the best
tempered man upon earth; so gentle; so generous; so charitable;
that every body loves him; and so good to me; in particular; that
I shall never be able to shew the deep sense I have of his
tenderness and affection。
Hard by the Pump…room; is a coffee…house for the ladies; but my
aunt says; young girls are not admitted; insomuch as the
conversation turns upon politics; scandal; philosophy; and other
subjects above our capacity; but we are allowed to accompany them
to the booksellers' shops; which are charming places of resort;
where we read novels; plays; pamphlets; and newspapers; for so
small a subscription as a crown a quarter; and in these offices
of intelligence (as my brother calls them) all the reports of the
day; and all the private transactions of the Bath; are first
entered and discussed。 From the bookseller's shop; we make a tour
through the milliners and toymen; and commonly stop at Mr Gill's;
the pastry…cook; to take a jelly; a tart; or a small bason of
vermicelli。 There is; moreover; another place of entertainment on
the other side of the water; opposite to the Grove; to which the
company cross over in a boat It is called Spring…garden; a
sweet retreat; laid out in walks and ponds; and parterres of
flowers; and there is a long…room for breakfasting and dancing。
As the situation is low and damp; and the season has been
remarkably wet; my uncle won't suffer me to go thither; lest I
should catch cold: but my aunt says it is all a vulgar prejudice;
and; to be sure; a great many gentlemen and ladies of Ireland
frequent the place; without seeming to be the worse for it。 They
say; dancing at Spring…gardens; when the air is moist; is
recommended to them as an excellent cure for the rheumatism。 I
have been twice at the play; where; notwithstanding the
excellence of the performers; the gayety of the company; and the
decorations of the theatre; which are very fine; I could not help
reflecting; with a sigh; upon our poor homely representations at
Gloucester But this; in confidence to my dear Willis You
know my heart; and will excuse its weakness。
After all; the great scenes of entertainment at Bath; are the two
public rooms; where the company meet alternately every evening。
They are spacious; lofty; and; when lighted up; appear very
striking。 They are generally crowded with well…dressed people;
who drink tea in separate parties; play at cards; walk; or sit
and chat together; just as they are disposed。 Twice a…week there
is a ball; the expence of which is defrayed by a voluntary
subscription among the gentlemen; and every subscriber has three
tickets。 I was there Friday last with my aunt; under the care of
my brother; who is a subscriber; and Sir Ulic Mackilligut
recommended his nephew; captain O Donaghan; to me as a partner;
but Jery excused himself; by saying I had got the head…ach; and;
indeed; it was really so; though I can't imagine how he knew it。
The place was so hot; and the smell so different from what we are
used to in the country; that I was quite feverish when we came
away。 Aunt says it is the effect of a vulgar constitution; reared
among woods and mountains; and; that as I become accustomed to
genteel company; it will wear off。 Sir Ulic was very
complaisant; made her a great many high…flown compliments; and;
when we retired; handed her with great ceremony to her chair。 The
captain; I believe; would have done me the same favour; but my
brother seeing him advance; took me under his arm; and wished him
good night。 The Captain is a pretty man; to be sure; tall and
strait; and well made; with light…grey eyes; and a Roman nose;
but there is a certain boldness in his look and manner; that puts
one out of countenance But I am afraid I have put you out of
all patience with this long unconnected scrawl; which I shall
therefore conclude; with assuring you; that neither Bath; nor
London; nor all the diversions of life; shall ever be able to
efface the idea of my dear Letty; from the heart of her ever
To Mrs MARY JONES; at Brambleton…hall。
Heaving got a frank; I now return your fever; which I received by
Mr Higgins; at the Hot Well; together with the stockings; which
his wife footed for me; but now they are of no survice。 No body
wears such things in this place O Molly! you that live in the
country have no deception of our doings at Bath。 Here is such
dressing; and fidling; and dancing; and gadding; and courting and
plotting O gracious! if God had not given me a good stock of
discretion; what a power of things might not I reveal; consarning
old mistress and young mistress; Jews with beards that were no
Jews; but handsome Christians; without a hair upon their sin;
strolling with spectacles; to get speech of Miss Liddy。 But she's
a dear sweet soul; as innocent as the child unborn。 She has tould
me all her inward thoughts; and disclosed her passion for Mr
Wilson; and that's not his name neither; and thof he acted among
the player…men; he is meat for their masters; and she has gi'en
me her yallow trollopea; which Mrs Drab; the mantymaker; says
will look very well when it is scowred and smoaked with silfur
You knows as how; yallow fitts my fizzogmony。 God he knows what
havock I shall make among the mail sex; when I make my first
appearance in this killing collar; with a full soot of gaze; as
good as new; that I bought last Friday of madam Friponeau; the
French mullaner Dear girl; I have seen all the fine shews of
Bath; the Prades; the Squires; and the Circlis; the Crashit; the
Hottogon; and Bloody Buildings; and Harry King's row; and I have
been twice in the Bath with mistress; and na'r a smoak upon our
backs; hussy。 The first time I was mortally afraid; and flustered
all day; and afterwards made believe that I had got the heddick;
but mistress said; if I didn't go I should take a dose of
bumtaffy; and so remembering how it worked Mrs Gwyllim a
pennorth; I chose rather to go again with her into the Bath; and
then I met with an axident。 I dropt my petticoat; and could not
get it up from the bottom。But what did that signify; they
mought laff but they could see nothing; for I was up to the sin
in water。 To be sure; it threw me into such a gumbustion; that I
know not what I said; nor what I did; nor how they got me out;
and rapt me in a blanket Mrs Tabitha scoulded a little when we
got home; but she knows as I know what's what Ah Laud help you!
There is Sir Yury Micligut; of Balnaclinch; in the cunty of
Kalloway I took down the name from his gentleman; Mr 0 Frizzle;
and he has got an estate of fifteen hundred a year I am sure he
is both rich and generousBut you nose; Molly; I was always
famous for keeping secrets; and so he was very safe in trusting
me with his flegm for mistress; which; to be sure is very
honourable; for Mr 0 Frizzle assures me; he values not her
portion a brass varthing And; indeed; what's poor ten thousand
pounds to a Baron Knight of his fortune? and; truly; I told Mr 0
Frizzle that was all she had trust to As for John Thomas; he's a
morass fellor I vow; I thought he would a fit with Mr 0 Frizzle;
because he axed me to dance with him at Spring Garden But God he
knows I have no thoughts eyther of wan or t'other。
As for house news; the worst is; Chowder has fallen off greatly
from his stomick He cats nothing but white meats; and not much
of that; and wheezes; and seems to be much bloated。 The doctors
think he is threatened with a dropsy Parson Marrofat; who has
got the same disorder; finds great benefit from the waters; but
Chowder seems to like them no better than the squire; and
mistress says; if his case don't take a favourable turn; she will
sartinly carry him to Aberga'ny; to drink goat's whey To be
sure; the poor dear honymil is lost for want of axercise; for
which reason; she intends to give him an airing once a…day upon
the Downs; in a post…chaise I have already made very creditable
connexions in this here place; where; to be sure; we have the
very squintasense of satiety Mrs Patcher; my lady Kilmacullock's
woman; and I are sworn sisters。 She has shewn me all her secrets;
and learned me to wash gaze; and refrash rusty silks and
bumbeseens; by boiling them with winegar; chamberlye; and stale
beer。 My short sack and apron luck as good as new from the shop;
and my pumpydoor as fresh as a rose; by the help of turtle…water
But this is all Greek and Latten to you; Molly If we should
come to Aberga'ny; you'll be within a day's ride of us; and then
we shall see wan another; please God If not; remember me in your
prayers; as I shall do by you in mine; and take care of my
kitten; and give my kind sarvice to Sall;