太子爷小说网 > 英语电子书 > the sorrows of young werther(少年维特的烦恼) >


the sorrows of young werther(少年维特的烦恼)-第27节

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blood came; and he still continued to breathe。

》From the blood which flowed from the chair; it could be inferred
that he had committed the rash act sitting at his bureau; and that
he afterward fell upon the floor。  He was found lying on his back
near the window。  He was in full…dress costume。

The house; the neighbourhood; and the whole town were immediately
in commotion。  Albert arrived。  They had laid Werther on the bed:
his head was bound up; and the paleness of death was upon his face。
His limbs were motionless; but he still breathed; at one time
strongly; then weaker  his death was momently expected。

He had drunk only one glass of the wine。  〃Emilia Galotti〃 lay
open upon his bureau。

I shall say nothing of Albert's distress; or of Charlotte's grief。

The old steward hastened to the house immediately upon hearing the
news: he embraced his dying friend amid a flood of tears。  His
eldest boys soon followed him on foot。  In speechless sorrow they
threw themselves on their knees by the bedside; and kissed his
hands and face。  The eldest; who was his favourite; hung over him
till he expired; and even then he was removed by force。  At twelve
o'clock Werther breathed his last。  The presence of the steward;
and the precautions he had adopted; prevented a disturbance; and
that night; at the hour of eleven; he caused the body to be interred
in the place which Werther had selected for himself。

The steward and his sons followed the corpse to the grave。  Albert
was unable to accompany them。  Charlotte's life was despaired of。
The body was carried by labourers。  No priest attended。


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