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the sorrows of young werther(少年维特的烦恼)-第22节

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about the whole matter; and she never made it a subject of
conversation; feeling bound to prove to him by her conduct that
her sentiments agreed with his。

The same day; which was the Sunday before Christmas; after Werther
had written the last…mentioned letter to his friend; he came in
the evening to Charlotte's house; and found her alone。  She was
busy preparing some little gifts for her brothers and sisters;
which were to be distributed to them on Christmas Day。  He began
talking of the delight of the children; and of that age when the
sudden appearance of the Christmas…tree; decorated with fruit and
sweetmeats; and lighted up with wax candles; causes such transports
of joy。  〃You shall have a gift too; if you behave well;〃 said
Charlotte; hiding her embarrassment under sweet smile。  〃And what
do you call behaving well?  What should I do; what can I do; my
dear Charlotte?〃 said he。  〃Thursday night;〃 she answered; 〃is
Christmas Eve。  The children are all to be here; and my father too:
there is a present for each; do you come likewise; but do not come
before that time。〃  Werther started。  〃I desire you will not: it must
be so;〃 she continued。  〃I ask it of you as a favour; for my own
peace and tranquillity。  We cannot go on in this manner any longer。〃
He turned away his face walked hastily up and down the room; muttering
indistinctly; 〃We cannot go on in this manner any longer!〃  Charlotte;
seeing the violent agitation into which these words had thrown him;
endeavoured to divert his thoughts by different questions; but in vain。
〃No; Charlotte!〃 he exclaimed; 〃I will never see you any more!〃
〃And why so?〃 she answered。 〃We may  we must see each other
again; only let it be with more discretion。  Oh! why were you born
with that excessive; that ungovernable passion for everything that
is dear to you?〃  Then; taking his hand; she said; 〃I entreat of
you to be more calm: your talents; your understanding; your genius;
will furnish you with a thousand resources。  Be a man; and conquer
an unhappy attachment toward a creature who can do nothing but pity
you。〃  He bit his lips; and looked at her with a gloomy countenance。
She continued to hold his hand。  〃Grant me but a moment's patience;
Werther;〃 she said。  〃Do you not see that you are deceiving yourself;
that you are seeking your own destruction?  Why must you love me;
me only; who belong to another?  I fear; I much fear; that it is
only the impossibility of possessing me which makes your desire for
me so strong。〃  He drew back his hand; whilst he surveyed her with
a wild and angry look。  〃'Tis well!〃 he exclaimed; 〃'tis very well!
Did not Albert furnish you with this reflection?  It is profound;
a very profound remark。〃  〃A reflection that any one might easily
make;〃 she answered; 〃and is there not a woman in the whole world
who is at liberty; and has the power to make you happy?  Conquer
yourself: look for such a being; and believe me when I say that you
will certainly find her。  I have long felt for you; and for us all:
you have confined yourself too long within the limits of too narrow
a circle。  Conquer yourself; make an effort: a short journey will
be of service to you。  Seek and find an object worthy of your love;
then return hither; and let us enjoy together all the happiness of
the most perfect friendship。〃

〃This speech;〃 replied Werther with a cold smile; 〃this speech
should be printed; for the benefit of all teachers。  My dear
Charlotte; allow me but a short time longer; and all will be well。〃
〃But however; Werther;〃 she added; 〃do not come again before
Christmas。〃  He was about to make some answer; when Albert came in。
They saluted each other coldly; and with mutual embarrassment paced
up and down the room。  Werther made some common remarks; Albert
did the same; and their conversation soon dropped。  Albert asked
his wife about some household matters; and; finding that his
commissions were not executed; he used some expressions which; to
Werther's ear; savoured of extreme harshness。  He wished to go;
but had not power to move; and in this situation he remained till
eight o'clock; his uneasiness and discontent continually increasing。
At length the cloth was laid for supper; and he took up his hat
and stick。  Albert invited him to remain; but Werther; fancying
that he was merely paying a formal compliment; thanked him coldly;
amd left the house。

Werther returned home; took the candle from his servant; and retired
to his room alone。  He talked for some time with great earnestness
to himself; wept aloud; walked in a state of great excitement
through his chamber; till at length; without undressing; he threw
himself on the bed; where he was found by his servant at eleven
o'clock; when the latter ventured to enter the room; and take off
his boots。  Werther did not prevent him; but forbade him to come in
the morning till he should ring。

On Monday morning; the 21st of December; he wrote to Charlotte the
following letter; which was found; sealed; on his bureau after his
death; and was given to her。  I shall insert it in fragments; as
it appears; from several circumstances; to have been written in
that manner。

〃It is all over; Charlotte: I am resolved to die!  I make this
declaration deliberately and coolly; without any romantic passion;
on this morning of the day when I am to see you for the last time。
At the moment you read these lines; O best of women; the cold grave
will hold the inanimate remains of that restless and unhappy being
who; in the last moments of his existence; knew no pleasure so
great as that of conversing with you!  I have passed a dreadful
night or rather; let me say; a propitious one; for it has given
me resolution; it has fixed my purpose。  I am resolved to die。
When I tore myself from you yesterday; my senses were in tumult
and disorder; my heart was oppressed; hope and pleasure had fled
from me for ever; and a petrifying cold had seized my wretched
being。  I could scarcely reach my room。  I threw myself on my knees;
and Heaven; for the last time; granted me the consolation of
shedding tears。  A thousand ideas; a thousand schemes; arose within
my soul; till at length one last; fixed; final thought took
possession of my heart。  It was to die。  I lay down to rest; and
in the morning; in the quiet hour of awakening; the same determination
was upon me。  To die!  It is not despair: it is conviction that I
have filled up the measure of my sufferings; that I have reached
my appointed term; and must sacrifice myself for thee。  Yes;
Charlotte; why should I not avow it?  One of us three must die:
it shall be Werther。  O beloved Charlotte! this heart; excited by
rage and fury; has often conceived the horrid idea of murdering
your husband  you  myself!  The lot is cast at length。  And
in the bright; quiet evenings of summer; when you sometimes wander
toward the mountains; let your thoughts then turn to me: recollect
how often you have watched me coming to meet you from the valley;
then bend your eyes upon the churchyard which contains my grave;
and; by the light of the setting sun; mark how the evening breeze
waves the tall grass which grows above my tomb。  I was calm when
I began this letter; but the recollection of these scenes makes
me weep like a child。〃
About ten in the morning; Werther called his servant; and; whilst
he was dressing; told him that in a few days he intended to set
out upon a journey; and bade him therefore lay his clothes in
order; and prepare them for packing up; call in all his accounts;
fetch home the books he had lent; and give two months' pay to the
poor dependants who were accustomed to receive from him a weekly

He breakfasted in his room; and then mounted his horse; and went
to visit the steward; who; however; was not at home。  He walked
pensively in the garden; and seemed anxious to renew all the ideas
that were most painful to him。

The children did not suffer him to remain alone long。  They followed
him; skipping and dancing before him; and told him; that after
to…morrow and tomorrow and one day more; they were to receive their
Christmas gift from Charlotte; and they then recounted all the
wonders of which they had formed ideas in their child imaginations。
〃Tomorrow and tomorrow;〃 said he; 〃and one day more!〃  And he
kissed them tenderly。  He was going; but the younger boy stopped
him; to whisper something in his ear。  He told him that his elder
brothers had written splendid New…Year's wishes so large! one for
papa; and another for Albert and Charlotte; and one for Werther;
and they were to be presented early in the morning; on New Year's
Day。  This quite overcame him。  He made each of the children a
present; mounted his horse; left his compliments for papa and
mamma; and; with tears in his eyes; rode away from the place。

He returned home about five o'clock; ordered his servant to keep
up his fire; desired him to pack his books and linen at the bottom
of the trunk; and to place his coats at the top。  He then appears
to have made the following addition to the letter addressed to

〃You do not expect me。  You think I will obey you; and not visit
you again till Christmas Eve

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