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50 bab ballads(50篇巴布歌谣)-第19节

小说: 50 bab ballads(50篇巴布歌谣) 字数: 每页4000字

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They've often; often; often seen That Actor off the stage! 


Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 

Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 

Those aged men so lean and wan; They've seen it all before; They 
know they'll see the charlatan But twice or three times more。 

And so they bear with dance and song; And crimson foil and green; 
They wearily sit; and grimly long For the Transformation Scene。 


Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 

Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 

HAUNTED? Ay; in a social way By a body of ghosts in dread array; 
But no conventional spectres they … Appalling; grim; and tricky: I quail at 
mine as I'd never quail At a fine traditional spectre pale; With a turnip 
head and a ghostly wail; And a splash of blood on the dickey! 

Mine are horrible; social ghosts; … Speeches and women and guests and 
hosts; Weddings and morning calls and toasts; In every bad variety: Ghosts 
who hover about the grave Of all that's manly; free; and brave: You'll find 
their names on the architrave Of that charnel…house; Society。 

Black Monday … black as its school…room ink … With its dismal boys 
that snivel and think Of its nauseous messes to eat and drink; And its 
frozen tank to wash in。 That was the first that brought me grief; And made 
me weep; till I sought relief In an emblematical handkerchief; To choke 
such baby bosh in。 

First and worst in the grim array… Ghosts of ghosts that have gone their 
way; Which I wouldn't revive for a single day For all the wealth of 
PLUTUS … Are the horrible ghosts that school…days scared: If the classical 
ghost that BRUTUS dared Was the ghost of his 〃Caesar〃 unprepared; I'm 
sure I pity BRUTUS。 

I pass to critical seventeen; The ghost of that terrible wedding scene; 
When an elderly Colonel stole my Queen; And woke my dream of heaven。 
No schoolgirl decked in her nurse…room curls Was my gushing innocent 
Queen of Pearls; If she wasn't a girl of a thousand girls; She was one of 

I see the ghost of my first cigar; Of the thence…arising family jar … Of 
my maiden brief (I was at the Bar; And I called the Judge 〃Your wushup!〃) 
Of reckless days and reckless nights; With wrenched…off knockers; 
extinguished lights; Unholy songs and tipsy fights; Which I strove in vain 
to hush up。 

Ghosts of fraudulent joint…stock banks; Ghosts of 〃copy; declined with 
thanks;〃 Of novels returned in endless ranks; And thousands more; I suffer。 
The only line to fitly grace My humble tomb; when I've run my race; Is; 


Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 

Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 

I've fought them all; these ghosts of mine; But the weapons I've used 
are sighs and brine; And now that I'm nearly forty…nine; Old age is my 
chiefest bogy; For my hair is thinning away at the crown; And the silver 
fights with the worn…out brown; And a general verdict sets me down As an 
irreclaimable fogy。 


(1) A version of this ballad is published as a Song; by Mr。 Jeffreys; 
Soho Square。 
(2) This ballad is published as a Song; under the title 〃If;〃 by Messrs。 
Cramer and Co。 
(3) 〃Go with me to a Notary … seal me there Your single bond。〃 MERCHANT 
OF VENICE; Act I。; sc。 3。 
(4) 〃And there shall she; at Friar Lawrence' cell; Be shrived and 
married。〃 … ROMEO AND JULIET; Act II。; sc。 4。 
(5) 〃And give the fasting horses provender。〃 … HENRY THE FIFTH; 
Act IV。; sc。 2。 
(6) 〃Let us; like merchants; show our foulest wares。〃 … TROILUS AND 
CRESSIDA; Act I。; sc。 3。 
(7) 〃Then must the Jew be merciful。〃 …MERCHANT OF VENICE; 
Act IV。; sc。 1。 
(8) 〃The spring; the summer; The chilling autumn; angry winter; 
change Their wonted liveries。〃 … MIDSUMMER NIGHT DREAM; Act IV。; 
sc。 1。 
(9) 〃In the county of Glo'ster; justice of the peace and CORAM。〃 
(10) 〃What lusty trumpet thus doth summon us?〃 … KING JOHN; Act 
V。; sc。 2。 
(11) 〃And I'll provide his executioner。〃 … HENRY THE SIXTH 
(Second Part); Act III。; sc。 1。 
(12) 〃The lioness had torn some flesh away; Which all this while had 
bled。〃 … AS YOU LIKE IT; Act IV。; sc。 3。 
(13) Described by MUNGO PARK。 

Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 

Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 
〃Like a bird。〃 … SLANG EXPRESSION。 
(15) Reprinted from the 〃The Graphic;〃 by permission of the 

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