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50 bab ballads(50篇巴布歌谣)-第18节

小说: 50 bab ballads(50篇巴布歌谣) 字数: 每页4000字

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And made; unnoticed; for the English camp。 He passed the unsuspecting 
sentinels (Who little thought a man in this disguise Could be a proper 
object of suspicion); And ere the curfew bell had boomed 〃lights out;〃 He 
found in audience Bedford's haughty Duke。 

〃Your Grace;〃 he said; 〃start not … be not alarmed; Although a 
Frenchman stands before your eyes。 I'm HONGREE; Sub…Lieutenant of 
Chassoores。 My Colonel will attack your camp to…night; And orders me to 
lead the hope forlorn。 Now I am sure our excellent KING CHARLES 
Would not approve of this; but he's away A hundred leagues; and rather 
more than that。 So; utterly devoted to my King; Blinded by my attachment 
to the throne; And having but its interest at heart; I feel it is my duty to 
disclose All schemes that emanate from COLONEL JOOLES; If I believe 
that they are not the kind Of schemes that our good monarch would 


Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 

Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 

〃But how;〃 said Bedford's Duke; 〃do you propose That we should 
overthrow your Colonel's scheme?〃 And HONGREE; Sub…Lieutenant of 
Chassoores; Replied at once with never…failing tact: 〃Oh; sir; I know this 
cursed country well。 Entrust yourself and all your host to me; I'll lead you 
safely by a secret path Into the heart of COLONEL JOOLES' array; And 
you can then attack them unprepared; And slay my fellow…countrymen 

The thing was done。 The DUKE of BEDFORD gave The order; and 
two thousand fighting men Crept silently into the Gallic camp; And slew 
the Frenchmen as they lay asleep; And Bedford's haughty Duke slew 
COLONEL JOOLES; And gave fair MAHRY; pride of Aquitaine; To 
HONGREE; Sub…Lieutenant of Chassoores。 


Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 

Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 

THE BALLYSHANNON foundered off the coast of Cariboo; And 
down in fathoms many went the captain and the crew; Down went the 
owners … greedy men whom hope of gain allured: Oh; dry the starting tear; 
for they were heavily insured。 

Besides the captain and the mate; the owners and the crew; The 
passengers were also drowned excepting only two: Young PETER GRAY; 
who tasted teas for BAKER; CROOP; AND CO。; And SOMERS; who 
from Eastern shores imported indigo。 

These passengers; by reason of their clinging to a mast; Upon a desert 
island were eventually cast。 They hunted for their meals; as 
ALEXANDER SELKIRK used; But they couldn't chat together … they had 
not been introduced。 

For PETER GRAY; and SOMERS too; though certainly in trade; Were 
properly particular about the friends they made; And somehow thus they 
settled it without a word of mouth … That GRAY should take the northern 
half; while SOMERS took the south。 

On PETER'S portion oysters grew … a delicacy rare; But oysters were a 
delicacy PETER couldn't bear。 On SOMERS' side was turtle; on the 
shingle lying thick; Which SOMERS couldn't eat; because it always made 
him sick。 

GRAY gnashed his teeth with envy as he saw a mighty store Of turtle 
unmolested on his fellow…creature's shore。 The oysters at his feet aside 
impatiently he shoved; For turtle and his mother were the only things he 

And SOMERS sighed in sorrow as he settled in the south; For the 
thought of PETER'S oysters brought the water to his mouth。 He longed to 
lay him down upon the shelly bed; and stuff: He had often eaten oysters; 
but had never had enough。 

How they wished an introduction to each other they had had When on 
board the BALLYSHANNON! And it drove them nearly mad To think 
how very friendly with each other they might get; If it wasn't for the 


Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 

Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 

One day; when out a…hunting for the MUS RIDICULUS; GRAY 
overheard his fellow…man soliloquizing thus: 〃I wonder how the playmates 
of my youth are getting on; M'CONNELL; S。 B。 WALTERS; PADDY 

These simple words made PETER as delighted as could be; Old 
chummies at the Charterhouse were ROBINSON and he! He walked 
straight up to SOMERS; then he turned extremely red; Hesitated; hummed 
and hawed a bit; then cleared his throat; and said: 

I beg your pardon … pray forgive me if I seem too bold; But you have 
breathed a name I knew familiarly of old。 You spoke aloud of ROBINSON 

… I happened to be by。 You know him?〃 〃Yes; extremely well。〃 〃Allow me; 
so do I。〃 
It was enough: they felt they could more pleasantly get on; For (ah; the 
magic of the fact!) they each knew ROBINSON! And Mr。 SOMERS' turtle 
was at PETER'S service quite; And Mr。 SOMERS punished PETER'S 
oyster…beds all night。 

They soon became like brothers from community of wrongs: They 
wrote each other little odes and sang each other songs; They told each 
other anecdotes disparaging their wives; On several occasions; too; they 
saved each other's lives。 

They felt quite melancholy when they parted for the night; And got up 
in the morning soon as ever it was light; Each other's pleasant company 
they reckoned so upon; And all because it happened that they both knew 

They lived for many years on that inhospitable shore; And day by day 
they learned to love each other more and more。 At last; to their 
astonishment; on getting up one day; They saw a frigate anchored in the 
offing of the bay。 

To PETER an idea occurred。 〃Suppose we cross the main? So good an 
opportunity may not be found again。〃 And SOMERS thought a minute; 
then ejaculated; 〃Done! I wonder how my business in the City's getting 

〃But stay;〃 said Mr。 PETER: 〃when in England; as you know; I earned 


Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 

Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 

… my employers think me dead!〃 〃Then come with me;〃 said SOMERS; 
〃and taste indigo instead。〃 
But all their plans were scattered in a moment when they found The 
vessel was a convict ship from Portland; outward bound; When a boat 
came off to fetch them; though they felt it very kind; To go on board they 
firmly but respectfully declined。 

As both the happy settlers roared with laughter at the joke; They 
recognized a gentlemanly fellow pulling stroke: 'Twas ROBINSON … a 
convict; in an unbecoming frock! Condemned to seven years for 
misappropriating stock!!! 

They laughed no more; for SOMERS thought he had been rather rash 
In knowing one whose friend had misappropriated cash; And PETER 
thought a foolish tack he must have gone upon In making the acquaintance 
of a friend of ROBINSON。 

At first they didn't quarrel very openly; I've heard; They nodded when 
they met; and now and then exchanged a word: The word grew rare; and 
rarer still the nodding of the head; And when they meet each other now; 
they cut each other dead。 

To allocate the island they agreed by word of mouth; And PETER 
takes the north again; and SOMERS takes the south; And PETER has the 
oysters; which he hates; in layers thick; And SOMERS has the turtle turtle 
always makes him sick。 


Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 

Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound and Little Sense 

AN Actor sits in doubtful gloom; His stock…in…trade unfurled; In a 
damp funereal dressing…room In the Theatre Royal; World。 

He comes to town at Christmas…time; And braves its icy breath; To 
play in that favourite pantomime; HARLEQUIN LIFE AND DEATH。 

A hoary flowing wig his weird Unearthly cranium caps; He hangs a 
long benevolent beard On a pair of empty chaps。 

To smooth his ghastly features down The actor's art he cribs; … A long 
and a flowing padded gown。 Bedecks his rattling ribs。 

He cries; 〃Go on … begin; begin! Turn on the light of lime … I'm dressed 
for jolly Old Christmas; in A favourite pantomime!〃 

The curtain's up … the stage all black … Time and the year nigh sped Time 
as an advertising quack … The Old Year nearly dead。 

The wand of Time is waved; and lo! Revealed Old Christmas stands; 
And little children chuckle and crow; And laugh and clap their hands。 

The cruel old scoundrel brightens up At the death of the Olden Year; 
And he waves a gorgeous golden cup; And bids the world good cheer。 

The little ones hail the festive King; … No thought can make them sad。 
Their laughter comes with a sounding ring; They clap and crow like mad! 

They only see in the humbug old A holiday every year; And handsome 
gifts; and joys untold; And unaccustomed cheer。 

The old ones; palsied; blear; and hoar; Their breasts in anguish beat They've 
seen him seventy times before; How well they know the cheat! 

They've seen that ghastly pantomime; They've felt its blighting breath; 
They know that rollicking Christmas…time Meant Cold and Want and 

Starvation … Poor Law Union fare … And deadly cramps and chills; And 
illness … illness everywhere; And crime; and Christmas bills。 

They know Old Christmas well; I ween; Those men of ripened age; 
They've often; often; often seen That Actor off the stage! 


Fifty 〃Bab〃 Ballads … Much Sound

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