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as a tomb out of which nought issues to contradict the epitaph
intended for the passer's eye; bold and fearless when soliciting;
good…natured and witty in all acceptations of the word; a timely
jester; full of tact; knowing how to compromise others by a glance or
a nudge; shrinking from no mudhole; but gracefully leaping it;
intrepid Voltairean; yet punctual at mass if a fashionable company
could be met in Saint Thomas Aquinas;such a man as this secretary…
general resembled; in one way or another; all the mediocrities who
form the kernel of the political world。 Knowing in the science of
human nature; he assumed the character of a listener; and none was
ever more attentive。 Not to awaken suspicion he was flattering ad
nauseum; insinuating as a perfume; and cajoling as a woman。
Des Lupeaulx was just forty years old。 His youth had long been a
vexation to him; for he felt that the making of his career depended on
his becoming a deputy。 How had he reached his present position? may be
asked。 By very simple means。 He began by taking charge of certain
delicate missions which can be given neither to a man who respects
himself nor to a man who does not respect himself; but are confided to
grave and enigmatic individuals who can be acknowledged or disavowed
at will。 His business was that of being always compromised; but his
fortunes were pushed as much by defeat as by success。 He well
understood that under the Restoration; a period of continual
compromises between men; between things; between accomplished facts
and other facts looking on the horizon; it was all…important for the
ruling powers to have a household drudge。 Observe in a family some old
charwoman who can make beds; sweep the floors; carry away the dirty
linen; who knows where the silver is kept; how the creditors should be
pacified; what persons should be let in and who must be kept out of
the house; and such a creature; even if she has all the vices; and is
dirty; decrepit; and toothless; or puts into the lottery and steals
thirty sous a day for her stake; and you will find the masters like
her from habit; talk and consult in her hearing upon even critical
matters; she comes and goes; suggests resources; gets on the scent of
secrets; brings the rouge or the shawl at the right moment; lets
herself be scolded and pushed downstairs; and the next morning
reappears smiling with an excellent bouillon。 No matter how high a
statesman may stand; he is certain to have some household drudge;
before whom he is weak; undecided; disputations with fate; self…
questioning; self…answering; and buckling for the fight。 Such a
familiar is like the soft wood of savages; which; when rubbed against
the hard wood; strikes fire。 Sometimes great geniuses illumine
themselves in this way。 Napoleon lived with Berthier; Richelieu with
Pere Joseph; des Lupeaulx was the familiar of everybody。 He continued
friends with fallen ministers and made himself their intermediary with
their successors; diffusing thus the perfume of the last flattery and
the first compliment。 He well understood how to arrange all the little
matters which a statesman has no leisure to attend to。 He saw
necessities as they arose; he obeyed well; he could gloss a base act
with a jest and get the whole value of it; and he chose for the
services he thus rendered those that the recipients were not likely to
Thus; when it was necessary to cross the ditch between the Empire and
the Restoration; at a time when every one was looking about for
planks; and the curs of the Empire were howling their devotion right
and left; des Lupeaulx borrowed large sums from the usurers and
crossed the frontier。 Risking all to win all; he bought up Louis
XVIII。's most pressing debts; and was the first to settle nearly three
million of them at twenty per centfor he was lucky enough to be
backed by Gobseck in 1814 and 1815。 It is true that Messrs。 Gobseck;
Werdet; and Gigonnet swallowed the profits; but des Lupeaulx had
agreed that they should have them; he was not playing for a stake; he
challenged the bank; as it were; knowing very well that the king was
not a man to forget this debt of honor。 Des Lupeaulx was not mistaken;
he was appointed Master of petitions; Knight of the order of Saint
Louis; and officer of the Legion of honor。 Once on the ladder of
political success; his clever mind looked about for the means to
maintain his foothold; for in the fortified city into which he had
wormed himself; generals do not long keep useless mouths。 So to his
general trade of household drudge and go…between he added that of
gratuitous consultation on the secret maladies of power。
After discovering in the so…called superior men of the Restoration
their utter inferiority in comparison with the events which had
brought them to the front; he overcame their political mediocrity by
putting into their mouths; at a crisis; the word of command for which
men of real talent were listening。 It must not be thought that this
word was the outcome of his own mind。 Were it so; des Lupeaulx would
have been a man of genius; whereas he was only a man of talent。 He
went everywhere; collected opinions; sounded consciences; and caught
all the tones they gave out。 He gathered knowledge like a true and
indefatigable political bee。 This walking Bayle dictionary did not
act; however; like that famous lexicon; he did not report all opinions
without drawing his own conclusions; he had the talent of a fly which
drops plumb upon the best bit of meat in the middle of a kitchen。 In
this way he came to be regarded as an indispensable helper to
statesmen。 A belief in his capacity had taken such deep root in all
minds that the more ambitious public men felt it was necessary to
compromise des Lupeaulx in some way to prevent his rising higher; they
made up to him for his subordinate public position by their secret
Nevertheless; feeling that such men were dependent on him; this
gleaner of ideas exacted certain dues。 He received a salary on the
staff of the National Guard; where he held a sinecure which was paid
for by the city of Paris; he was government commissioner to a secret
society; and filled a position of superintendence in the royal
household。 His two official posts which appeared on the budget were
those of secretary…general to his ministry and Master of petitions。
What he now wanted was to be made commander of the Legion of honor;
gentleman of the bed…chamber; count; and deputy。 To be elected deputy
it was necessary to pay taxes to the amount of a thousand francs; and
the miserable homestead of the des Lupeaulx was rated at only five
hundred。 Where could he get money to build a mansion and surround it
with sufficient domain to throw dust in the eyes of a constituency?
Though he dined out every day; and was lodged for the last nine years
at the cost of the State; and driven about in the minister's equipage;
des Lupeaulx possessed absolutely nothing; at the time when our tale
opens; but thirty thousand francs of debtundisputed property。 A
marriage might float him and pump the waters of debt out of his bark;
but a good marriage depended on his advancement; and his advancement
required that he should be a deputy。 Searching about him for the means
of breaking through this vicious circle; he could think of nothing
better than some immense service to render or some delicate intrigue
to carry through for persons in power。 Alas! conspiracies were out of
date; the Bourbons were apparently on good terms with all parties;
and; unfortunately; for the last few years the government had been so
thoroughly held up to the light of day by the silly discussions of the
Left; whose aim seemed to be to make government of any kind impossible
in France; that no good strokes of business could be made。 The last
were tried in Spain; and what an outcry that excited!
In addition to all this; des Lupeaulx complicated matters by believing
in the friendship of his minister; to whom he had the imprudence to
express the wish to sit on the ministerial benches。 The minister
guessed at the real meaning of the desire; which simply was that des
Lupeaulx wanted to strengthen a precarious position; so that he might
throw off all dependence on his chief。 The harrier turned against the
huntsman; the minister gave him cuts with the whip and caresses;
alternately; and set up rivals to him。 But des Lupeaulx behaved like
an adroit courtier with all competitors; he laid traps into which they
fell; and then he did prompt justice upon them。 The more he felt
himself in danger the more anxious he became for an irremovable
position; yet he was compelled to play low; one moment's indiscretion;
and he might lose everything。 A pen…stroke might demolish his civilian
epaulets; his place at court; his sinecure; his two offices and their
advantages; in all; six salaries retained under fire of the law
against pluralists。 Sometimes he threa