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returning sometimes when he returns。 If the minister enjoys the royal
favor when he falls; or still has parliamentary hopes; he takes his
secretary with him into retirement only to bring him back on his
return; otherwise he puts him to grass in some of the various
administrative pastures;for instance; in the Court of Exchequer;
that wayside refuge where private secretaries wait for the storm to
blow over。 The young man is not precisely a government official; he is
a political character; however; and sometimes his politics are limited
to those of one man。 When we think of the number of letters it is the
private secretary's fate to open and read; besides all his other
avocations; it is very evident that under a monarchical government his
services would be well paid for。 A drudge of this kind costs ten or
twenty thousand francs a year; and he enjoys; moreover; the opera…
boxes; the social invitations; and the carriages of the minister。 The
Emperor of Russia would be thankful to be able to pay fifty thousand a
year to one of these amiable constitutional poodles; so gentle; so
nicely curled; so caressing; so docile; always spick and span;
careful watch…dogs besides; and faithful to a degree! But the private
secretary is a product of the representative government hot…house; he
is propagated and developed there; and there only。 Under a monarchy
you will find none but courtiers and vassals; whereas under a
constitutional government you may be flattered; served; and adulated
by free men。 In France ministers are better off than kings or women;
they have some one who thoroughly understands them。 Perhaps; indeed;
the private secretary is to be pitied as much as women and white
paper。 They are nonentities who are made to bear all things。 They are
allowed no talents except hidden ones; which must be employed in the
service of their ministers。 A public show of talent would ruin them。
The private secretary is therefore an intimate friend in the gift of
government However; let us return to the bureaus。
Three men…servants lived in peace in the Billardiere division; to wit:
a footman for the two bureaus; another for the service of the two
chiefs; and a third for the director of the division himself。 All
three were lodged; warmed; and clothed by the State; and wore the
well…known livery of the State; blue coat with red pipings for
undress; and broad red; white; and blue braid for great occasions。 La
Billardiere's man had the air of a gentleman…usher; an innovation
which gave an aspect of dignity to the division。
Pillars of the ministry; experts in all manners and customs
bureaucratic; well…warmed and clothed at the State's expense; growing
rich by reason of their few wants; these lackeys saw completely
through the government officials; collectively and individually。 They
had no better way of amusing their idle hours than by observing these
personages and studying their peculiarities。 They knew how far to
trust the clerks with loans of money; doing their various commissions
with absolute discretion; they pawned and took out of pawn; bought up
bills when due; and lent money without interest; albeit no clerk ever
borrowed of them without returning a 〃gratification。〃 These servants
without a master received a salary of nine hundred francs a year; new
years' gifts and 〃gratifications〃 brought their emoluments to twelve
hundred francs; and they made almost as much money by serving
breakfasts to the clerks at the office。
The elder of these men; who was also the richest; waited upon the main
body of the clerks。 He was sixty years of age; with white hair cropped
short like a brush; stout; thickset; and apoplectic about the neck;
with a vulgar pimpled face; gray eyes; and a mouth like a furnace
door; such was the profile portrait of Antoine; the oldest attendant
in the ministry。 He had brought his two nephews; Laurent and Gabriel;
from Echelles in Savoie;one to serve the heads of the bureaus; the
other the director himself。 All three came to open the offices and
clean them; between seven and eight o'clock in the morning; at which
time they read the newspapers and talked civil service politics from
their point of view with the servants of other divisions; exchanging
the bureaucratic gossip。 In common with servants of modern houses who
know their masters' private affairs thoroughly; they lived at the
ministry like spiders at the centre of a web; where they felt the
slightest jar of the fabric。
On a Thursday evening; the day after the ministerial reception and
Madame Rabourdin's evening party; just as Antoine was trimming his
beard and his nephews were assisting him in the antechamber of the
division on the upper floor; they were surprised by the unexpected
arrival of one of the clerks。
〃That's Monsieur Dutocq;〃 said Antoine。 〃I know him by that pickpocket
step of his。 He is always moving round on the sly; that man。 He is on
your back before you know it。 Yesterday; contrary to his usual ways;
he outstayed the last man in the office; such a thing hasn't happened
three times since he has been at the ministry。〃
Here follows the portrait of Monsieur Dutocq; order…clerk in the
Rabourdin bureau: Thirty…eight years old; oblong face and bilious
skin; grizzled hair always cut close; low forehead; heavy eyebrows
meeting together; a crooked nose and pinched lips; tall; the right
shoulder slightly higher than the left; brown coat; black waistcoat;
silk cravat; yellowish trousers; black woollen stockings; and shoes
with flapping bows; thus you behold him。 Idle and incapable; he hated
Rabourdin;naturally enough; for Rabourdin had no vice to flatter;
and no bad or weak side on which Dutocq could make himself useful。 Far
too noble to injure a clerk; the chief was also too clear…sighted to
be deceived by any make…believe。 Dutocq kept his place therefore
solely through Rabourdin's generosity; and was very certain that he
could never be promoted if the latter succeeded La Billardiere。 Though
he knew himself incapable of important work; Dutocq was well aware
that in a government office incapacity was no hindrance to
advancement; La Billardiere's own appointment over the head of so
capable a man as Rabourdin had been a striking and fatal example of
this。 Wickedness combined with self…interest works with a power
equivalent to that of intellect; evilly disposed and wholly self…
interested; Dutocq had endeavoured to strengthen his position by
becoming a spy in all the offices。 After 1816 he assumed a marked
religious tone; foreseeing the favor which the fools of those days
would bestow on those they indiscriminately called Jesuits。 Belonging
to that fraternity in spirit; though not admitted to its rites; Dutocq
went from bureau to bureau; sounded consciences by recounting immoral
jests; and then reported and paraphrased results to des Lupeaulx; the
latter thus learned all the trivial events of the ministry; and often
surprised the minister by his consummate knowledge of what was going
on。 He tolerated Dutocq under the idea that circumstances might some
day make him useful; were it only to get him or some distinguished
friend of his out of a scrape by a disgraceful marriage。 The two
understood each other well。 Dutocq had succeeded Monsieur Poiret the
elder; who had retired in 1814; and now lived in the pension Vanquer
in the Latin quarter。 Dutocq himself lived in a pension in the rue de
Beaune; and spent his evenings in the Palais…Royal; sometimes going to
the theatre; thanks to du Bruel; who gave him an author's ticket about
once a week。 And now; a word on du Bruel。
Though Sebastien did his work at the office for the small compensation
we have mentioned; du Bruel was in the habit of coming there to
advertise the fact that he was the under…head…clerk and to draw his
salary。 His real work was that of dramatic critic to a leading
ministerial journal; in which he also wrote articles inspired by the
ministers;a very well understood; clearly defined; and quite
unassailable position。 Du Bruel was not lacking in those diplomatic
little tricks which go so far to conciliate general good…will。 He sent
Madame Rabourdin an opera…box for a first representation; took her
there in a carriage and brought her back;an attention which
evidently pleased her。 Rabourdin; who was never exacting with his
subordinates allowed du Bruel to go off to rehearsals; come to the
office at his own hours; and work at his vaudevilles when there。
Monsieur le Duc de Chaulieu; the minister; knew that du Bruel was
writing a novel which was to be dedicated to himself。 Dressed with the
careless ease of a theatre man; du Bruel wore; in the morning;
trousers strapped under his feet; shoes with gaiters; a waistcoat
evidently vamped over; an olive surtout; and a black cravat。 At night
he played the gentleman in elegant clothes。 He lived; for good
reasons; in the same house as Florine; an actress for whom he wrote