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小说: bureaucracy 字数: 每页4000字

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enough for an office; he cabals in the Chamber。 The wife of another

has a statesman at her feet。 A third is the hidden informant of a

powerful journalist。 Often the disgusted and hopeless supernumerary

sends in his resignation。 About three fourths of his class leave the

government employ without ever obtaining an appointment; and their

number is winnowed down to either those young men who are foolish or

obstinate enough to say to themselves; 〃I have been here three years;

and I must end sooner or later by getting a place;〃 or to those who

are conscious of a vocation for the work。 Undoubtedly the position of

supernumerary in a government office is precisely what the novitiate

is in a religious order;a trial。 It is a rough trial。 The State

discovers how many of them can bear hunger; thirst; and penury without

breaking down; how many can toil without revolting against it; it

learns which temperaments can bear up under the horrible experience

or if you like; the diseaseof government official life。 From this

point of view the apprenticeship of the supernumerary; instead of

being an infamous device of the government to obtain labor gratis;

becomes a useful institution。

The young man with whom Rabourdin was talking was a poor supernumerary

named Sebastien de la Roche; who had picked his way on the points of

his toes; without incurring the least splash upon his boots; from the

rue du Roi…Dore in the Marais。 He talked of his mamma; and dared not

raise his eyes to Madame Rabourdin; whose house appeared to him as

gorgeous as the Louvre。 He was careful to show his gloves; well

cleaned with india…rubber; as little as he could。 His poor mother had

put five francs in his pocket in case it became absolutely necessary

that he should play cards; but she enjoined him to take nothing; to

remain standing; and to be very careful not to knock over a lamp or

the bric…a…brac from an etagere。 His dress was all of the strictest

black。 His fair face; his eyes; of a fine shade of green with golden

reflections; were in keeping with a handsome head of auburn hair。 The

poor lad looked furtively at Madame Rabourdin; whispering to himself;

〃How beautiful!〃 and was likely to dream of that fairy when he went to


Rabourdin had noted a vocation for his work in the lad; and as he

himself took the whole service seriously; he felt a lively interest in

him。 He guessed the poverty of his mother's home; kept together on a

widow's pension of seven hundred francs a yearfor the education of

the son; who was just out of college; had absorbed all her savings。 He

therefore treated the youth almost paternally; often endeavoured to

get him some fee from the Council; or paid it from his own pocket。 He

overwhelmed Sebastien with work; trained him; and allowed him to do

the work of du Bruel's place; for which that vaudevillist; otherwise

known as Cursy; paid him three hundred francs out of his salary。 In

the minds of Madame de la Roche and her son; Rabourdin was at once a

great man; a tyrant; and an angel。 On him all the poor fellow's hopes

of getting an appointment depended; and the lad's devotion to his

chief was boundless。 He dined once a fortnight in the rue Duphot; but

always at a family dinner; invited by Rabourdin himself; Madame asked

him to evening parties only when she wanted partners。

At that moment Rabourdin was scolding poor Sebastien; the only human

being who was in the secret of his immense labors。 The youth copied

and recopied the famous 〃statement;〃 written on a hundred and fifty

folio sheets; besides the corroborative documents; and the summing up

(contained in one page); with the estimates bracketed; the captions in

a running hand; and the sub…titles in a round one。 Full of enthusiasm;

in spite of his merely mechanical participation in the great idea; the

lad of twenty would rewrite whole pages for a single blot; and made it

his glory to touch up the writing; regarding it as the element of a

noble undertaking。 Sebastien had that afternoon committed the great

imprudence of carrying into the general office; for the purpose of

copying; a paper which contained the most dangerous facts to make

known prematurely; namely; a memorandum relating to the officials in

the central offices of all ministries; with facts concerning their

fortunes; actual and prospective; together with the individual

enterprises of each outside of his government employment。

All government clerks in Paris who are not endowed; like Rabourdin;

with patriotic ambition or other marked capacity; usually add the

profits of some industry to the salary of their office; in order to

eke out a living。 A number do as Monsieur Saillard did;put their

money into a business carried on by others; and spend their evenings

in keeping the books of their associates。 Many clerks are married to

milliners; licensed tobacco dealers; women who have charge of the

public lotteries or reading…rooms。 Some; like the husband of Madame

Colleville; Celestine's rival; play in the orchestra of a theatre;

others like du Bruel; write vaudeville; comic operas; melodramas; or

act as prompters behind the scenes。 We may mention among them Messrs。

Planard; Sewrin; etc。 Pigault…Lebrun; Piis; Duvicquet; in their day;

were in government employ。 Monsieur Scribe's head…librarian was a

clerk in the Treasury。

Besides such information as this; Rabourdin's memorandum contained an

inquiry into the moral and physical capacities and faculties necessary

in those who were to examine the intelligence; aptitude for labor; and

sound health of the applicants for government service;three

indispensable qualities in men who are to bear the burden of public

affairs and should do their business well and quickly。 But this

careful study; the result of ten years' observation and experience;

and of a long acquaintance with men and things obtained by intercourse

with the various functionaries in the different ministries; would

assuredly have; to those who did not see its purport and connection;

an air of treachery and police espial。 If a single page of these

papers were to fall under the eye of those concerned; Monsieur

Rabourdin was lost。 Sebastien; who admired his chief without

reservation; and who was; as yet; wholly ignorant of the evils of

bureaucracy; had the follies of guilelessness as well as its grace。

Blamed on a former occasion for carrying away these papers; he now

bravely acknowledged his fault to its fullest extent; he related how

he had put away both the memorandum and the copy carefully in a box in

the office where no one would ever find them。 Tears rolled from his

eyes as he realized the greatness of his offence。

〃Come; come!〃 said Rabourdin; kindly。 〃Don't be so imprudent again;

but never mind now。 Go to the office very early tomorrow morning; here

is the key of a small safe which is in my roller secretary; it shuts

with a combination lock。 You can open it with the word 'sky'; put the

memorandum and your copy into it and shut it carefully。〃

This proof of confidence dried the poor fellow's tears。 Rabourdin

advised him to take a cup of tea and some cakes。

〃Mamma forbids me to drink tea; on account of my chest;〃 said


〃Well; then; my dear child;〃 said the imposing Madame Rabourdin; who

wished to appear gracious; 〃here are some sandwiches and cream; come

and sit by me。〃

She made Sebastien sit down beside her; and the lad's heart rose in

his throat as he felt the robe of this divinity brush the sleeve of

his coat。 Just then the beautiful woman caught sight of Monsieur des

Lupeaulx standing in the doorway。 She smiled; and not waiting till he

came to her; she went to him。

〃Why do you stay there as if you were sulking?〃 she asked。

〃I am not sulking;〃 he returned; 〃I came to announce some good news;

but the thought has overtaken me that it will only add to your

severity towards me。 I fancy myself six months hence almost a stranger

to you。 Yes; you are too clever; and I too experienced;too blase; if

you like;for either of us to deceive the other。 Your end is attained

without its costing you more than a few smiles and gracious words。〃

〃Deceive each other! what can you mean?〃 she cried; in a hurt tone。

〃Yes; Monsieur de la Billardiere is dying; and from what the minister

told me this evening I judge that your husband will be appointed in

his place。〃

He thereupon related what he called his scene at the ministry and the

jealousy of the countess; repeating her remarks about the invitation

he had asked her to send to Madame Rabourdin。

〃Monsieur des Lupeaulx;〃 said Madame Rabourdin; with dignity; 〃permit

me to tell you that my husband is the oldest head…clerk as well as the

most capable man in the division; also that the appointment of La

Billardiere over his head made much talk in the service; and that my

husband has stayed on for the last year expecting this promotion; for

which he has really no 

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