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studies of lowell-第4节

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yet more rarely。  He went to the monthly mid…day dinner of the Saturday
Club in Boston; he was very constant at the fortnightly meetings of his
whist…club; because he loved the old friends who formed it; he came
always to the Dante suppers at Longfellow's; and he was familiarly in and
out at Mr。 Norton's; of course。  But; otherwise; he kept to his study;
except for some rare and almost unwilling absences upon university
lecturing at Johns Hopkins or at Cornell。

For four years I did not take any summer outing from Cambridge myself;
and my associations with Elmwood and with Lowell are more of summer than
of winter weather meetings。  But often we went our walks through the
snows; trudging along between the horsecar tracks which enclosed the only
well…broken…out paths in that simple old Cambridge。  I date one memorable
expression of his from such a walk; when; as we were passing Longfellow's
house; in mid…street; he came as near the declaration of his religious
faith as he ever did in my presence。  He was speaking of the New
Testament; and he said; The truth was in it; but they had covered it up
with their hagiology。  Though he had been bred a Unitarian; and had more
and more liberated himself from all creeds; he humorously affected an
abiding belief in hell; and similarly contended for the eternal
punishment of the wicked。  He was of a religious nature; and he was very
reverent of other people's religious feelings。  He expressed a special
tolerance for my own inherited faith; no doubt because Mrs。 Lowell was
also a Swedenborgian; but I do not think he was interested in it; and I
suspect that all religious formulations bored him。  In his earlier poems
are many intimations and affirmations of belief in an overruling
providence; and especially in the God who declares vengeance His and will
repay men for their evil deeds; and will right the weak against the
strong。  I think he never quite lost this; though when; in the last years
of his life; I asked him if he believed there was a moral government of
the universe; he answered gravely and with a sort of pain; The scale was
so vast; and we saw such a little part of it。

As to tine notion of a life after death; I never had any direct or
indirect expression from him; but I incline to the opinion that his hold
upon this weakened with his years; as it is sadly apt to do with men who
have read much and thought much: they have apparently exhausted their
potentialities of psychological life。  Mystical Lowell was; as every poet
must be; but I do not think he liked mystery。  One morning he told me
that when he came home the night before he had seen the Doppelganger of
one of his household: though; as he joked; he was not in a state to see

He then said he used often to see people's Doppelganger; at another time;
as to ghosts; he said; He was like Coleridge: he had seen too many of
'em。  Lest any weaker brethren should be caused to offend by the
restricted oath which I have reported him using in a moment of transport
it may be best to note here that I never heard him use any other
imprecation; and this one seldom。

Any grossness of speech was inconceivable of him; now and then; but only
very rarely; the human nature of some story 〃unmeet for ladies〃 was too
much for his sense of humor; and overcame him with amusement which he was
willing to impart; and did impart; but so that mainly the human nature of
it reached you。  In this he was like the other great Cambridge men;
though he was opener than the others to contact with the commoner life。
He keenly delighted in every native and novel turn of phrase; and he
would not undervalue a vital word or a notion picked up out of the road
even if it had some dirt sticking to it。

He kept as close to the common life as a man of his patrician instincts
and cloistered habits could。  I could go to him with any new find about
it and be sure of delighting him; after I began making my involuntary and
all but unconscious studies of Yankee character; especially in the
country; he was always glad to talk them over with me。  Still; when I had
discovered a new accent or turn of speech in the fields he had
cultivated; I was aware of a subtle grudge mingling with his pleasure;
but this was after all less envy than a fine regret。

At the time I speak of there was certainly nothing in Lowell's dress or
bearing that would have kept the common life aloof from him; if that life
were not always too proud to make advances to any one。  In this
retrospect; I see him in the sack coat and rough suit which he wore upon
all out…door occasions; with heavy shoes; and a round hat。  I never saw
him with a high hat on till he came home after his diplomatic stay in
London; then he had become rather rigorously correct in his costume; and
as conventional as he had formerly been indifferent。  In both epochs he
was apt to be gloved; and the strong; broad hands; which left the
sensation of their vigor for some time after they had clasped yours;
were notably white。  At the earlier period; he still wore his auburn hair
somewhat long; it was darker than his beard; which was branching and
full; and more straw…colored than auburn; as were his thick eyebrows;
neither hair nor beard was then touched with gray; as I now remember。
When he uncovered; his straight; wide; white forehead showed itself one
of the most beautiful that could be; his eyes were gay with humor; and
alert with all intelligence。  He had an enchanting smile; a laugh that
was full of friendly joyousness; and a voice that was exquisite music。
Everything about him expressed his strenuous physical condition: he would
not wear an overcoat in the coldest Cambridge weather; at all times he
moved vigorously; and walked with a quick step; lifting his feet well
from the ground。


It gives me a pleasure which I am afraid I cannot impart; to linger in
this effort to materialize his presence from the fading memories of the
past。  I am afraid I can as little impart a due sense of what he
spiritually was to my knowledge。  It avails nothing for me to say that
I think no man of my years and desert had ever so true and constant a
friend。  He was both younger and older than I by insomuch as he was a
poet through and through; and had been out of college before I was born。
But he had already come to the age of self…distrust when a man likes to
take counsel with his juniors as with his elders; and fancies he can
correct his perspective by the test of their fresher vision。  Besides;
Lowell was most simply and pathetically reluctant to part with youth;
and was willing to cling to it wherever he found it。  He could not in any
wise bear to be left…out。  When Mr。 Bret Harte came to Cambridge; and the
talk was all of the brilliant character…poems with which he had then
first dazzled the world; Lowell casually said; with a most touching;
however ungrounded sense of obsolescence; He could remember when the
'Biglow Papers' were all the talk。  I need not declare that there was
nothing ungenerous in that。  He was only too ready to hand down his
laurels to a younger man; but he wished to do it himself。  Through the
modesty that is always a quality of such a nature; he was magnanimously
sensitive to the appearance of fading interest; he could not take it
otherwise than as a proof of his fading power。  I had a curious hint of
this when one year in making up the prospectus of the Magazine for the
next; I omitted his name because I had nothing special to promise from
him; and because I was half ashamed to be always flourishing it in the
eyes of the public。  〃I see that you have dropped me this year;〃 he
wrote; and I could see that it had hurt; and I knew that he was glad to
believe the truth when I told him。

He did not care so much for popularity as for the praise of his friends。
If he liked you he wished you not only to like what he wrote; but to say
so。  He was himself most cordial in his recognition of the things that
pleased him。  What happened to me from him; happened to others; and I am
only describing his common habit when I say that nothing I did to his
liking failed to bring me a spoken or oftener a written acknowledgment。
This continued to the latest years of his life when the effort even to
give such pleasure must have cost him a physical pang。

He was of a very catholic taste; and he was apt to be carried away by a
little touch of life or humor; and to overvalue the piece in which he
found it; but; mainly his judgments of letters and men were just。
One of the dangers of scholarship was a peculiar danger in the Cambridge
keeping; but Lowell was almost as averse as Longfellow from contempt。
He could snub; and pitilessly; where he thought there was presumption and
apparently sometimes merely because he was in the mood; but I cannot
remember ever to have heard him sneer。  He was often wonderfully patient
of tiresome people; and sometimes celestially insensible to vulgarity。
In spite of his reserve; he really wished people to like him; he was
keenly alive to neighborly good…will or ill…will; and when there was a
question of widening Elmwood avenue by taking part of his grounds; he was
keenly hurt by hearing that 

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