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three ghost stories-第4节

小说: three ghost stories 字数: 每页4000字

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hand。  As the engine came out of the tunnel; his back was towards

her; and she cut him down。  That man drove her; and was showing how

it happened。  Show the gentleman; Tom。〃

The man; who wore a rough dark dress; stepped back to his former

place at the mouth of the tunnel。

〃Coming round the curve in the tunnel; sir;〃 he said; 〃I saw him at

the end; like as if I saw him down a perspective…glass。  There was

no time to check speed; and I knew him to be very careful。  As he

didn't seem to take heed of the whistle; I shut it off when we were

running down upon him; and called to him as loud as I could call。〃

〃What did you say?〃

〃I said; 'Below there!  Look out!  Look out!  For God's sake; clear

the way!'〃

I started。

〃Ah! it was a dreadful time; sir。  I never left off calling to him。

I put this arm before my eyes not to see; and I waved this arm to

the last; but it was no use。〃

Without prolonging the narrative to dwell on any one of its curious

circumstances more than on any other; I may; in closing it; point

out the coincidence that the warning of the Engine…Driver included;

not only the words which the unfortunate Signal…man had repeated to

me as haunting him; but also the words which I myselfnot hehad

attached; and that only in my own mind; to the gesticulation he had




Under none of the accredited ghostly circumstances; and environed by

none of the conventional ghostly surroundings; did I first make

acquaintance with the house which is the subject of this Christmas

piece。  I saw it in the daylight; with the sun upon it。  There was

no wind; no rain; no lightning; no thunder; no awful or unwonted

circumstance; of any kind; to heighten its effect。  More than that:

I had come to it direct from a railway station:  it was not more

than a mile distant from the railway station; and; as I stood

outside the house; looking back upon the way I had come; I could see

the goods train running smoothly along the embankment in the valley。

I will not say that everything was utterly commonplace; because I

doubt if anything can be that; except to utterly commonplace people…

…and there my vanity steps in; but; I will take it on myself to say

that anybody might see the house as I saw it; any fine autumn


The manner of my lighting on it was this。

I was travelling towards London out of the North; intending to stop

by the way; to look at the house。  My health required a temporary

residence in the country; and a friend of mine who knew that; and

who had happened to drive past the house; had written to me to

suggest it as a likely place。  I had got into the train at midnight;

and had fallen asleep; and had woke up and had sat looking out of

window at the brilliant Northern Lights in the sky; and had fallen

asleep again; and had woke up again to find the night gone; with the

usual discontented conviction on me that I hadn't been to sleep at

all;upon which question; in the first imbecility of that

condition; I am ashamed to believe that I would have done wager by

battle with the man who sat opposite me。  That opposite man had had;

through the nightas that opposite man always hasseveral legs too

many; and all of them too long。  In addition to this unreasonable

conduct (which was only to be expected of him); he had had a pencil

and a pocket…book; and had been perpetually listening and taking

notes。  It had appeared to me that these aggravating notes related

to the jolts and bumps of the carriage; and I should have resigned

myself to his taking them; under a general supposition that he was

in the civil…engineering way of life; if he had not sat staring

straight over my head whenever he listened。  He was a goggle…eyed

gentleman of a perplexed aspect; and his demeanour became


It was a cold; dead morning (the sun not being up yet); and when I

had out…watched the paling light of the fires of the iron country;

and the curtain of heavy smoke that hung at once between me and the

stars and between me and the day; I turned to my fellow…traveller

and said:

〃I BEG your pardon; sir; but do you observe anything particular in

me〃?  For; really; he appeared to be taking down; either my

travelling…cap or my hair; with a minuteness that was a liberty。

The goggle…eyed gentleman withdrew his eyes from behind me; as if

the back of the carriage were a hundred miles off; and said; with a

lofty look of compassion for my insignificance:

〃In you; sir?B。〃

〃B; sir?〃 said I; growing warm。

〃I have nothing to do with you; sir;〃 returned the gentleman; 〃pray

let me listenO。〃

He enunciated this vowel after a pause; and noted it down。

At first I was alarmed; for an Express lunatic and no communication

with the guard; is a serious position。  The thought came to my

relief that the gentleman might be what is popularly called a

Rapper:  one of a sect for (some of) whom I have the highest

respect; but whom I don't believe in。  I was going to ask him the

question; when he took the bread out of my mouth。

〃You will excuse me;〃 said the gentleman contemptuously; 〃if I am

too much in advance of common humanity to trouble myself at all

about it。  I have passed the nightas indeed I pass the whole of my

time nowin spiritual intercourse。〃

〃O!〃 said I; somewhat snappishly。

〃The conferences of the night began;〃 continued the gentleman;

turning several leaves of his note…book; 〃with this message:  'Evil

communications corrupt good manners。'〃

〃Sound;〃 said I; 〃but; absolutely new?〃

〃New from spirits;〃 returned the gentleman。

I could only repeat my rather snappish 〃O!〃 and ask if I might be

favoured with the last communication。

〃'A bird in the hand;'〃 said the gentleman; reading his last entry

with great solemnity; 〃'is worth two in the Bosh。'〃

〃Truly I am of the same opinion;〃 said I; 〃but shouldn't it be


〃It came to me; Bosh;〃 returned the gentleman。

The gentleman then informed me that the spirit of Socrates had

delivered this special revelation in the course of the night。  〃My

friend; I hope you are pretty well。  There are two in this railway

carriage。  How do you do?  There are seventeen thousand four hundred

and seventy…nine spirits here; but you cannot see them。  Pythagoras

is here。  He is not at liberty to mention it; but hopes you like

travelling。〃  Galileo likewise had dropped in; with this scientific

intelligence。  〃I am glad to see you; AMICO。 COME STA?  Water will

freeze when it is cold enough。  ADDIO!〃  In the course of the night;

also; the following phenomena had occurred。  Bishop Butler had

insisted on spelling his name; 〃Bubler;〃 for which offence against

orthography and good manners he had been dismissed as out of temper。

John Milton (suspected of wilful mystification) had repudiated the

authorship of Paradise Lost; and had introduced; as joint authors of

that poem; two Unknown gentlemen; respectively named Grungers and

Scadgingtone。  And Prince Arthur; nephew of King John of England;

had described himself as tolerably comfortable in the seventh

circle; where he was learning to paint on velvet; under the

direction of Mrs。 Trimmer and Mary Queen of Scots。

If this should meet the eye of the gentleman who favoured me with

these disclosures; I trust he will excuse my confessing that the

sight of the rising sun; and the contemplation of the magnificent

Order of the vast Universe; made me impatient of them。  In a word; I

was so impatient of them; that I was mightily glad to get out at the

next station; and to exchange these clouds and vapours for the free

air of Heaven。

By that time it was a beautiful morning。  As I walked away among

such leaves as had already fallen from the golden; brown; and russet

trees; and as I looked around me on the wonders of Creation; and

thought of the steady; unchanging; and harmonious laws by which they

are sustained; the gentleman's spiritual intercourse seemed to me as

poor a piece of journey…work as ever this world saw。  In which

heathen state of mind; I came within view of the house; and stopped

to examine it attentively。

It was a solitary house; standing in a sadly neglected garden:  a

pretty even square of some two acres。  It was a house of about the

time of George the Second; as stiff; as cold; as formal; and in as

bad taste; as could possibly be desired by the most loyal admirer of

the whole quartet of Georges。  It was uninhabited; but had; within a

year or two; been cheaply repaired to render it habitable; I say

cheaply; because the work had been done in a surface manner; and was

already decaying as to the paint and plaster; though the colours

were fresh。  A lop…sided board drooped over the garden wall;

announcing that it was 〃to let on very reasonable terms; well

furnished。〃  It was much 

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