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the stokesley secret-第24节

小说: the stokesley secret 字数: 每页4000字

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ith foot and fist; as if his tears were as much anger as grief; and roared out; 〃I want the halfpence for my pig。〃

〃Sam; Sam;〃 cried Susan; 〃if you have hid them for a trick; let him have them。〃

〃II play tricks NOW?〃 exclaimed Sam in indignation。  〃No; indeed!〃

〃Then perhaps Hal has;〃 said Elizabeth。

〃For shame; Bessie!〃 cried Sam。

〃I only know;〃 said Elizabeth; half in self…defence; half in fright; 〃that one of you must have been at the baby…house; for I found the doors open; and shut them up。〃

〃And why should it be one of us?〃 demanded Sam; while David stopped crying; and listened。

〃Because none of the younger ones can reach to undo the doors;〃 said Elizabeth。  〃It was as much as I could do to reach the upper bolt; though I stood upon a chair。〃

This was evident; for the baby…house was really an old…fashioned bureau; and below the glass doors there was a projecting slope of polished walnut; upon which only a fly could stand; and which was always locked。  No one whose years were less than half a score was tall enough to get a good hold of the button; even from the highest chair; far less to jerk down the rather stiff upper bolt。

〃It cannot have been a little one; certainly;〃 said Miss Fosbrook; 〃but you should not be so ready to accuse your brothers; Bessie。〃

David; however; had laid hold of a hope; and getting up from the floor; hastened out of the room; followed by John; and they were presently heard shouting 〃Hal!〃 all over the house。

〃What day was it that you found the door open; Bessie?〃 asked Miss Fosbrook。

〃It was just after dinner;〃 said Elizabeth; recollecting herself。

〃It was on Friday。  Yes; I remember it was Friday; because I went into the school…room to get my pencil; and I was afraid Hal would jump out upon me; and looked in first to see whether he was going to be tiresome; but he was gone。〃

〃Yes;〃 said Susan; 〃it was the day we found poor Jack stuck up on the gate; when he and Hal were in disgrace。  Oh; he never would have played tricks then。〃

〃Did you go up before me; Bessie?〃 asked Miss Fosbrook; 〃for I went up directly after dinner to speak to Henry。〃

〃Yes; I did;〃 said she。  〃I thought if you got in first; you would be scolding him ever so long; and would let nobody in; so I would get my pencil first; and I slipped up before you had left the table。〃

Just then the two boys were heard stumping up the stairs; and ran in; panting with haste and excitement; David with a fiery red ear。

〃No; no; Hal didn't hide it!〃

〃But he boxed Davie's ear for thinking he did;〃 added John; 〃and said he'd do the same for spiteful Bet!〃

〃Then he never played tricks;〃 said Susan。

〃I told you not;〃 said Sam。

〃No;〃 reiterated David; 〃and he said I'd no business to ask; and if Bet went prying about everywhere; I'd better ask her。  Have you got it; Betty?〃

〃I!〃 cried Elizabeth。  〃How can you; Davie?〃

〃You have got a secret;〃 exclaimed David; 〃and you always were cross about Hannah Higgins's pig。  You have got it to tease me!  Miss Fosbrook; make her give it back。〃

〃Nonsense; David;〃 said Miss Fosbrook; 〃Bessie is quite to be trusted; and it is wrong to make unfounded accusations。〃

〃Never mind; Betty;〃 added Sam kindly; 〃if Davie wasn't a little donkey; he wouldn't say such things。〃

〃Where is Henry?〃 asked the governess。  〃Why did he not come himself? Call him; I want to know if he observed this door being open。〃

〃He is gone down to Mr。 Carey's;〃 said John。

〃And it is high time you were there too; Sam;〃 said Miss Fosbrook; starting。  〃If you are late; beg Mr。 Carey's pardon from me; and tell him that I kept you。〃

Sam was obliged to run off at full speed; and the other children stood about; still aghast and excited。  Miss Fosbrook; however; told them to take out their books。  She would not do anything more till she had had time to think; and had composed their minds and her own; for she was exceedingly shocked; and felt herself partly in fault; for having left the hoard in an unlocked cupboard。  She feared to do anything hastily; lest she should bring suspicion on the innocent; and she thought all would do better if time were given for settling down。  All were disappointed at thus losing the excitement; fancying perhaps that instant search and inquiry would hunt up the money; and David put himself quite into a sullen fit。  No; he would not turn round; nor read; nor do anything; unless Miss Fosbrook would make stingy Bet give up the pence。

Miss Fosbrook and Susan both tried to argue with him; but he had set his mind upon one point so vehemently; that it was making him absolutely stupid to everything else; and he was such a little boy (only five years old); that his mind could hardly grasp the exceeding unlikelihood of a girl like Elizabeth committing such a theft; either in sport or earnest; nor understand the injury of such a suspicion。 He only knew that she had a secreta counter secret to his pig; and when she hotly assured him that she had never touched the money; and Susan backed her up with; 〃There; she says she did not;〃 he answered; 〃She once told a story。〃

Elizabeth coloured deep red; and Susan cried out loudly that it was a shame in David; then explained that it was a long long time ago; that Hal and Bessie broke the drawing…room window by playing at ball with little hard apples; and had not 'told; but when questioned had said; 〃No;〃 but indeed they had been so sorry then that she knew they would never do so again。

Again David showed that he could not enter into this; and sulkily repeated; 〃She told a story。〃

〃I will have no more of this;〃 said Christabel resolutely。  〃You are all working yourselves up into a bad spirit:  and not another word will I hear on this matter till lessons are over。〃

That tone was always obeyed; but lessons did not prosper; the children were all restless and unsettled; and David; hitherto for his age her best scholar; took no pains; and seemed absolutely stupefied。 What did he care for fines; if the chance of the pig was gone?  And he was sullenly angry with Miss Fosbrook for using no measures to recover the money; fancied she did not care; and remembered the foolish nursery talk about her favouring Bessie。

Once Miss Fosbrook heard a little gasping from the corner; and looking round; saw poor Bessie crying quietly over her slate; and trying hard to check herself。  She would not have noticed her; though longing to comfort her; if David had not cried out; 〃Bet is crying! A fine!〃

〃No;〃 said Miss Fosbrook; 〃but a fine for an ill…natured speech that has made her cry。〃

〃She has got the pig's money;〃 muttered David。

〃Say that again; and I shall punish you; David。〃

He looked her full in the face; and said it again。

She was thoroughly roused to anger; and kept her word by opening the door of a small dark closet; and putting David in till dinner…time。

Then she and Susan both tried to soothe Bessie; by reminding her how childish David was; how he had caught up some word that probably Hal had flung out without meaning it; and how no one of any sense suspected her for a moment。

〃It is so ill…natured and hard;〃 sobbed Bessie。  〃To think I could steal!  I think they hate me。〃

〃Ah;〃 said Susan; 〃if you only would never be cross to the boys; Bessie; and not keep out of what they care for; they would never think it。〃

〃Yes; Susie is right there;〃 said Christabel。  〃If you try to be one with the others; and make common cause with them; giving up and forbearing; they never will take such things into their heads。〃

〃And WE don't now;〃 said Susan cheerily。  〃Didn't you hear Sam say nobody but a donkey could think it?〃

〃But Bessie has a secret!〃 said Annie。

Again stout Susan said; 〃For shame!〃

〃I'll tell you what my secret is;〃 began Bessie。

〃No;〃 said Susan; 〃don't tell it; dear!  We'll trust you without; and Sam will say the same。〃

Bessie flung her arms round Susan's neck; as if she only now knew the comfort of her dear good sister。

Lessons were resumed; and as soon as these were done; Miss Fosbrook resolved on a thorough search。  Some strange fit of mischief or curiosity might have actuated some one; and the money be hidden away; so she brought David out of his cupboard; and with Susan's help turned out every drawer and locker in the school…room; forbidding the others to touch or assist。  They routed out queer nests of broken curiosities; disturbed old dusty dens of rubbish; peeped behind every row of books; but made no discovery worth mentioning; except the left leg of Annie's last doll; the stuffing of Johnnie's ball; the tiger out of George's Noah's ark; and the first sheet of Sam's Latin Grammar; all stuffed together into a mouse…hole in the skirting。

At dinner Christabel forbade the subject to be mentioned; not only to hinder quarrelsome speeches; but to prevent the loss being talked of among the servants; since she feared that one of them must have committed the theft; and though anxious not to put it into the children's heads; suspected Rhoda; the little nursery…girl; who was quite a child; and had not long been in the house。

Henry ate his dinner in haste; but could not get away till Miss Fosbrook had called him away from the rest; and told him that if he had been playing

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