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the stokesley secret-第2节

小说: the stokesley secret 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Oh! yes; yes;〃 shouted the children; 〃let's do it all ourselves!〃

〃I've got one…and…threepence; and sixpence next Saturday;〃 cried Hal。

〃And I've eightpence;〃 quoth Annie。

〃And I've a whole shilling;〃 said David。

〃I've fourpence;〃 said Johnnie。

〃I've not much; I'm afraid;〃 said Susan; feeling in her pocket; with rather black looks。

〃Oh!〃 said Sam; 〃everybody knows simple Sukey never has a farthing in her pocket by any chance!〃

〃Yes; but I have; Sam;〃 and with an air of great triumph; Susan held up three…halfpence; whereat all the party screamed with laughter。

〃Well; but Bessie always has lots!  She's as rich as a little Jew。 Come; Bet; Elizabeth; Elspeth; Betsy; and Bess; what will you give? what have you got?〃and one hand came on her shoulder; and another on her arm but she shook herself free; and answered rather crossly;

〃Don'tI can'tI've got something else to do with my money。〃

〃Oh! you little stingy avaricious crab!〃 was the outcry beginning; but Miss Fosbrook stopped it before Elizabeth had time to make the angry answer that was rising on her lips。

〃No; my dears; you must not tease her。  Each of you has a full right to use your own money as you may think best; and it is not right to force gifts in this manner。〃

〃She's a little affected pussy…cat;〃 said Hal; much annoyed; 〃I know what she wants it forto buy herself a ridiculous parasol like Ida Greville; when she would see poor Hannah Higgins starving at her feet。〃

Elizabeth bit her lip; and tossed up her head; the tears were in her eyes; but she made no answer。

〃Come; never mind;〃 said Sam; 〃she's as obstinate as a male when she gets a thing into her head。  Let's see what we've got without her。 I've only sevenpence:  worse luck that I bought ball of string yesterday。〃

The addition amounted to three shillings and elevenpence halfpenny: a sum which looked so mighty when spread out; chiefly in coppers; on the window…seat; that Annie and David looked on it as capable of buying any amount of swine; but Sam looked rather blank at it; and gazing up and down; said; 〃But what does a pig cost?〃

〃Miss Fosbrook; what does a pig cost?〃

Miss Fosbrook shook her head and laughed; saying that she knew much less of pigs than they did; and Susan exclaiming; 〃There's Purday in the court;〃 they all tumbled to the window; one upon the top of the other。

The window was a large heavily…framed sash; with a deep window…seat; and a narrow ledge within the sillas if made on purpose; the first for the knees the second for the elbows of the gazers therefrom。

As to the view; it was into a walled kitchen court; some high chestnut and lime trees just looking over the grey roofs of the offices。  On the ground lay a big black Newfoundland dog; and a couple of graceful greyhounds; one of them gnawing a bone; cunningly watched by a keen…looking raven; with his head on one side; while peeping out from the bars of the bottle…rack was the demure face of the sandy cat; on the watch for either bones or sparrows。

A stout; stumpy; shrewd…looking labourer; in a short round frock; high buskins; an old wide…awake; short curly hair; and a very large nose; stood in front of the dairy door; mixing a mess of warm milk for the young calves。

〃Purday!  Master Purday!〃 roared nearly the whole young population above; but he was so intent on his mixture; that he went on as if he were deaf; till a second explosion of 〃Purday!  Purday!  I say!〃 made him turn up his face in an odd half…awake kind of manner。

〃Purday; what's the price of a pig?〃 and; 〃What does a pig cost; Purday?〃

〃What d'ye all holler at once for?  A body can't hear a word;〃 was all the answer they got; whereupon they all started together again; and Purday went on with his mixture as if they had been so many hens cackling。

Then Sam got up his breath again and called alone; 〃Purday!〃 and Hal and Susan by pats and pinches strangled the like outcry from Annie and John; so as to leave the field clear for the great question; 〃Purday; what does a pig cost?〃

〃More than your voices up there; sir;〃 growled Purday; making some laugh; but Henry cried impatiently;

〃Now; Purday; we really do want to know what is the price of pigs。〃

〃They was high last market;〃 began Purday。

〃I don't care if they were high or low;〃 said Hal; 〃I want to know what money they cost。〃

〃Different pigs cost different prices;〃 quoth the oracle; so sententiously; that Miss Fosbrook's shoulders shook with laughing as she stood a little in the background of the eager heap in the window。

〃A nice little pig; such as you'd give〃

〃Hush; hush; Hal; it's a secret;〃 cried Susan。

〃A pretty sort of secretknown to eight already; and bawled out all over the yard;〃 said Sam。

〃But don't tell him what it's for; you can ask him without that。〃

〃A nice little young pig;〃 said Sam; 〃such as you'd keep all the summer; and fat in the winter。〃

〃Mind; it ain't for you; Purday;〃 cried Hal。

〃Never fear my being disappointed; sir;〃 said the free…spoken Purday; with a twinkle of his eye; which Hal understood so well that he burst out;

〃Ah! you think I can never do what I say I will; but you'll see; Purday; if we don't give a pig to〃

He was screamed at; and pulled into order and silence; ere the words; 〃Hannah Higgins〃 had quite come out; and Sam repeated his question。

〃Well;〃 said Purday at last; 〃if pigs was reasonable; you might get a nice little one to fat; at Kattern Hill fair; somewhere about ten shillings; or maybe twelvesometimes more; sometimes less。〃

〃Ten shillings!〃  The community stood round and looked at one another at the notion of such an awful sum; but Hal was the first to cast a ray of hope on the gloom。  〃Kattern Hill fair ain't till Midsummer; and perhaps Grandmamma will send us some money before that。  If anybody's birthday was but coming!〃

〃Better save it out of our allowance;〃 said Sam。  〃How long is it to the fair?〃

Miss Fosbrook's pocket…book declared it to be four weeks。

〃Well; then;〃 said Hal; 〃we three big ones have sixpence a week each; that's six shillings; leaving out stingy Bess; and the little ones threepence; that's three times three is nine; and three times nine is thirty…six; that's three shillings; and six is nine; and very near four is fourteen。  We shall do the pig yet。〃

〃Yes; Hal; but if pigs are reasonable; I am afraid three times nine never yet were so much so as to make thirty…six;〃 objected Miss Fosbrook。

Sam whistled。

〃Twenty…seventhat's three and twopenceit's all the same;〃 said Hal; then at the scream of the rest; 〃at least two and threepence。 Well; any way there's plenty for piggy…wiggy; and it shall be a jolly secret to delight Hannah Higgins; and surprise Papa and Mamma: hurrah!〃

〃Yes;〃 said Sam; 〃but then nobody must have any fines。〃

〃Ay; and Sue must keep her money。  That will be a wonder!〃 shouted Harry。

〃Well; I'll try;〃 said Susan。  〃I'll try not to have a single fine; and I'll not buy a single lump of sugar…candy; for I do want poor Hannah to have her pig。〃

〃And so will we!〃 cried the younger ones with one voice。

〃Only;〃 added Susan; 〃I must buy Dicky's canary seed。〃

〃And I must have a queen's head to write to Mamma;〃 said Annie。

〃Oh! never mind that; such trumpery as your letters are;〃 said Hal。 〃Mamma could say them by heart before she gets them。  What does she care for them?〃

Little Annie looked very deplorable。

〃Never mind; my dear;〃 said Miss Fosbrook; 〃mammas always care for little girls' letters; and you are quite right to keep a penny for your stamp for her。You see; Hal; this scheme will never come to good if you sacrifice other duties to it。〃

Henry twirled round impatiently。

〃Now suppose;〃 said Miss Fosbrook; 〃that we set up a treasury; and put all in that we can properly afford; and then break it open on the day before the fair; and see how much we have。〃

〃Oh! yes; yes;〃 cried the children in raptures。

〃Will you help; Miss Fosbrook?〃 said Susan; clasping her hands。

〃I should like to do a very little; if you will take this silver threepenny; but I do not think it would be right for me to spare one penny more; for all I can afford is very much wanted at home。〃

〃What shall we have for treasury?〃 said Hal; looking round。

〃I know!〃 cried Susan。  〃Here; in the baby…house; here's the Toby; let's put it inside him。〃

The so…called baby…house was an old…fashioned cupboard with glass doors; where certain tender dolls; and other curiosities; playthings too frail to be played with and the like; were ranged in good order; and never taken out except when some one child was unwell; and had to stay in…doors alone。

Toby Fillpot was a present from Nurse Freeman。  It was a large mug; representing a man with a red coat; black hat; and white waistcoat; very short legs; and top…boots。  The opening of the cup was at the top of his head; and into this was dropped all the silver and pence at present mustered; and computed to be about four shillings。

〃And; Miss Fosbrook; you'll not be cross about fines?〃 said Johnnie; looking coaxing。

〃I hope I shall not be cross;〃 she answered; 〃but I do not engage to let you off any。  I think having so good a use to put your money to should make you more careful against forf

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