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sir nigel-第73节

小说: sir nigel 字数: 每页4000字

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his mailed hand upon the other's steel…clad thigh。  They were old
battle…companions; of the same age and in the very prime of life;
with equal fame and equal experience of the wars。  Such was the
group of famous English soldiers who sat their horses behind the
Prince and waited for their orders。

〃I would that you had laid hands upon him;〃 said the Prince
angrily; continuing his conversation with Chandos; 〃and yet;
perchance; it was wiser to play this trick and make them think
that we were retreating。〃

〃He has certainly carried the tidings;〃 said Chandos; with a
smile。  〃No sooner had the wagons started than I saw him gallop
down the edge of the wood。〃

〃It was well thought of; John;〃 the Prince remarked; 〃for it would
indeed be great comfort if we could turn their own spy against
them。  Unless they advance upon us; I know not how we can hold out
another day; for there is not a loaf left in the army; and yet if
we leave this position where shall we hope to find such another?〃

〃They will stoop; fair sir; they will stoop to our lure。  Even now
Robert de Duras will be telling them that the wagons are on the
move; and they will hasten to overtake us lest we pass the ford。
But who is this; who rides so fast?  Here perchance may be

A horseman had spurred up to the knoll。  He sprang from the
saddle; and sank on one knee before the Prince。

〃How now; my Lord Audley;〃 said Edward。  〃 What would you have?〃

〃Sir;〃 said the knight; still kneeling with bowed head before his
leader; 〃I have a boon to ask of you。〃

〃Nay; James; rise!  Let me hear what I can do。〃

The famous knight errant; pattern of chivalry for all time; rose
and turned his swarthy face and dark earnest eyes upon his master。
〃Sir;〃 said he; 〃I have ever served most loyally my lord your
father and yourself; and shall continue so to do so long as I have
life。  Dear sir; I must now acquaint you that formerly I made a
vow if ever I should be in any battle under your command that I
would be foremost or die in the attempt。  I beg therefore that you
will graciously permit me to honorably quit my place among the
others; that I may post myself in such wise as to accomplish my

The Prince smiled; for it was very sure that vow or no vow;
permission or no permission; Lord James Audley would still be in
the van。  〃Go; James;〃 said he; shaking his hand; 〃and God grant
that this day you may shine in valor above all knights。  But hark;
John; what is that?〃

Chandos cast up his fierce nose like the eagle which smells
slaughter afar。  〃Surely; sir; all is forming even as we had
planned it。〃

》From far away there came a thunderous shout。  Then another and yet

〃See; they are moving!〃 cried the Captal de Buch。

All morning they had watched the gleam of the armed squadrons who
were drawn up in front of the French camp。  Now whilst a great
blare of trumpets was borne to their ears; the distant masses
flickered and twinkled in the sunlight。

〃Yes; yes; they are moving!〃 cried the Prince。

〃They are moving!  They are moving!〃  Down the line the murmur
ran。  And then with a sudden impulse the archers at the hedge
sprang to their feet and the knights behind them waved their
weapons in the air; while one tremendous shout of warlike joy
carried their defiance to the approaching enemy。  Then there fell
such a silence that the pawing of the horses or the jingle of
their harness struck loud upon the ear; until amid the hush there
rose a low deep roar like the sound of the tide upon the beach;
ever growing and deepening as the host of France drew near。


Four archers lay behind a clump of bushes ten yards in front of
the thick hedge which shielded their companions。  Amid the long
line of bowmen those behind them were their own company; and in
the main the same who were with Knolles in Brittany。  The four in
front were their leaders: old Wat of Carlisle; Ned Widdington the
red…headed Dalesman; the bald bowyer Bartholomew; and Samkin
Alyward; newly rejoined after a week's absence。  All four were
munching bread and apples; for Aylward had brought in a full
haversack and divided them freely amongst his starving comrades。
The old Borderer and the Yorkshireman were gaunt and hollow…eyed
with privation; while the bowyer's round face had fallen in so
that the skin hung in loose pouches under his eyes and beneath his

Behind them lines of haggard; wolfish men glared through the
underwood; silent and watchful save that they burst into a fierce
yelp of welcome when Chandos and Nigel galloped up; sprang from
their horses and took their station beneath them。  All along the
green fringe of bowmen might be seen the steel…clad figures of
knights and squires who had pushed their way into the front line
to share the fortune of the archers。

〃I call to mind that I once shot six ends with a Kentish woldsman
at Ashford … 〃 began the Bowyer。

〃Nay; nay; we have heard that story!〃 said old Wat impatiently。
〃Shut thy clap; Bartholomew; for it is no time for redeless
gossip!  Walk down the line; I pray you; and see if there be no
frayed string; nor broken nock nor loosened whipping to be

The stout bowyer passed down the fringe of bowmen; amidst a
running fire of rough wit。  Here and there a bow was thrust out at
him through the hedge for his professional advice。

〃Wax your heads!〃 he kept crying。  〃Pass down the wax…pot and wax
your heads。  A waxed arrow will pass where a dry will be held。
Tom Beverley; you jack…fool!  where is your bracer…guard?  Your
string will flay your arm ere you reach your up…shot this day。
And you; Watkin; draw not to your mouth; as is your wont; but to
your shoulder。  You are so used to the wine…pot that the string
must needs follow it。  Nay; stand loose; and give space for your
drawing arms; for they will be on us anon。〃

He ran back and joined his comrades in the front; who had now
risen to their feet。  Behind them a half…mile of archers stood
behind the hedge; each with his great warbow strung; half a dozen
shafts loose behind him; and eighteen more in the quiver slung
across his front。  With arrow on string; their feet firm…planted;
their fierce eager faces peering through the branches; they
awaited the coming storm。

The broad flood of steel; after oozing slowly forward; had stopped
about a mile from the English front。  The greater part of the army
had then descended from their horses; while a crowd of varlets and
hostlers led them to the rear。  The French formed themselves now
into three great divisions; which shimmered in the sun like
silvery pools; reed…capped with many a thousand of banners and
pennons。  A space of several hundred yards divided each。  At the
same time two bodies of horsemen formed themselves in front。  The
first consisted of three hundred men in one thick column; the
second of a thousand; riding in a more extended line。

The Prince had ridden up to the line of archers。  He was in dark
armor; his visor open; and his handsome aquiline face all glowing
with spirit and martial fire。  The bowmen yelled at him; and he
waved his hands to them as a huntsman cheers his hounds。

〃Well; John; what think you now?〃 he asked。  〃What would my noble
father not give to be by our side this day?  Have you seen that
they have left their horses?〃

〃Yes; my fair lord; they have learned their lesson;〃 said Chandos。
〃Because we have had good fortune upon our feet at Crecy and
elsewhere they think that they have found the trick of it。  But it
is in my mind that it is very different to stand when you are
assailed; as we have done; and to assail others when you must drag
your harness for a mile and come weary to the fray。〃

〃You speak wisely; John。  But these horsemen who form in front and
ride slowly towards us; what make you of them?〃

〃Doubtless they hope to cut the strings of our bowmen and so clear
a way for the others。  But they are indeed a chosen band; for mark
you; fair sir; are not those the colors of Clermont upon the left;
and of d'Andreghen upon the right; so that both marshals ride with
the vanguard?〃

〃By God's soul; John!〃 cried the Prince; 〃it is very sure that you
can see more with one eye than any man in this army with two。  But
it is even as you say。  And this larger band behind?〃

〃They should be Germans; fair sir; by the fashion of their

The two bodies of horsemen had moved slowly over the plain; with a
space of nearly a quarter of a mile between them。  Now; having
come two bowshots from the hostile line; they halted。  All that
they could see of the English was the long hedge; with an
occasional twinkle of steel through its leafy branches; and behind
that the spear…heads of the men…at…arms rising from amidst the
brushwood and the vines。  A lovely autumn countryside with
changing many…tinted foliage lay stretched before them; all bathed
in peaceful sunshine; and nothing save those flickering fitful
gleams to tell of the silent and lurking enemy who barred their
way。  But the bold spirit of the French cavaliers rose the higher
to the danger。  The clamor of their war…cries filled the air; and
they tossed their pe

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