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sir nigel-第42节

小说: sir nigel 字数: 每页4000字

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skirmishing and much honor for him who will venture his person。
Bethink you; archer; how fair a life it must be when one can ride
forth in search of advancement with some hope of finding many
debonair cavaliers upon the same quest; and then if one be
overborne one has died for the faith; and the gates of Heaven are
open before you。  So also the sea to the north is a help to him
who seeks honor; for it leads to the country of the Eastlanders
and to those parts where the heathen still dwell who turn their
faces from the blessed Gospel。  There also a man might find some
small deeds to do; and by Saint Paul!  Aylward; if the French hold
the truce and the good Sir John permits us; I would fain go down
into those parts。  The sea is a good friend to the cavalier; for
it takes him where he may fulfil his vows。〃

Aylward shook his head; for his memories were too recent; but he
said nothing; because at this instant the door opened and Chandos
entered。  With joy in his face he stepped forward to the couch and
took Nigel's hand in his。  Then he whispered a word in Aylward's
ear; who hurried from the room。

〃Pardieu!  this is a good sight;〃 said the knight。  〃I trust that
you will soon be on your feet again。〃

〃I crave your pardon; my honored lord; that I have been absent
from your side;〃 said Nigel。

〃In truth my heart was sore for you; Nigel; for you have missed
such a night as comes seldom in any man's life。  All went even as
we had planned。  The postern gate was opened; and a party made
their way in; but we awaited them; and all were taken or slain。
But the greater part of the French had remained without upon the
plain of Nieullet; so we took horse and went out against them。
When we drew near them they were surprised; but they made good
cheer among themselves; calling out to each other: ‘If we fly we
lose all。  It is better to fight on; in the hopes that the day may
be ours。'  This was heard by our people in the van; who cried out
to them: ‘By Saint George!  you speak truth。  Evil befall him who
thinks of flying!'  So they held their ground like worthy people
for the space of an hour; and there were many there whom it is
always good to meet: Sir Geoffrey himself; and Sir Pepin de Werre;
with Sir John de Landas; old Ballieul of the Yellow Tooth; and his
brother Hector the Leopard。  But above all Sir Eustace de
Ribeaumont was at great pains to meet us worthily; and he was at
handstrokes with the King for a long time。  Then; when we had
slain or taken them; all the prisoners were brought to a feast
which was ready for them; and the knights of England waited upon
them at the table and made good cheer with them。  And all this;
Nigel; we owe to you。〃

The Squire flushed with pleasure at the words。  〃Nay; most honored
lord; it was but a small thing which I have been able to do。  But
I thank God and our Lady that I have done some service; since it
has pleased you to take me with you to the wars。  Should it chance
… 〃

But the words were cut short upon Nigel's lips; and he lay back
with amazed eyes staring from his pallid face。  The door of his
little chamber had opened; and who was this; the tall stately man
with the noble presence; the high forehead; the long handsome
face; the dark; brooding eyes … who but the noble Edward of

〃Ha; my little cock of Tilford Bridge; I still bear you in mind;〃
said he。  〃Right glad I was to hear that you had found your wits
again; and I trust that I have not helped to make you take leave
of them once more。〃

Nigel's stare of astonishment had brought a smile to the King's
lips。  Now the Squire stammered forth some halting words of
gratitude at the honor done to him。

〃Nay; not a word;〃  said the King。  〃But in sooth it is a joy to
my heart to see the son of my old comrade Eustace Loring carry
himself so bravely。  Had this boat got before us with news of our
coming; then all our labor had been in vain; and no Frenchman
ventured to Calais that night。  But above all I thank you for that
you have delivered into my hands one whom I had vowed to punish in
that he has caused us more scathe by fouler means than any living
man。  Twice have I sworn that Peter the Red Ferret shall hang; for
all his noble blood and coat…armor; if ever he should fall into my
hands。  Now at last his time has come; but I would not put him to
death until you; who had taken him; could be there to see it done。
Nay; thank me not; for I could do no less; seeing that it is to
you that I owe him。〃

But it was not thanks which Nigel was trying to utter。  It was
hard to frame his words; and yet they must be said。  〃Sire;〃 he
murmured; 〃it ill becomes me to cross your royal will … 〃

The dark Plantagenet wrath gathered upon the King's high brow and
gloomed in his fierce deep…set eyes。  〃By God's dignity!  no man
has ever crossed it yet and lived unscathed。  How now; young sir;
what mean such words; to which we are little wont?  Have a care;
for this is no light thing which you venture。〃

〃Sire;〃 said Nigel; 〃in all matters in which I am a free man I am
ever your faithful liege; but some things there are which may not
be done。〃

〃How?〃 cried the King。  〃In spite of my will?〃

〃In spite of your will; sire;〃 said Nigel; sitting up on his
couch; with white face and blazing eyes。

〃By the Virgin!〃 the angry King thundered; 〃we are come to a
pretty pass!  You have been held too long at home; young man。  The
overstabled horse will kick。  The unweathered hawk will fly at
check。  See to it; Master Chandos!  He is thine to break; and I
hold you to it that you break him。  And what is it that Edward of
England may not do; Master Loring?〃

Nigel faced the King with a face as grim as his own。  〃You may not
put to death the Red Ferret。〃

〃Pardieu!  And why?〃

〃Because he is not thine to slay; sire。  Because he is mine。
Because I promised him his life; and it is not for you; King
though you be; to constrain a man of gentle blood to break his
plighted word and lose his honor。〃

Chandos laid his soothing hand upon his Squire's shoulder。
〃Excuse him; sire; he is weak from his wounds;〃 said he。  〃Perhaps
we have stayed overlong; for the leech has ordered repose。〃

But the angry King was not easily to be appeased。  〃I am not wont
to be so browbeat;〃 said he hotly。  〃This is your Squire; Master
John。  How comes it that you can stand there and listen to his
pert talk; and say no word to chide him?  Is this how you guide
your household?  Have you not taught him that every promise given
is subject to the King's consent; and that with him only lie the
springs of life and death?  If he is sick; you at least are hale。
Why stand you there in silence?〃

〃My liege;〃 said Chandos gravely; 〃I have served you for over a
score of years; and have shed my blood through as many wounds in
your cause; so that you should not take my words amiss。  But
indeed I should feel myself to be no true man if I did not tell
you that my Squire Nigel; though perchance he has spoken more
bluntly than becomes him; is none the less right in this matter;
and that you are wrong。  For bethink you; sire … 〃

〃Enough!〃 cried the King; more furious than ever。  〃Like master;
like man; and I might have known why it is that this saucy Squire
dares to bandy words with his sovereign lord。  He does but give
out what he hath taken in。  John; John; you grow overbold。  But
this I tell you; and you also; young man; that as God is my help;
ere the sun has set this night the Red Ferret will hang as a
warning to all spies and traitors from the highest tower of
Calais; that every ship upon the Narrow Seas; and every man for
ten miles round may see him as he swings and know how heavy is the
hand of the English King。  Do you bear it in mind; lest you also
may feel its weight!〃  With a glare like an angry lion he walked
from the room; and the iron…clamped door clanged loudly behind

Chandos and Nigel looked ruefully at each other。  Then the knight
patted his Squire upon his bandaged head。

〃You have carried yourself right well; Nigel。  I could not wish
for better。  Fear not。  All will be well。〃

〃My fair and honored lord;〃 cried Nigel; 〃I am heavy at heart; for
indeed I could do no other; and yet I have brought trouble upon

〃Nay; the clouds will soon pass。  If he does indeed slay this
Frenchman; you have done all that lay within your power; and your
mind may rest easy。〃

〃I pray that it will rest easy in Paradise;〃 said Nigel; 〃for at
the hour that I hear that I am dishonored and my prisoner slain I
tear this bandage from my head and so end all things。  I will not
live when once my word is broken。〃

〃Nay; fair son; you take this thing too heavily;〃 said Chandos;
with a grave face。  〃When a man has done all he may there remains
no dishonor; but the King hath a kind heart for all his hot head;
and it may be that if I see him I will prevail upon him。  Bethink
you how he swore to hang the six burghers of this very town; and
yet he pardoned them。  So keep a high heart; fair son; and I will
come with good news ere evening。〃

For three hours; as the sinking sun traced the shadow higher and
ever higher upon the chamber wall; Nigel tossed feverishly

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