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sir nigel-第39节

小说: sir nigel 字数: 每页4000字

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the sails hung limp and straight above them。  A belt of calm lay
along the horizon; and the waves around had smoothed down into a
long oily swell on which the two little vessels rose and fell。
The great boom of the Marie Rose rattled and jarred with every
lurch; and the high thin prow pointed skyward one instant and
seaward the next in a way that drew fresh groans from the unhappy
Aylward。  In vain Cock Badding pulled on his sheets and tried hard
to husband every little wandering gust which ruffled for an
instant the sleek rollers。  The French master was as adroit a
sailor; and his boom swung round also as each breath of wind came
up from astern。

At last even these fitful puffs died finally away; and a cloudless
sky overhung a glassy sea。  The sun was almost upon the horizon
behind Dungeness Point; and the whole western heaven was bright
with the glory of the sunset; which blended sea and sky in one
blaze of ruddy light。  Like rollers of molten gold; the long swell
heaved up Channel from the great ocean beyond。  In the midst of
the immense beauty and peace of nature the two little dark specks
with the white sail and the purple rose and fell; so small upon
the vast shining bosom of the waters; and yet so charged with all
the unrest and the passion of life。。

The experienced eye of the seaman told him that it was hopeless to
expect a breeze before nightfall。  He looked across at the
Frenchman; which lay less than a quarter of a mile ahead; and
shook his gnarled list at the line of heads which could be seen
looking back over her stern。  One of them waved a white kerchief
in derision; and Cock Badding swore a bitter oath at the sight。

〃By Saint Leonard of Winchelsea;〃 he cried; 〃I will rub my side up
against her yet!  Out with the skiff; lads; and two of you to the
oars。  Make fast the line to the mast; Will。  Do you go in the
boat; Hugh; and I'll make the second。  Now if we bend our backs to
it we may have them yet ere night cover them。〃

The little skiff was swiftly lowered over the side and the slack
end of the cable fastened to the after thwart。  Cock Badding and
his comrades pulled as if they would snap their oars; and the
little vessel began slowly to lurch forward over the rollers。  But
the next moment a larger skiff had splashed over the side of the
Frenchman; and no less than four seamen were hard at work under
her bows。  If the Marie Rose advanced a yard the Frenchman was
going two。  Again Cock Badding raved and shook his fist。  He
clambered aboard; his face wet with sweat and dark with anger。

〃Curse them!  they have had the best of us!〃 he cried。  〃I can do
no more。  Sir John has lost his papers; for indeed now that night
is at hand I can see no way in which we can gain them。〃

Nigel had leaned against the bulwark during these events; watching
with keen attention the doings of the sailors; and praying
alternately to Saint Paul; Saint George; and Saint Thomas for a
slant of wind which would put them along side their enemy。  He was
silent; but his hot heart was simmering within him。  His spirit
had risen even above the discomfort of the sea; and his mind was
too absorbed in his mission to have a thought for that which had
laid Aylward flat upon the deck。  He had never doubted that Cock
Badding in one way or another would accomplish his end; but when
he heard his speech of despair he bounded off the bulwark and
stood before the seaman with his face flushed and all his soul

〃By Saint Paul!  master…shipman;〃 he cried; 〃we should never hold
up our heads in honor if we did not go further into the matter!
Let us do some small deed this night upon the water; or let us
never see land again; for indeed we could not wish fairer prospect
of winning honorable advancement。〃

〃With your leave; little master; you speak like a fool;〃 said the
gruff seaman。  〃You and all your kind are as children when once
the blue water is beneath you。  Can you not see that there is no
wind; and that the Frenchman can warp her as swiftly as we?  What
then would you do?〃

Nigel pointed to the boat which towed astern。  〃Let us venture
forth in her;〃 said he; 〃and let us take this ship or die
worshipful in the attempt。〃

His bold and fiery words found their echo in the brave rough
hearts around him。  There was a deep…chested shout from both
archers and seamen。  Even Aylward sat up; with a wan smile upon
his green face。

But Cock Badding shook his head。  〃I have never met the man who
could lead where I would not follow;〃 said he; 〃but by Saint
Leonard!  this is a mad business; and I should be a fool if I were
to risk my men and my ship。  Bethink you; little master; that the
skiff can hold only five; though you load her to the water's edge。
If there is a man yonder; there are fourteen; and you have to
climb their side from the boat。  What chance would you have?  Your
boat stove and you in the water … there is the end of it。  No man
of mine goes on such a fool's errand; and so I swear!〃

〃Then; Master Badding; I must crave the loan of your skiff; for by
Saint Paul!  the good Lord Chandos' papers are not to be so
lightly lost。  If no one else will come; then I will go alone。〃

The shipman smiled at the words; but the smile died away from his
lips when Nigel; with features set like ivory and eyes as hard as
steel; pulled on the rope so as to bring the skiff under the
counter。  It was very clear that he would do even as he said。  At
the same time Aylward raised his bulky form from the deck; leaned
for a moment against the bulwarks; and then tottered aft to his
master's side。

〃Here is one that will go with you;〃 said he; 〃or he would never
dare show his face to the girls of Tilford again。  Come; archers;
let us leave these salt herrings in their pickle tub and try our
luck out on the water。〃

The three archers at once ranged themselves on the same side as
their comrade。  They were bronzed; bearded men; short in stature;
as were most Englishmen of that day; but hardy; strong and skilled
with their weapons。  Each drew his string from its waterproof case
and bent the huge arc of his war…bow as he fitted it into the

〃Now; master; we are at your back;〃 said they as they pulled and
tightened their sword…belts。

But already Cock Badding had been carried away by the hot lust of
battle and had thrown aside every fear and doubt which had clouded
him。  To see a fight and not to be in it was more than he could

〃Nay; have it your own way!〃 he cried; 〃and may Saint Leonard help
us; for a madder venture I have never seen!  And yet it may be
worth the trial。  But if it be done let me have the handling of
it; little master; for you know no more of a boat than I do of a
war…horse。  The skiff can bear five and not a man more。  Now; who
will come?〃

They had all caught fire; and there was not one who would be left

Badding picked up his hammer。  〃I will come myself;〃 said he; 〃and
you also; little master; since it is your hot head that has
planned it。  Then there is Black Simon; the best sword of the
Cinque Ports。  Two archers can pull on the oars; and it may be
that they can pick off two or three of these Frenchmen before we
close with them。  Hugh Baddlesmere; and you; Dicon of Rye … into
the boat with you!〃

〃What?  〃 cried Aylward。  〃Am I to be left behind?  I; who am the
Squire's own man?  Ill fare the bowman who comes betwixt me and
yonder boat!〃

〃Nay; Aylward;〃 said his master; 〃I order that you stay; for
indeed you are a sick man。〃

〃But now that the waves have sunk I am myself again。  Nay; fair
sir; I pray that you will not leave me behind。〃

〃You must needs take the space of a better man; for what do you
know of the handling of a boat?〃 said Badding shortly。  〃No more
fool's talk; I pray you; for the night will soon fall。  Stand

Aylward looked hard at the French boat。  〃I could swim ten times
up and down Frensham pond;〃 said he; 〃and it will be strange if I
cannot go as far as that。  By these finger…bones; Samkin Aylward
may be there as soon as you!〃

The little boat with its five occupants pushed off from the side
of the schooner; and dipping and rising; made its slow way toward
the Frenchman。  Badding and one archer had single oars; the second
archer was in the prow; while Black Simon and Nigel huddled into
the stern with the water lapping and hissing at their very elbows。
A shout of defiance rose from the Frenchmen; and they stood in a
line along the side of their vessel shaking their fists and waving
their weapons。  Already the sun was level with Dungeness; and the
gray of evening was blurring sky and water into one dim haze。  A
great silence hung over the broad expanse of nature; and no sound
broke it save the dip and splash of the oars and the slow deep
surge of the boat upon the swell。  Behind them their comrades of
the Marie Rose stood motionless and silent; watching their
progress with eager eyes。

They were near enough now to have a good look at the Frenchmen。
One was a big swarthy man with a long black beard。  He had a red
cap and an ax over his shoulder。  There were ten other
hardy…looking fellows; all of them well armed; and there were
three who seemed 

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