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an historical mystery-第43节

小说: an historical mystery 字数: 每页4000字

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we do against so many? Remember; too; that my present influence
depends on my keeping silent。 I must order the scaffold to be
prepared; or my late client is certain to be beheaded。〃

Monsieur de Chargeboeuf knew Laurence well enough to be certain she
would never consent to save her cousins at the expense of Michu; he
therefore resolved on making one more effort。 He asked an audience of
the minister of foreign affairs to learn if salvation could be looked
for through the influence of the great diplomat。 He took Bordin with
him; for the latter knew the minister and had done him some service。
The two old men found Talleyrand sitting with his feet stretched out;
absorbed in contemplation of his fire; his head resting on his hand;
his elbow on the table; a newspaper lying at his feet。 The minister
had just read the decision of the Court of Appeals。

〃Pray sit down; Monsieur le marquis;〃 said Talleyrand; 〃and you;
Bordin;〃 he added; pointing to a place at the table; 〃write as

  Sire;Four innocent gentlemen; declared guilty by a jury have
  just had their condemnation confirmed by your Court of Appeals。

  Your Imperial Majesty can now only pardon them。 These gentlemen
  ask this pardon of your august clemency; in the hope that they may
  enter your army and meet their death in battle before your eyes;
  and thus praying; they are; of your Imperial and Royal Majesty;
  with reverence; etc。

〃None but princes can do such prompt and graceful kindness;〃 said the
Marquis de Chargeboeuf; taking the precious draft of the petition from
the hands of Bordin that he might have it signed by the four
gentlemen; resolving in his own mind that he would also obtain the
signatures of several august names。

〃The life of your young relatives; Monsieur le marquis;〃 said the
minister; 〃now depends on the turn of a battle。 Endeavor to reach the
Emperor on the morning after a victory and they are saved。〃

He took a pen and himself wrote a private and confidential letter to
the Emperor; and another of ten lines to Marechal Duroc。 Then he rang
the bell; asked his secretary for a diplomatic passport; and said
tranquilly to the old lawyer; 〃What is your honest opinion of that

〃Do you know; monseigneur; who was at the bottom of this cruel wrong?〃

〃I presume I do; but I have reasons to wish for certainty;〃 replied
Talleyrand。 〃Return to Troyes; bring me the Comtesse de Cinq…Cygne;
here; to…morrow at the same hour; but secretly; ask to be ushered into
Madame de Talleyrand's salon; I will tell her you are coming。 If
Mademoiselle de Cinq…Cygne; who shall be placed where she can see a
man who will be standing before me; recognizes that man as an
individual who came to her house during the conspiracy of de Polignac
and Riviere; tell her to remember that; no matter what I say or what
he answers me; she must not utter a word nor make a gesture。 One thing
more; think only of saving the de Simeuse brothers; don't embarrass
yourself with that scoundrel of a bailiff〃

〃A sublime man; monseigneur!〃 exclaimed Bordin。

〃Enthusiasm! in you; Bordin! The man must be remarkable。 Our sovereign
has an immense self…love; Monsieur le marquis;〃 he said; changing the
conversation。 〃He is about to dismiss me that he may commit follies
without warning。 The Emperor is a great soldier who can change the
laws of time and distance; but he cannot change men; yet he persists
in trying to run them in his own mould! Now; remember this; the young
men's pardon can be obtained by one person onlyMademoiselle de Cinq…

The marquis went alone to Troyes and told the whole matter to
Laurence。 She obtained permission from the authorities to see Michu;
and the marquis accompanied her to the gates of the prison; where he
waited for her。 When she came out her face was bathed in tears。

〃Poor man!〃 she said; 〃he tried to kneel to me; praying that I would
not think of him; and forgetting the shackles that were on his feet!
Ah; marquis; I /will/ plead his cause。 Yes; I'll kiss the boot of
their Emperor。 If I failwell; the memory of that man shall live
eternally honored in our family。 Present his petition for mercy so as
to gain time; meantime I am resolved to have his portrait。 Come; let
us go。〃

The next day; when Talleyrand was informed by a sign agreed upon that
Laurence was at her post; he rang the bell; his orderly came to him;
and received orders to admit Monsieur Corentin。

〃My friend; you are a very clever fellow;〃 said Talleyrand; 〃and I
wish to employ you。〃


〃Listen。 In serving Fouche you will get money; but never honor nor any
position you can acknowledge。 But in serving me; as you have lately
done at Berlin; you can win credit and repute。〃

〃Monseigneur is very good。〃

〃You displayed genius in that late affair at Gondreville。〃

〃To what does Monseigneur allude?〃 said Corentin; with a manner that
was neither too reserved nor too surprised。

〃Ah; Monsieur!〃 observed the minister; dryly; 〃you will never make a
successful man; you fear〃

〃What; monseigneur?〃

〃Death!〃 replied Talleyrand; in his fine; deep voice。 〃Adieu; my good

〃That is the man;〃 said the Marquis de Chargeboeuf entering the room
after Corentin was dismissed; 〃but we have nearly killed the

〃He is the only man I know capable of playing such a trick;〃 replied
the minister。 〃Monsieur le marquis; you are in danger of not
succeeding in your mission。 Start ostensibly for Strasburg; I'll send
you double passports in blank to be filled out。 Provide yourself with
substitutes; change your route and above all your carriage; let your
substitutes go on to Strasburg; and do you reach Prussia through
Switzerland and Bavaria。 Not a wordprudence! The police are against
you; and you do not know what the police are〃

Mademoiselle de Cinq…Cygne offered the then celebrated Robert Lefebvre
a sufficient sum to induce him to go to Troyes and take Michu's
portrait。 Monsieur de Grandville promised to afford the painter every
possible facility。 Monsieur de Chargeboeuf then started in the old
/berlingot/; with Laurence and a servant who spoke German。 Not far
from Nancy they overtook Mademoiselle Goujet and Gothard; who had
preceded them in an excellent carriage; which the marquis took; giving
them in exchange the /berlingot/。

Talleyrand was right。 At Strasburg the commissary…general of police
refused to countersign the passport of the travellers; and gave them
positive orders to return。 By that time the marquis and Laurence were
leaving France by way of Besancon with the diplomatic passport。

Laurence crossed Switzerland in the first days of October; without
paying the slightest attention to that glorious land。 She lay back in
the carriage in the torpor which overtakes a criminal on the eve of
his execution。 To her eyes all nature was shrouded in a seething
vapor; even common things assumed fantastic shapes。 The one thought;
〃If I do not succeed they will kill themselves;〃 fell upon her soul
with reiterated blows; as the bar of the executioner fell upon the
victim's members when tortured on the wheel。 She felt herself
breaking; she lost her energy in this terrible waiting for the cruel
moment; short and decisive; when she should find herself face to face
with that man on whom the fate of the condemned depended。 She chose to
yield to her depression rather than waste her strength uselessly。 The
marquis; who was incapable of understanding this resolve of firm
minds; which often assumes quite diverse aspects (for in such moments
of tension certain superior minds give way to surprising gaiety);
began to fear that he might never bring Laurence alive to the
momentous interview; solemn to them only; and yet beyond the ordinary
limits of private life。 To Laurence; the necessity of humiliating
herself before that man; the object of her hatred and contempt; meant
the sacrifice of all her noblest feelings。

〃After this;〃 she said; 〃the Laurence who survives will bear no
likeness to her who is now to perish。〃

The travellers could not fail to be aware of the vast movement of men
and material which surrounded them the moment they entered Prussia。
The campaign of Jena had just begun。 Laurence and the marquis beheld
the magnificent divisions of the French army deploying and parading as
if at the Tuileries。 In this display of military power; which can be
adequately described only with the words and images of the Bible; the
proportions of the Man whose spirit moved these masses grew gigantic
to Laurence's imagination。 Soon; the cry of victory resounded in her
ears。 The Imperial arms had just obtained two signal advantages。 The
Prince of Prussia had been killed the evening before the day on which
the travellers arrived at Saalfeld on their endeavor to overtake
Napoleon; who was marching with the rapidity of lightning。

At last; on the 13th of October (date of ill…omen) Mademoiselle de
Cinq…Cygne was skirting a river in the midst of the Grand Army; seeing
nought but confusion; sent hither and thither from one village to
another; from division to division; frightened at finding herself
alone with one old man tossed about in an ocean of a hundred and fifty

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