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an historical mystery-第35节

小说: an historical mystery 字数: 每页4000字

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Laurence; who had recovered her vigor of mind; relied upon the
innocence of the accused; and despised the community too much to be
frightened by the stern and silent disapproval they met with
everywhere。 She sustained the courage of Monsieur and Madame
d'Hauteserre; all the while thinking of the judicial struggle which
was now being hurried on。 She was; however; to receive a blow she
little expected; which; undoubtedly; diminished her courage。

In the midst of this great disaster; at the moment when this afflicted
family were made to feel themselves; as it were; in a desert; a man
suddenly became exalted in Laurence's eyes and showed the full beauty
of his character。 The day after the indictment was found by the jury;
and the prisoners were finally committed for trial; the Marquis de
Chargeboeuf courageously appeared; still in the same old caleche; to
support and protect his young cousin。 Foreseeing the haste with which
the law would be administered; this chief of a great family had
already gone to Paris and secured the services of the most able as
well as the most honest lawyer of the old school; named Bordin; who
was for ten years counsel of the nobility in Paris; and was ultimately
succeeded by the celebrated Derville。 This excellent lawyer chose for
his assistant the grandson of a former president of the parliament of
Normandy; whose studies had been made under his tuition。 This young
lawyer; who was destined to be appointed deputy…attorney…general in
Paris after the conclusion of the present trial; became eventually one
of the most celebrated of French magistrates。 Monsieur de Grandville;
for that was his name; accepted the defence of the four young men;
being glad of an opportunity to make his first appearance as an
advocate with distinction。

The old marquis; alarmed at the ravages which troubles had wrought in
Laurence's appearance; was charmingly kind and considerate。 He made no
allusion to his neglected advice; he presented Bordin as an oracle
whose counsel must be followed to the letter; and young de Grandville
as a defender in whom the utmost confidence might be placed。

Laurence held out her hand to the kind old man; and pressed his with
an eagerness which delighted him。

〃You were right;〃 she said。

〃Will you now take my advice?〃 he asked。

The young countess bowed her head in assent; as did Monsieur and
Madame d'Hauteserre。

〃Well; then; come to my house; it is in the middle of town; close to
the courthouse。 You and your lawyers will be better off there than
here; where you are crowded and too far from the field of battle。
Here; you would have to cross the town twice a day。〃

Laurence; accepted; and the old man took her with Madame d'Hauteserre
to his house; which became the home of the Cinq…Cygne household and
the lawyers of the defence during the whole time the trial lasted。
After dinner; when the doors were closed; Bordin made Laurence relate
every circumstance of the affair; entreating her to omit nothing; not
the most trifling detail。 Though many of the facts had already been
told to him and his young assistant by the marquis on their journey
from Paris to Troyes; Bordin listened; his feet on the fender; without
obtruding himself into the recital。 The young lawyer; however; could
not help being divided between his admiration for Mademoiselle de
Cinq…Cygne; and the attention he was bound to give to the facts of his

〃Is that really all?〃 asked Bordin when Laurence had related the
events of the drama just as the present narrative has given them up to
the present time。

〃Yes;〃 she answered。

Profound silence reigned for several minutes in the salon of the
Chargeboeuf mansion where this scene took place;one of the most
important which occur in life。 All cases are judged by the counsellors
engaged in them; just as the death or life or a patient is foreseen by
a physician; before the final struggle which the one sustains against
nature; the other against law。 Laurence; Monsieur and Madame
d'Hauteserre; and the marquis sat with their eyes fixed on the swarthy
and deeply pitted face of the old lawyer; who was now to pronounce the
words of life or death。 Monsieur d'Hauteserre wiped the sweat from his
brow。 Laurence looked at the younger man and noted his saddened face。

〃Well; my dear Bordin?〃 said the marquis at last; holding out his
snuffbox; from which the old lawyer took a pinch in an absent…minded

Bordin rubbed the calf of his leg; covered with thick stockings of
black raw silk; for he always wore black cloth breeches and a coat
made somewhat in the shape of those which are now termed /a la
Francaise/。 He cast his shrewd eyes upon his clients with an anxious
expression; the effect of which was icy。

〃Must I analyze all that?〃 he said; 〃am I to speak frankly?〃

〃Yes; go on; monsieur;〃 said Laurence。

〃All that you have innocently done can be converted into proof against
you;〃 said the old lawyer。 〃We cannot save your friends; we can only
reduce the penalty。 The sale which you induced Michu to make of his
property will be taken as evident proof of your criminal intentions
against the senator。 You sent your servants to Troyes so that you
might be alone; that is all the more plausible because it is actually
true。 The elder d'Hauteserre made an unfortunate speech to Beauvisage;
which will be your ruin。 You yourself; mademoiselle; made another in
your own courtyard; which proves that you have long shown ill…will to
the possessor of Gondreville。 Besides; you were at the gate of the
/rond…point/; apparently on the watch; about the time when the
abduction took place; if they have not arrested you; it is solely
because they fear to bring a sentimental element into the affair。〃

〃The case cannot be successfully defended;〃 said Monsieur de

〃The less so;〃 continued Bordin; 〃because we cannot tell the whole
truth。 Michu and the Messieurs de Simeuse and d'Hauteserre must hold
to the assertion that you merely went for an excursion into the forest
and returned to Cinq…Cygne for luncheon。 Allowing that we can show you
were in the house at three o'clock (the exact hour at which the attack
was made); who are our witnesses? Marthe; the wife of one of the
accused; the Durieus; and Catherine; your own servants; and Monsieur
and Madame d'Hauteserre; father and mother of two of the accused。 Such
testimony is valueless; the law does not admit it against you; and
commonsense rejects it when given in your favor。 If; on the other
hand; you were to say you went to the forest to recover eleven hundred
thousand francs in gold; you would send the accused to the galleys as
robbers。 Judge; jury; audience; and the whole of France would believe
that you took that gold from Gondreville; and abducted the senator
that you might ransack his house。 The accusation as it now stands is
not wholly clear; but tell the truth about the matter and it would
become as plain as day; the jury would declare that the robbery
explained the mysterious features;for in these days; you must
remember; a royalist means a thief。 This very case is welcomed as a
legitimate political vengeance。 The prisoners are now in danger of the
death penalty; but that is not dishonoring under some circumstances。
Whereas; if they can be proved to have stolen money; which can never
be made to seem excusable; you lose all benefit of whatever interest
may attach to persons condemned to death for other crimes。 If; at the
first; you had shown the hiding…places of the treasure; the plan of
the forest; the tubes in which the gold was buried; and the gold
itself; as an explanation of your day's work; it is possible you might
have been believed by an impartial magistrate; but as it is we must be
silent。 God grant that none of the prisoners may reveal the truth and
compromise the defence; if they do; we must rely on our cross…

Laurence wrung her hands in despair and raised her eyes to heaven with
a despondent look; for she saw at last in all its depths the gulf into
which her cousins had fallen。 The marquis and the young lawyer agreed
with the dreadful view of Bordin。 Old d'Hauteserre wept。

〃Ah! why did they not listen to the Abbe Goujet and fly!〃 cried Madame
d'Hauteserre; exasperated。

〃If they could have escaped; and you prevented them;〃 said Bordin;
〃you have killed them yourselves。 Judgment by default gains time; time
enables the innocent to clear themselves。 This is the most mysterious
case I have ever known in my life; in the course of which I have
certainly seen and known many strange things。〃

〃It is inexplicable to every one; even to us;〃 said Monsieur de
Grandville。 〃If the prisoners are innocent some one else has committed
the crime。 Five persons do not come to a place as if by enchantment;
obtain five horses shod precisely like those of the accused; imitate
the appearance of some of them; and put Malin apparently underground
for the sole purpose of casting suspicion on Michu and the four
gentlemen。 The unknown guilty parties must have had some strong reason
for wearing the skin; as it were; of five innocent men。 To discover
them; even to get upon their traces; we need as much power as the

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