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an historical mystery-第15节

小说: an historical mystery 字数: 每页4000字

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night before; search Mademoiselle de Cinq…Cygne's papers; and;
possibly; arrest both the masters and servants of the household。

〃Mademoiselle de Cinq…Cygne;〃 said Corentin; 〃is undoubtedly protected
by some great personages; for I have received private orders to warn
her of this visit; and to do all I can to save her without
compromising myself。 Once on the ground; I shall no longer be able to
do so; for I am not alone; go to the chateau yourself and warn them。〃

The mayor's visit at that time of night was all the more bewildering
to the card…players when they saw the agitation of his face。

〃Where is the countess?〃 were his first words。

〃She has gone to bed;〃 said Madame d'Hauteserre。

The mayor; incredulous; listened to noises that were heard on the
upper floor。

〃What is the matter with you; Goulard?〃 said Monsieur d'Hauteserre。

Goulard was dumb with surprise as he noted the tranquil ease of the
faces about him。 Observing the peaceful and innocent game of cards
which he had thus interrupted; he was unable to imagine what the
Parisian police meant by their suspicions。

At that moment Laurence; kneeling in her oratory; was praying
fervently for the success of the conspiracy。 She prayed to God to send
help and succor to the murderers of Bonaparte。 She implored Him
ardently to destroy that fatal being。 The fanaticism of Harmodius;
Judith; Jacques Clement; Ankarstroem; of Charlotte Corday and
Limoelan; inspired this pure and virgin spirit。 Catherine was
preparing the bed; Gothard was closing the blinds; when Marthe Michu
coming under the windows flung a pebble on the glass and was seen at

〃Mademoiselle; here's some one;〃 said Gothard; seeing a woman。

〃Hush!〃 said Marthe; in a low voice。 〃Come down and speak to me。〃

Gothard was in the garden in less time than a bird would have taken to
fly down from a tree。

〃In a minute the chateau will be surrounded by the gendarmerie。 Saddle
mademoiselle's horse without making any noise and take it down through
the breach in the moat between the stables and this tower。〃

Marthe quivered when she saw Laurence; who had followed Gothard;
standing beside her。

〃What is it?〃 asked Laurence; quietly。

〃The conspiracy against the First Consul is discovered;〃 replied
Marthe; in a whisper。 〃My husband; who seeks to save your two cousins;
sends me to ask you to come and speak to him。〃

Laurence drew back and looked at Marthe。 〃Who are you?〃 she said。

〃Marthe Michu。〃

〃I do not know what you want of me;〃 replied the countess; coldly。

〃Take care; you will kill them。 Come with me; I implore you in the
Simeuse name;〃 said Marthe; clasping her hands and stretching them
towards Laurence。 〃Have you papers here which may compromise you? If
so; destroy them。 From the heights over there my husband has just seen
the silver…laced hats and the muskets of the gendarmerie。〃

Gothard had already clambered to the hay…loft and seen the same sight;
he heard in the stillness of the evening the sound of their horses'
hoofs。 Down he slipped into the stable and saddled his mistress's
mare; whose feet Catherine; at a word from the lad; muffled in linen。

〃Where am I to go?〃 said Laurence to Marthe; whose look and language
bore the unmistakable signs of sincerity。

〃Through the breach;〃 she replied; 〃my noble husband is there。 You
shall learn the value of a 'Judas'!〃

Catherine went quickly into the salon; picked up the hat; veil; whip;
and gloves of her mistress; and disappeared。 This sudden apparition
and action were so striking a commentary on the mayor's inquiry that
Madame d'Hauteserre and the abbe exchanged glances which contained the
melancholy thought: 〃Farewell to all our peace! Laurence is
conspiring; she will be the death of her cousins。〃

〃But what do you really mean?〃 said Monsieur d'Hauteserre to the

〃The chateau is surrounded。 You are about to receive a domiciliary
visit。 If your sons are here tell them to escape; and the Simeuse
brothers too; if they are with them。〃

〃My sons!〃 exclaimed Madame d'Hauteserre; stupefied。

〃We have seen no one;〃 said Monsieur d'Hauteserre。

〃So much the better;〃 said Goulard; 〃but I care too much for the Cinq…
Cygne and Simeuse families to let any harm come to them。 Listen to me。
If you have any compromising papers〃

〃Papers!〃 repeated the old gentleman。

〃Yes; if you have any; burn them at once;〃 said the mayor。 〃I'll go
and amuse the police agents。〃

Goulard; whose object was to run with the royalist hare and hold with
the republican hounds; left the room; at that moment the dogs barked

〃There is no longer time;〃 said the abbe; 〃here they come! But who is
to warn the countess? Where is she?〃

〃Catherine didn't come for her hat and whip to make relics of them;〃
remarked Mademoiselle Goujet。

Goulard tried to detain the two agents for a few moments; assuring
them of the perfect ignorance of the family at Cinq…Cygne。

〃You don't know these people!〃 said Peyrade; laughing at him。

The two agents; insinuatingly dangerous; entered the house at once;
followed by the corporal from Arcis and one gendarme。 The sight of
them paralyzed the peaceful card…players; who kept their seats at the
table; terrified by such a display of force。 The noise produced by a
dozen gendarmes whose horses were stamping on the terrace; was heard

〃I do not see Mademoiselle de Cinq…Cygne;〃 said Corentin。

〃She is probably asleep in her bedroom;〃 said Monsieur d'Hauteserre。

〃Come with me; ladies;〃 said Corentin; turning to pass through the
ante…chamber and up the staircase; followed by Mademoiselle Goujet and
Madame d'Hauteserre。 〃Rely upon me;〃 he whispered to the old lady。 〃I
am in your interests。 I sent the mayor to warn you。 Distrust my
colleague and look to me。 I can save every one of you。〃

〃But what is it all about?〃 said Mademoiselle Goujet。

〃A matter of life and death; you must know that;〃 replied Corentin。

Madame d'Hauteserre fainted。 To Mademoiselle Goujet's great
astonishment and Corentin's disappointment; Laurence's room was empty。
Certain that no one could have escaped from the park or the chateau;
for all the issues were guarded; Corentin stationed a gendarme in
every room and ordered others to search the farm buildings; stables;
and sheds。 Then he returned to the salon; where Durieu and his wife
and the other servants had rushed in the wildest excitement。 Peyrade
was studying their faces with his little blue eye; cold and calm in
the midst of the uproar。 Just as Corentin reappeared alone
(Mademoiselle Goujet remaining behind to take care of Madame
d'Hauteserre) the tramp of horses was heard; and presently the sound
of a child's weeping。 The horses entered by the small gate; and the
general suspense was put an end to by a corporal appearing at the door
of the salon pushing Gothard; whose hands were tied; and Catherine
whom he led to the agents。

〃Here are some prisoners;〃 he said; 〃that little scamp was escaping on

〃Fool!〃 said Corentin; in his ear; 〃why didn't you let him alone? You
could have found out something by following him。〃

Gothard had chosen to burst into tears and behave like an idiot。
Catherine took an attitude of artless innocence which made the old
agent reflective。 The pupil of Lenoir; after considering the two
prisoners carefully; and noting the vacant air of the old gentleman
whom he took to be sly; the intelligent eye of the abbe who was still
fingering the cards; and the utter stupefaction of the servants and
Durieu; approached Corentin and whispered in his ear; 〃We are not
dealing with ninnies。〃

Corentin answered with a look at the card…table; then he added; 〃They
were playing at boston! Mademoiselle's bed was just being made for the
night; she escaped in a hurry; it is a regular surprise; we shall
catch them。〃



A breach has always a cause and a purpose。 Here is the explanation of
how the one which led from the tower called that of Mademoiselle and
the stables came to be made。 After his installation as Laurence's
guardian at Cinq…Cygne old d'Hauteserre converted a long ravine;
through which the water of the forest flowed into the moat; into a
roadway between two tracts of uncultivated land belonging to the
chateau; by merely planting out in it about a hundred walnut trees
which he found ready in the nursery。 In eleven years these trees had
grown and branched so as to nearly cover the road; hidden already by
steep banks; which ran into a little wood of thirty acres recently
purchased。 When the chateau had its full complement of inhabitants
they all preferred to take this covered way through the breach to the
main road which skirted the park walls and led to the farm; rather
than go round by the entrance。 By dint of thus using it the breach in
the sides of the moat had gradually been widened on both sides; with
all the less scruple because in this nineteenth century of ours moats
are no longer of the slightest use; and Laurence's guardian had often
talked of putting this one to some other purpose。 The constant
crumbling away of the earth and stones and gravel had ended by filling
up the ditch; so that onl

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