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an historical mystery-第13节

小说: an historical mystery 字数: 每页4000字

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wept with rage when she heard he was safe。 Her despair overcame her
usual reticence; and she vehemently complained that God had deserted
the sons of Saint…Louis。

〃I;〃 she exclaimed; 〃I could have succeeded! Have we no right;〃 she
added; seeing the stupefaction her words produced on the faces about
her; and addressing the abbe; 〃no right to attack the usurper by every
means in our power?〃

〃My child;〃 replied the abbe; 〃the Church has been greatly blamed by
philosophers for declaring in former times that the same weapons might
be employed against usurpers which the usurpers themselves had
employed to succeed; but in these days the Church owes far too much to
the First Consul not to protect him against that maxim;which; by the
by; was due to the Jesuits。〃

〃So the Church abandons us!〃 she answered; gloomily。

From that day forth whenever the four old people talked of submitting
to the decrees of Providence; Laurence left the room。 Of late; the
abbe; shrewder than Monsieur d'Hauteserre; instead of discussing
principles; drew pictures of the material advantages of the consular
rule; less to convert the countess than to detect in her eyes some
expression which might enlighten him as to her projects。 Gothard's
frequent disappearances; the long rides of his mistress; and her
evident preoccupation; which; for the last few days; had appeared in
her face; together with other little signs not to be hidden in the
silence and tranquillity of such a life; had roused the fears of these
submissive royalists。 Still; as no event happened; and perfect quiet
appeared to reign in the political atmosphere; the minds of the little
household were soothed into peace; and the countess's long rides were
one more attributed to her passion for hunting。

It is easy to imagine the deep silence which reigned at nine o'clock
in the evening in the park; courtyards; and gardens of Cinq…Cygne;
where at that particular moment the persons we have described were
harmoniously grouped; where perfect peace pervaded all things; where
comfort and abundance were again enjoyed; and where the worthy and
judicious old gentleman was still hoping to convert his late ward to
his system of obedience to the ruling powers by the argument of what
we may call the continuity of prosperous results。

These royalists continued to play their boston; a game which spread
ideas of independence under a frivolous form over the whole of France;
for it was first invented in honor of the American insurgents; its
very terms applying to the struggle which Louis XVI。 encouraged。 While
making their 〃independences〃 and 〃poverties;〃 the players kept an eye
on the countess; who had fallen asleep; overcome by fatigue; with a
singular smile on her lips; her last waking thought having been of the
terror two words could inspire in the minds of the peaceful company by
informing the d'Hauteserres that their sons had passed the preceding
night under that roof。 What young girl of twenty…three would not have
been; as Laurence was; proud to play the part of Destiny? and who
would not have felt; as she did; a sense of compassion for those whom
she felt to be so far below her in loyalty?

〃She sleeps;〃 said the abbe。 〃I have never seen her so wearied。〃

〃Durieu tells me her mare is almost foundered;〃 remarked Madame
d'Hauteserre。 〃Her gun has not been fired; the breech is clean; she
has evidently not hunted。〃

〃Oh! that's neither here nor there;〃 said the abbe。

〃Bah?〃 cried Mademoiselle Goujet; 〃when I was twenty…three and saw I
should be an old maid all my life; I rushed about and fatigued myself
in a dozen ways。 I understand how the countess can scour the country
for hours without thinking of the game。 It is nearly twelve years now
since she has seen her cousins; and you know she loves them。 Well; if
I were she; if I were as young and pretty; I'd make a straight line
for Germany! Poor darling; perhaps she is thinking of the frontier;
and that may be the reason why she rides so far towards it。〃

〃You are rather giddy; Mademoiselle Goujet;〃 said the abbe; smiling。

〃Not at all;〃 she replied。 〃I see you all uneasy about the goings on
of a young girl; and I am explaining them to you。〃

〃Her cousins will submit and return soon; they will all be rich; and
she will end by calming down;〃 said old d'Hauteserre。

〃God grant it!〃 said his wife; taking out a gold snuff…box which had
again seen the light under the Consulate。

〃There is something stirring in the neighborhood;〃 remarked Monsieur
d'Hauteserre to the abbe。 〃Malin has been two days at Gondreville。〃

〃Malin!〃 cried Laurence; roused by the name; though her sleep was

〃Yes;〃 replied the abbe; 〃but he leaves to…night; everybody is
conjecturing the motive of this hasty visit。〃

〃That man;〃 said Laurence; 〃is the evil genius of our two houses。〃

The countess had been dreaming of her cousins and the young
Hauteserres; she saw them in peril。 Her beautiful eyes grew fixed and
glassy as her mind thus warned dwelled on the dangers they were about
to incur in Paris。 She rose suddenly and went to her bedroom without
speaking。 Her bedroom was the best in the house; next came a dressing…
room and an oratory; in the tower which faced towards the forest。 Soon
after she had left the salon the dogs barked; the bell of the small
gate rang; and Durieu rushed into the salon with a frightened face。
〃Here is the mayor!〃 he said。 〃Something is the matter。〃



The mayor; a former huntsman of the house of Simeuse; came
occasionally to the chateau; where the d'Hauteserres showed him out of
policy; a deference to which he attached great value。 His name was
Goulard; he had married a rich woman of Troyes; whose property; which
was in the commune of Cinq…Cygne; he had further increased by the
purchase of a fine abbey and its lands; in which he invested all his
savings。 The vast abbey of Val…des…Preux; standing about a mile from
the chateau; he had turned into a dwelling that was almost as splendid
as Gondreville; in it his wife and he were now living like rats in a
cathedral。 〃Ah! Goulard; you have been greedy;〃 Mademoiselle had said
to him with a laugh the first time she received him at Cinq…Cygne。
Though greatly attached to the Revolution and coldly received by the
countess; the mayor always felt himself bound by ties of respect to
the Cinq…Cygne and Simeuse families。 He therefore shut his eyes to
what went on at the chateau。 He called shutting his eyes not seeing
the portraits of Louis XVI。; Marie Antoinette; and the royal children;
and those of Monsieur; the Comte d'Artois; Cazales and Charlotte
Corday; which filled the various panels of the salon; not resenting
either the wishes freely expressed in his presence for the ruin of the
Republic; or the ridicule flung at the five directors and all the
other governmental combinations of that time。 The position of this
man; who; like many parvenus; having once made his fortune; reverted
to his early faith in the old families; and sought to attach himself
to them; was now being made use of by the two members of the Paris
police whose profession had been so quickly guessed by Michu; and who;
before going to Gondreville had reconnoitred the neighborhood。

The worthy described as the depositary of the best traditions of the
old police; and Corentin phoenix of spies; were in fact employed on a
secret mission。 Malin was not mistaken in attributing a double purpose
to those stars of tragic farces。 But; before seeing them at work; it
is advisable to show the head of which they were the arms。 When
Bonaparte became First Consul he found Fouche at the head of the
police。 The Revolution had frankly and with good reason made the
management of the police into a special ministry。 But after his return
from Marengo; Bonaparte created the prefecture of police; placed
Dubois in charge of it; and called Fouche to the Council of State;
naming as his successor in the ministry a conventional named Cochon;
since known as Comte de Lapparent。 Fouche; who considered the ministry
of police as by far the most important in a government of broad ideas
and fixed policy; saw disgrace or at any rate distrust in the change。
After Napoleon became aware of the immense superiority of this great
statesman; as evidenced in the affair of the infernal machine and in
the conspiracy with which we are now concerned; he returned him to the
ministry of police。 Later still; becoming alarmed at the powers Fouche
displayed during his absence at the time of the affair at Walcheren;
the Emperor gave that ministry to the Duc de Rovigo; and sent Fouche
(Duc d'Otrante) as governor to the Illyrian provinces;an appointment
which was in fact an exile。

The singular genius of this man; Fouche; which had the power of
inspiring Napoleon with a sort of fear; did not reveal itself all at
once。 This obscure conventional; one of the most extraordinary men of
our time; and the most misjudged; was moulded; as it were; by the
whirlwind of events。 He raised himself under the Directory to the
height from which men of genius could see the future and judge the
past; and then; like certain commonplace actors who suddenly bec

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