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; it was an amerciable; punishable unit; not so the manor; unless it coincided with the vill。'(89*) And then he proceeds to suggest that the true explanation of the manor is that it represents an estate which could be and was administered as a single economic and agrarian whole。 I am unable to follow him entirely as to this last point; because it seems pretty clear that the open field arrangements followed the division into townships; and not those into manors。 From the point of view of the services; of the concentration of duties of the tenantry in regard to the lord; the manor was a whole; and for this very reason it was a whole as regards geldability; but this is only one side of the economic structure of society; the upper side; if one may be allowed to say so。 The arrangement of actual cultivation is the other side; and it is represented by the township with its communal open fields。 Now in a great many cases the estate and the community fitted into each other; and of these instances there is no need to speak any further。 But if both did not fit; the agrarian unity is the township and not the manor。 The open field system appears in this connexion as outside the manor; and proceeding from the rural community by itself。     Let us sum up the results obtained in this chapter。     1。 The village communities contained in the manorial system are organised on a system of self…government which affords great help to the lord in many ways; but certainly limits his power materially; and reduces him to the position of a constitutional ruler。     2。 The original court of the manor was one and the body of its suitors was one。 The distinction between courts for free tenants and customary courts grows up very gradually in the fourteenth century; and later。     3。 The steward was not the only judge of the halimot。 The judgment came from the whole court; and its suitors; without distinction of class; were necessary judicial assessors。     4。 The court of ancient demesne presents the same elements as the ordinary halimot; although it lays greater stress on the communal side of the organisation。     5。 The conveyancing entries on the rolls do not prove the want of right on the part of the peasant holders。 On the contrary; they go back to very early communal practice。     6。 The rule which makes the existence of the manor dependent on the existence of free suitors is derived from the conception of the court as a court of free and lawful men; taking in villains and excluding slaves。     7。 The manor by itself is the estate; the rural community and the jurisdiction of the soke are generally fused with it into one whole; but in some cases the two latter elements are seen emerging as independent growths from behind the manorial organisation。


1。 A good specimen of the accusations which might be made against a manorial agent is afforded by the Court…rolls of the Abbey of Ramsey。 Seld。 Soc。 ii。 p。 95。

2。 Seld。 Soc。 ii。 22: 'Et dicit curia quod tenementum et una acra servilis condicionis sunt et una acra libere。'

3。 Coram Rege; Pascha 9 Edw。 I; 34; 6: 'Messarius abbatis et messarius villate。'

4。 Okeburn Inqu。 56 (Add。 MSS。 24316): 'Eligere debent unum messarium de se ipsis et domini de ipso electo poterunt facere prepositum。'

5。 G1oucester Cart。 iii。 221: 'Prepositus eligetur per communitatem halimoti qui talrin eligant qui ad suam terram propriam excolendum et cetera bona sua discrete et circumspecte tractanda idoneus merite notatur et habeatur; pro cuius drfectibus et abmittendis totum halimotum respondeat; nisi ubi urgens necessitas aut causa probabilis illud halimotum coram loci ballivo rationabilem praetendere poterit excusationem。' Cf Walter of Henley; ed。 Lamond; pp。 10; 64; 66。

6。 Seld。 Soc。 ii。 12: 'Nicholaus filius sacerdotis。。。 et Robertus de Magedone。。。 in misericordia quia contradixerunt tallagium quod positum fuit super eos per vicinos suos。' Glastonb。 Inqu。 of 1189; p。 33: 'Totum manerium reddit de dono 73 solidos et 4 den。 sicut homines ville illud statuunt。'

7。 Ramsey Cart。 i。 401: 'Sunt in scot et in lot et in omnibus cum villata。' Spalding Priory Reg。; Cole MSS。 xliii。 p。 283: 'Libere tenens tacit fossa tum maris et omnes communas ville secundum quantitatem bouatae。'

8。 Ramsey Cart。 i。 398: 'Henricus le Freman solebat esse in communa villatae; ut in tallagio et similibus。 Nulla inde facit。' p。 394 (a villager does not pay his part of the tallage); 'quod quidem tallagium tota villata et ad magnum ipsorum gravamen hucusque persolvit。'

9。 Glastonbury Cart。; Wood MSS。 i。 f III: 'Si nul soit enfraunchi de ses ouvrages dont la ville est le plus charge。'

10。 Add。 MSS。 6159; f 25; b: 'Dominus debet invenire duos homines sumptibus suis coram eisdem justiciariis et villata de Rode sumptibus suis tres homines invenient。 Et hoc per consuetudinem a tempore quo non extat memoria ut dicitur。' Cf Domesday of St。 Paul's; 15: 'Alanus filius Alexandri de Cassingburne tres virgatas pro 20 solidis et preter haec 10 acras de villata et 10 de dominico propter sectam sire et hundredi quam modo non facit。'

11。 Custumal of Bleadon; 257: 'Invenit fabrum pro ferdello domino et toti villae。'

12。 Shaftesbury Cart。; Harl。 MSS。 61; f。 63: 'Ibit ad scotaliam domine sicut ad scotaliam vicinorum。'

13。 Ramsey Cart。 i。 425: 'Ponitur in respectu quousque videatur quomodo se gerat versus dominum abbatem et suos vicinos。'

14。 Seld。 Soc。 ii。 172: 'Ad istam curiam venit tota communitas villanorum de Bristwalton et de sua mera et spontaneavoluntate sursum reddidit domino totum jus et clamium quod idem villani habere clamabant racione commune in bosco domini qui vocatur Hemele et landis circumadjacentibus; ita quod nec aliquid juris vel clamii racione commune in bosco predicto et landis circumadjacentibus exigere; vendicare vel habere poterint in perpetuum。 Et pro hac sursum reddicione remisit eis dominus de sua gracia speciali communam quam habuit in campo qui vocatur Estfeld;' etc。

15。 Annals of Dunstable (Annales Monast。) iii。 379; 380: 'Et prior dicit; quod praedicta tenementa aliquo tempore fuerunt in seisina hominum villate de Thodingdone; qui quidem homines; unanimi voluntate et assensu; feofaverunt praedictum Simonem; praedecessorem praedicti prioris; de praedictis tenementis; tenendum eidem Simoni et successoribus suis in perpetuum。 Jurati dicunt。。。 quod praedicta tenementa aliquo tempore fuerunt in seisina praedictorum hominum villatae de Thodingdone et quod omnes illi; qui aliquid habuerunt in praedictis duabus placiis terrae; congregati in uno loco ad quandam curiam apud Thodingdone tentam; unanimi assensu concesserunt praedicto Symoni; quondam priori de Dunstaple; praedecessori prioris nunc; praedictas placeas terrae; cum pertinentiis; tenendum eidem et successoribus suis in perpetuum; reddendo inde eisdem hominibus et eorum haeredibus per annum sex denarios temporibus falcacionis prati。'

16。 Madox; Firma Burgi; 54; f。: '。。。 statim visis litteris capiat in manum Regis maneria de Cochame et Bray; quae sunt in manibus hominum prae dictorum maneriorum; et salvo custodiat; ita quod deinceps Regi possit respondere de firma praedictorum maneriorum ad scaccarium。' 54; g: 'Miramur quamplurimum quod 30s。 quos monachi de Lyra de elemosyna nostra constituta singulis annis per manus ballivorum villae vestrae; antequam predietam villam caperitis ad firmam recipere。' Cf Exch。 i。 407; a; 412; b; Rot。 Hundr。 ii。 134: 'Benmore juxta Langport fuit de dominico domini Regis pertinens ad Sumerton ubi omnes homines domini Regis de Sumerton; Sutton; Puttem et Merne solebant communicare cum omnimodis averiis suis; set per negligenciam villanorum de Sumertone qui manerium tunc temporis ad firmam tenuerunt et Henricus de Urtiaco vetus eandem moram sibi appropriavit。'

17。 Gloucester Cart。 iii。 181: 'Omnes isti villani tenent de dominio quoddam pratum quod vocatur Hay continens 23 acras et reddunt inde per annum 23 solidos 3 denarios。'

18。 Cf。 Prof Maitland's Introduction to the rolls of the Abbey of Ramsey。 Seld。 Soc。 ii。 87。

19。 See the record of proceedings in the Court of the manor of Hitchin; printed by Mr Seebohm at the end of。 his volume on the 'Village Community。'

20。 Introduction to Seld。 Soc。 ii。 p。 xvi。

21。 Add。 MSS。 6159; f 54; a: 'Visus de borchtruning。'

22。 Gloucester Cart。 iii。 221; Malmesbury Cart。 ii。 17。 Cf。 Kovalevsky; 'History of police administration in England' (Russian); 137。

23。 Glastonbury Inqu。 of 1189; p。 101: 'De tidinga Estone 5 solidos vel placita que orientur。' Cf Maitland; Introduction to Seld。 Soc。 ii。 pp。 xxx; xxxiii。

24。 Rot。 Hundr。 ii。 461; b: 'Et predicti Radulfus et Robertus habent suas duodenas。'

25。 Y。B。 21…22 Edw。 I; 399: 'Presence a vewe de franc pledge demande par la reson de la persone; non de la tenure。'

26。 Glastonbury Cart。; Wood MSS。 i。 f 100; b: 'Predictus Abbas consensit quod omnes homines eorum de predictis villis qui fuerint duodecim annorum et amplius faciant sectam ad predictum hundredum bis in annis perpetuum。。。 exceptis omnibus bercariis; carrucariis predictarum villarum et carrectariis cuiuscumque hominis fuerint et omnibus aliis hominibus tam de predictis villis quam aliunde qui sunt de manupastis ipsius abbatis qui nullam sectam facient ad predictum hundred

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