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n so many words: they give an insight into a more ancient order of things。 It may be asked; in conclusion; why a Frankish form should be found prevalent in the customary arrangement of the English manorial system? The fact will hardly appear strange when we consider; firstly; that the symbolical acts of investiture and conveyancing were very similar in Old English and Old Frankish law;(52*) and that many practices of procedure were imported into England from France; through the medium of Normandy。 It is impossible at the present date to trace conclusively the ceremonies of surrender and admittance in all their varieties and stages of development; but the most probable course of progress seems to have been a passage from symbolical investiture in the folk…law of free English ceorls through the Frankish practice of 'affatomire;' to the feudal ceremony of surrender and admittance by the steward。     And now let us take up the second thread of our inquiry into the manorial forms of conveyancing。 A tenant by the verge is also a tenant by copy of court roll。 The steward who presided at the court had to keep a record of its proceedings; and this record had a primary importance for the servile portion of the community。 While the free people could enter into agreements and perform legal acts in their own name and by charter; the villains had to content themselves with ceremonial actions before the court。 They were faithful in this respect to old German tradition; while the privileged people followed precedents which may be ultimately traced to a Roman origin。 The court roll or record of manorial courts enabled the base tenant to show; for instance; that some piece of land was his although he had no charter to produce in proof of his contention。 And we find the rolls appealed to constantly in the course of manorial litigation。(53*) But the rolls were nothing else than records of actions in the court and before the court。 They could actually guide the decision; but their authority was not independent; it was merely derived from the authority of the court。 For this reason the evidence of the rolls; although very valuable; was by no means indispensable。 A claimant could go past them to the original fount; that is; to the testimony of the court。 And here we must keep clear of a misconception suggested by a first…sight analysis of the facts at hand。 It would seem that the verdict of neighbours; to which debateable claims are referred to in the manorial courts; stands exactly on a par with the verdicts of jury men taken by the judges of the Royal Courts。 This is not so; however。 It is true that the striving of manorial officers to make the procedure of halimotes as much like the common law procedure as possible; went far to produce similarity between forms of actions; presentments; verdicts and juries; in both sets of tribunals。 But nevertheless; characteristic distinctions remained to show that the import of some institutions brought near each other in this way was widely different。 I have said already that the peasant suitors of the halimote are appealed to on questions of law as well as on questions of fact。 But the most important point for our present purpose is this: the jurors called to substantiate the claim of a party in a trial are mere representatives of the whole court。 The testimony of the court is taken indirectly through their means; and very often resort is had to that testimony without the intermediate stage of a jury。 Now this is by no means a trifle from the point of view of legal analysis。 The grand and petty juries of the common law are means of information; and nothing more。 They form no part of the tribunal; strictly speaking; the court is constituted by the judges; the lawyers commissioned by the king; who adopt this method in investigating the facts before them; because a knowledge of the facts at issue; and an understanding of local conditions surrounding them; is supposed to reside naturally in the country where the facts have taken place。(54*) Historically the institution is evolved from examinations of witnesses and experts; and has branched off in France into the close formalism of inquisitorial process。 The manorial jury; on the other hand; represents the court; and interchanges with it。(55*) For this reason; we may speak directly of the court instead of treating of its delegates。 And if the verdict of the court is taken; it is not on account of the chance knowledge; the presumable acquaintance of the suitors with facts and conditions; but as a living remembrance of what took place before this same court; or as a re…assertion of its power of regulating the legal standing of the community。 The verdict of the suitors is only another form of the entry on the rolls; and both are means of securing the continuity of an institution and not merely of providing information to outsiders。 Of course; claims may not be always reduced to such elementary forms that they can be decided by a mere reference to memory; the memory of the constituted body of the court。 A certain amount of reasoning and inference may be involved in their settlement; a set of juridical doctrines is necessary to provide the general principles of such reasoning。 And in both respects the manorial court is called upon to act。 It is considered as the repositary of legal lore; and the exponent of its applications。 This means that the court is; what its name implies; a tribunal and not a set of private persons called upon to assist a judge by their knowledge of legal details or material facts。(56*)     The whole exposition brings us back to a point of primary importance。 The title by which land is held according to manorial custom is derived from communal authority quite as much as from the lord's grant。 Without stepping out of the feudal evidence into historical inquiry; we find that civil arrangements of the peasantry are based on acts performed through the agency of the steward; and before the manorial court; which has a voice in the matter and vouches for its validity and remembrance。 The 'full court' is noticed in the records as quite as necessary an element in the conveyancing business as the lord and his steward; although the legal。 theory of modern times has affected to take into account only these latter。(57*) Indeed; it is the part assumed by the court which appears as the distinctive; if not the more important factor。 A feoffment of land made on the basis of free tenure proceeds from the grantor in the same way as a grant on the conditions of base tenure; freehold comes from the lord; as well as copyhold。 But copyhold is necessarily transferred in court; while freehold is not。 And if we speak of the presentment of offences through the representatives of townships; as of the practice of communal accusation; even so we have to call the title by which copyhold tenure is created a claim based on communal testimony。     All the points noticed in the rolls of manors held at common law are to be found on the soil of ancient demesne; but they are stated more definitely there; and the rights of the peasant population are asserted with greater energy。 Our previous analysis of the condition of ancient demesne has led us to the conclusion; that it presents a crystallisation of the manorial community in an earlier stage of development than in the ordinary manor; but that the constitutive elements in both cases are exactly the same。 For this reason; every question arising in regard to the usual arrangements ought to be examined in the light of the evidence that comes from the ancient demesne。     We have seen that it would be impossible to maintain that originally the steward was the only judge of the manorial tribunal; the whole court with its free and unfree suitors participates materially in the administration of justice; and its office is extended to questions of law as well as to issues of fact。 On the other hand; it was clear that the steward and the lord were already preparing the position which they ultimately assumed in legal theory; that in the exercise of their functions they were beginning to monopolise the power of ultimate decision and to restrict the court to the duty of preliminary presentment。 The same parties are in presence in the court of ancient demesne; but the right of the suitors has been summed up by legal theory in quite the opposite direction。 The suitors are said to be the judges there; legal dogmatism has set up its hard and fast definitions; and drawn its uncompromising conclusions as if all the historical facts had always been arrayed against each other without the possibility of common origins and gradual development。 Is it necessary to say that the historical reality was very far from presenting that neat opposition? The ancient demesne suitors are villains in the main; though privileged in many respects; and the lord and steward are not always playing such a subordinate part that one may not notice the transition to the state of things that exists in common law manors。 It is curious; anyhow; that later jurisprudence was driven to set up as to the ancient demesne court a rule which runs exactly parallel to the celebrated theory that there must be a plurality of free tenants to constitute a manor。 Coke expresses it in the following way: 'Ther

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