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on the firing line-第15节

小说: on the firing line 字数: 每页4000字

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night you were here; by having the bead surgeon fall headlong over him; as he went down the steps。 Kruger Bobs doesn't show up well; on a dark night。〃

Weldon clasped his hands at the back of his head。

〃If I thought you were using American slang; Miss Mellen; I should contradict you;〃 he answered; with a touch of his old humor。 〃I can remember at least one dark night when Kruger Bobs made an excellent showing。〃

She nodded。

〃We have bad a few Americans here before; Mr。 Weldon。 I think I understand。〃

〃How long have you been here?〃 he asked; after a pause。

〃Ten weeks。〃

〃And you like it?〃

〃Why else should I be here?〃

〃From a sense of duty。〃

〃Is that what brought you out?〃

〃No。 My coming was inevitable。 It seemed a part of me that I couldn't help。〃

〃But you wished to come?〃 she queried。

〃Of course。 But that was only a Dart of it。 I have wished to do things before; and have done them。 This was quite different。 It all seemed a part of Fate; and I walked through it; like a puppet with somebody else's hand pulling the strings。〃 He paused and shook his head。 〃It is no use。 I can't make you understand it。 I acted freely and did just what I chose; but yet; all the time; I felt as if it had all been arranged for me; whole generations ago。〃

Thoughtfully she bent forward; straightened the coverings above his wounded leg; then sat up again。 Then she shook her head a little regretfully。

〃No;〃 she said。 〃I am afraid I don't understand。 Perhaps it is because I am selfish; but I usually feel as if I made my plans; regardless of Fate。〃

〃What about our meeting here?〃 he asked quizzically。

She answered in the same tone。

〃Wait until we see what comes out of it。 Fate; if one believes in such a thing; only works in an endless chain。〃

〃And the broken links?〃

〃According to your notion; there should be none;〃 she retorted。 〃Fate ought to be a better workman than that。〃

〃Than what?〃

〃Than spoiling her work as she goes along。 If there's any chain at all; it should be endless and durable。 But a man with a Mauser hole in his leg and a fever in his head has no business to be talking of Fate。 Let's talk about Ethel; instead。〃

He settled himself back comfortably。

〃Perhaps it amounts to the same thing; in the long run。〃

〃Perhaps。 I don't see how; though。 Anyway; Ethel wouldn't be pleased with the notion。 She is absolutely independent; and generally arranges things according to her own sweet will。〃

〃Where is she now?〃

〃In Cape Town;〃 Alice answered; quite unaware of her own lack of truth。

〃And well?〃

〃Gloriously。 In fact; as far as I can learn; Cooee always is well。 Just now she is having a wonderfully gay time。 Since Lord Roberts went back to England; Cape Town has been full of people; resting there before sailing for home。〃


〃Haven't they earned the right?〃 she questioned; in swift challenge to the quiet scorn in his tone。

〃Even if the battles are over; the fighting isn't;〃 he answered tersely。 〃The glory doesn't lie entirely in the pulverizing the Boer army; there's a little left for the men who are sweeping up the pieces。〃

Her trained eye saw the rising color in his face。 Swiftly she changed the subject。

〃Glory for all; enough and to spare;〃 she replied。 〃But; as I say; Cape Town is crowded with officers; lying up for repairs; and Ethel is queen bee among them。 It's not only for herself; it is what you would call Fate。 She happens to be the only girl of her set who is just out from London; she had met a good many of them there; and now she is holding a veritable salon。 She even has one sacred teacup; set up on a high shelf ever since the day that Baden…Powell used it。〃

Weldon smiled。

〃Miss Dent is a hero…worshipper;〃 he commented。

〃So are we all; in certain directions。 Moreover; most women like their heroes to have a little personality。 One can't make one's admiration stick to a blank wall of impersonal perfection。〃

Weldon's mind moved swiftly backwards to two blue; black…fringed eyes glowing out from a dust…streaked face。

〃No;〃 he assented; 〃but neither can one ever really be chums with his hero。 Or; even if he can; he doesn't care to try the experiment。〃

Alice glanced at her watch; rose; then lingered。

〃I am not so sure of that;〃 she replied thoughtfully。 〃I want the pedestal of my hero to be a low one; and Cooee declares that she wishes no pedestal at all。 If her hero is worthy of the name; he must bear inspection even from above。 The worst flaw of all might lurk in the very crown of his head。〃

Half an hour later; she came back again。

〃Mr。 Weldon; do you feel strong enough to see Kruger Bobs for exactly five minutes?〃 she asked。

The gray eyes lighted。

〃For ten times five;〃 he answered eagerly。

Kruger Bobs shuffled in upon the heels of an orderly。 Under his bristly hair; his face was a study of mingled emotions which culminated in his mouth。 A grin of pure happiness had drawn up the upper lip; at sight of his prostrate master; the lower one was rolling outward in a sudden wave of pure pity。 Beside the cot; he halted and stood looking down at Weldon with eyes which; for the moment; transformed his lazy; jolly; simian face into a species of nobility。 Lying back on his pillow; Weldon waited for him to speak; waited with an odd; restless beating of the heart for which he was wholly at a loss to account。

The pause between them lengthened。 At last Kruger Bobs drew his mangy brown felt hat across his eyes。

〃I's here; Boss;〃 he said simply。

However; it was enough。

The next morning found Weldon sitting up。 A clean…cut hole through the flesh of a man who has lived a clean…cut life is swift in healing。 Now that his fever had left him; his superb vitality was asserting itself once more; and he rallied quickly。 Meanwhile; it was good to be able to sit up and eat his breakfast like a civilized being。 Weldon had all the detestation of the average healthy being for invalid ways。 Moreover; he longed to be up and doing。 With his growing strength; the orderly; noiseless routine of the hospital came upon his nerves。 One of the nurses always walked on the points of her toes; and he was conscious of a wild longing to throw a pillow at her; as she went diddling to and fro past him; a dozen times a day。 The doctor; a man of iron nerve and velvet hand; was a daily delight to him。 And there was always Alice; frank; friendly and altogether enjoyable。 During the past three days; their liking had grown apace。 Absolutely feminine; yet with the healthy impersonality of a growing boy; Alice Mellen was a born comrade; and Weldon enjoyed her just as; in her place; he would have enjoyed Carew。

She came down the ward; that morning; and paused beside his chair。

〃You look like your old self at last;〃 she said; as she held out her hand in congratulation。

〃I might echo your words;〃 he answered; while he looked up into her eyes; shining with merriment and with something that yet seemed to him closely akin to annoyance。 〃Granted the apron; you might be pouring tea at home。〃

〃Not tea; but malted milk; in these latter days;〃 she said; laughing。 〃But I am about to retire from your case。 May I introduce your new nurse; Mr。 Weldon?〃

His reluctant assent was changed to eager greeting。 Light; swift steps came down the room; a tall figure stopped at his side in the full glare of a sunshiny window which all at once seemed focussing its light upon waving strands and heaped…up coils of vivid yellow hair。

〃Cooee!〃 Then; too late; he bethought himself of his manners and tried to bite the word off short。

Linking her arm in that of her cousin; the girl stood looking down at him with merry; mocking blue eyes。

〃Invalids are supposed to have privileges denied to well men;〃 she answered demurely。 〃It might perhaps be Cooee here; to…day; but it will have to be Miss Dent; to…morrow; when you are back in the field again。 After all; it is hardly worth while to make the change; Trooper Weldon。〃


Upon one side; at least; the meeting between the two cousins on the previous night had been wholly unexpected。

Late that afternoon; an ambulance train had come in; loaded with men from the over…crowded field hospital at Krugersdorp; and for hours Alice had been in ceaseless attendance upon the surgeon in charge。 Little by little; the girl had found her nerves steadying down to the task in hand; nevertheless; the past ten weeks; in return for the increase of her poise; had taken something from her vitality。 Quickness of eye; firmness of hand; evenness of temper: all these may be gifts of the gods。 Their use is a purely human function; and proportionately exhausting。 The girl's one salvation lay in the fact that her quick sympathy with her patients was for the most part impersonal。 Up to this time; Weldon had been her only patient whom she had known outside the routine duties of her hospital life。 In a sense; it had been a relief to meet some one whom she knew to be of her own world; in a sense; the case had worn upon her acutely。 She could watch with a greater degree of stolidity the sufferings of other men。

Among her new charges; that day; only one had made any distinct impression upon her overworked brain。 That was a jovial young

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