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john old castle(约翰古老的城堡)-第19节

小说: john old castle(约翰古老的城堡) 字数: 每页4000字

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… Page 116…

                                        John Oldcastle 

not to quittance those great benefits; I have received of you) yet both my 

house;   My   purse;   my   servants;   and   what   else   I   have;   Are   all   at   your 

command。        Deny   me   not;   I   know   the   Bishop's   hate   pursues   ye   so;   As 

there's no safety in abiding here。 

     COBHAM。 Tis true; my Lord; and God forgive him for it。 

     LORD POWIS。 Then; let us hence:                you shall be straight provided Of 

lusty  geldings;   and   once   entered   Wales; Well   may   the   Bishop   hunt;   but; 

spite his face; He never more shall have the game in chase。 




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