太子爷小说网 > 英语电子书 > 05-there are no guilty people >


05-there are no guilty people-第2节

小说: 05-there are no guilty people 字数: 每页4000字

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round bed; with rings of red; white; and blue
flowers; and the initials of the mistress of the
house done in carpet bedding in the centre。 
Leaving the flower garden Volgin entered the
avenue of lime trees; hundreds of years old; which
peasant girls were tidying and sweeping with
spades and brooms。  The gardener was busy
measuring; and a boy was bringing something in
a cart。  Passing these Volgin went into the park
of at least a hundred and twenty…five acres;
filled with fine old trees; and intersected by a
network of well…kept walks。  Smoking as he
strolled Volgin took his favourite path past the
summer…house into the fields beyond。  It was
pleasant in the park; but it was still nicer in the
fields。  On the right some women who were dig…
ging potatoes formed a mass of bright red and
white colour; on the left were wheat fields; mead…
ows; and grazing cattle; and in the foreground;
slightly to the right; were the dark; dark oaks of
Littleports。  Volgin took a deep breath; and felt
glad that he was alive; especially here in his
cousin's home; where he was so thoroughly en…
joying the rest from his work at the bank。

〃Lucky people to live in the country;〃 he
thought。  〃True; what with his farming and his
Zemstvo; the owner of the estate has very little
peace even in the country; but that is his own
lookout 〃  Volgin shook his head; lit another
cigarette; and; stepping out firmly with his power…
ful feet clad in his thick English boots; began to
think of the heavy winter's work in the bank that
was in front of him。  〃I shall be there every day
from ten to two; sometimes even till five。  And
the board meetings 。 。 。  And private inter…
views with clients。 。 。 。  Then the Duma。
Whereas here。 。 。 。  It is delightful。  It
may be a little dull; but it is not for long 〃  He
smiled。  After a stroll in Littleports he turned
back; going straight across a fallow field which
was being ploughed。  A herd of cows; calves;
sheep; and pigs; which belonged to the village
community; was grazing there。  The shortest
way to the park was to pass through the herd。 
He frightened the sheep; which ran away one
after another; and were followed by the pigs; of
which two little ones stared solemnly at him。 
The shepherd boy called to the sheep and cracked
his whip。  〃How far behind Europe we are;〃
thought Volgin; recalling his frequent holidays
abroad。  〃You would not find a single cow like
that anywhere in Europe 〃  Then; wanting to
find out where the path which branched off from
the one he was on led to and who was the owner
of the herd; he called to the boy。

〃Whose herd is it?〃

The boy was so filled with wonder; verging on
terror; when he gazed at the hat; the well…brushed
beard; and above all the gold…rimmed eyeglasses;
that he could not reply at once。  When Volgin
repeated his question the boy pulled himself to…
gether; and said; 〃Ours。〃  〃But whose is
'ours'?〃 said Volgin; shaking his head and
smiling。  The boy was wearing shoes of plaited
birch bark; bands of linen round his legs; a dirty;
unbleached shirt ragged at the shoulder; and a cap
the peak of which had been torn。

〃Whose is 'ours'?〃

〃The Pirogov village herd。〃

〃How old are you?

〃I don't know。〃

〃Can you read?〃

〃No; I can't。〃

〃Didn't you go to school?〃

〃Yes; I did。〃

〃Couldn't you learn to read?〃


〃Where does that path lead?〃

The boy told him; and Volgin went on to…
wards the house; thinking how he would chaff
Nicholas Petrovich about the deplorable condi…
tion of the village schools in spite of all his ef…

On approaching the house Volgin looked at his
watch; and saw that it was already past eleven。 
He remembered that Nicholas Petrovich was
going to drive to the nearest town; and that he
had meant to give him a letter to post to Moscow;
but the letter was not written。  The letter was a
very important one to a friend; asking him to bid
for him for a picture of the Madonna which was
to be offered for sale at an auction。  As he
reached the house he saw at the door four big;
well…fed; well…groomed; thoroughbred horses har…
nessed to a carriage; the black lacquer of which
glistened in the sun。  The coachman was seated
on the box in a kaftan; with a silver belt; and the
horses were jingling their silver bells from time
to time。

A bare…headed; bare…footed peasant in a ragged
kaftan stood at the front door。  He bowed。 
Volgin asked what he wanted。

〃I have come to see Nicholas Petrovich。〃

〃What about?〃

〃Because I am in distressmy horse has

Volgin began to question him。  The peasant
told him how he was situated。  He had five chil…
dren; and this had been his only horse。  Now
it was gone。  He wept。

〃What are you going to do?〃

〃To beg 〃  And he knelt down; and remained
kneeling in spite of Volgin's expostulations。

〃What is your name?〃

〃Mitri Sudarikov;〃 answered the peasant; still

Volgin took three roubles from his purse and
gave them to the peasant; who showed his grat…
itude by touching the ground with his forehead;
and then went into the house。  His host was
standing in the hall。

〃Where is your letter?〃 he asked; approach…
ing Volgin; 〃I am just off。〃

〃I'm awfully sorry; I'll write it this minute; if
you will let me。  I forgot all about it。  It's so
pleasant here that one can forget anything。〃

〃All right; but do be quick。  The horses have
already been standing a quarter of an hour; and
the flies are biting viciously。  Can you wait; Ar…
senty?〃 he asked the coachman。

〃Why not?〃 said the coachman; thinking to
himself; 〃why do they order the horses when
they aren't ready? The rush the grooms and I
hadjust to stand here and feed the flies。〃

〃Directly; directly;〃 Volgin went towards his
room; but turned back to ask Nicholas Petrovich
about the begging peasant。

〃Did you see him?He's a drunkard; but
still he is to be pitied。  Do be quick!〃

Volgin got out his case; with all the requisites
for writing; wrote the letter; made out a cheque
for a hundred and eighty roubles; and; sealing
down the envelope; took it to Nicholas Petrovich。


Volgin read the newspapers till luncheon。  He
only read the Liberal papers:  The Russian
Gazette; Speech; sometimes The Russian Word
but he would not touch The New Times; to
which his host subscribed。

While he was scanning at his ease the political
news; the Tsar's doings; the doings of President;
and ministers and decisions in the Duma; and was
just about to pass on to the general news; thea…
tres; science; murders and cholera; he heard the
luncheon bell ring。

Thanks to the efforts of upwards of ten human
beingscounting laundresses; gardeners; cooks;
kitchen…maids; butlers and footmenthe table
was sumptuously laid for eight; with silver water…
jugs; decanters; kvass; wine; mineral waters; cut
glass; and fine table linen; while two men…servants
were continually hurrying to and fro; bringing
in and serving; and then clearing away the
hors d'oeuvre and the various hot and cold

The hostess talked incessantly about every…
thing that she had been doing; thinking; and say…
ing; and she evidently considered that everything
that she thought; said; or did was perfect; and
that it would please every one except those who
were fools。  Volgin felt and knew that every…
thing she said was stupid; but it would never do
to let it be seen; and so he kept up the conversa…
tion。  Theodorite was glum and silent; the stu…
dent occasionally exchanged a few words with the
widow。  Now and again there was a pause in
the conversation; and then Theodorite interposed;
and every one became miserably depressed。  At
such moments the hostess ordered some dish that
had not been served; and the footman hurried
off to the kitchen; or to the housekeeper; and hur…
ried back again。  Nobody felt inclined either to
talk or to eat。  But they all forced themselves
to eat and to talk; and so luncheon went on。

The peasant who had been begging because his
horse had died was named Mitri Sudarikov。  He
had spent the whole day before he went to the
squire over his dead horse。  First of all he went
to the knacker; Sanin; who lived in a village near。 
The knacker was out; but he waited for him; and
it was dinner…time when he had finished bargain…
ing over the price of the skin。  Then he bor…
rowed a neighbour's horse to take his own to a
field to be buried; as it is forbidden to bury dead
animals near a village。  Adrian would not lend
his horse because he was getting in his potatoes;
but Stephen took pity on Mitri and gave way to
his persuasion。  He even lent a hand in lifting
the dead horse into the cart。  Mitri tore off the
shoes from the forelegs and  gave them to his
wife。  One was broken; but the other one was
whole。  While he was digging the grave with a
spade which was very blunt; the knacker appeared
and took off the skin; and the carcass was then
thrown into the hole and covered up。  Mitri felt
tired; and went into Matrena's hut; where he
drank half a bottle of vodka with Sanin to con…
sole himself。  Then he went home; quarrelled
with his wife; and lay down to sleep on the hay。 
He did not undress; but slep

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