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down in the chair。       ;She will be his wife察and have his children。; 

     ;Yes。;     The   elder   woman   moved   quickly。       ;One   wants   to   have   the 

child察and lay its head on one's breast and feed it。;              She moved quickly。 

;It would not matter if another woman bore it察if one had it to take care 

of。;    She moved restlessly。 

     ;Oh察no察I couldn't bear it to be hers。        When I think of her I feel as if I 

were dying察all my fingers turn cold察I feel dead。              Oh察you were only his 

friend察you don't know ─

     The older spoke softly and quickly察 Don't you feel a little gentle to her 

when you think she's going to be his wife and the mother of his child拭                   I 

would like to put my arms round her and touch her once察if she would let 

me。     She is so beautiful察they say。; 

     ;Oh察I could never bear to see her察it would kill me。              And they are so 

happy together today         He is loving her so ─

     ;Don't you want him to be happy拭─             The older woman looked down 

at her。    ;Have you never loved him察at all拭─

     The younger woman's face was covered with her hands。                     ;Oh察it's so 

terrible察 so   dark  and   I  shall   go   on   living   year  after   year察 always   in   this 

awful pain      Oh察if I could only die ─

     The    older    woman      stood   looking    into   the   fire察 then   slowly    and 

measuredly she said察 There are times察in life察when everything seems dark察

when the brain reels察and we cannot see that there is anything but death。 

But察if we wait long enough察after long察long years察calm comes。                   It may 

be we cannot say it was well察but we are contented察we accept the past。 

The struggle is ended。         That day may come for you察perhaps sooner than 

you think。;      She spoke slowly and with difficulty。 

     ;No察it can never come for me。           If once I have loved a thing察I love it 

for ever。    I can never forget。; 

     ;Love is not the only end in life。        There are other things to live for。; 

     ;Oh察yes察for you       To me love is everything ─


´ Page 21´

                          Dream Life and Real Life A Little African Story 

     ;Now察you must go察dear。; 

     The younger woman stood up。             ;It has been such a comfort to talk to 

you。    I think I should have killed myself if I had not come。             You help me 

so。    I shall always be grateful to you。; 

     The older woman took her hand。 

     ;I want to ask something of you。; 

     ;What is it拭─

     ;I cannot quite explain to you。         You will not understand。          But there 

are times when something more terrible can come into a life than it should 

lose what it loves。      If you have had a dream of what life ought to be察and 

you try to make it real察and you fail察and something you have killed out in 

your heart for long years wakes up and cries察'Let each man play his own 

game察and care nothing for the hand of his fellow             Each man for himself。 

So the game must be played' and you doubt all you have lived for察and the 

ground   seems   washing   out   under   your   feet。;      She   paused。     ;Such   a 

time has come to me now。           If you would promise me that if ever another 

woman comes to seek your help察you will give it to her察and try to love her 

for my sake察I think it will help me。          I think I should be able to keep my 


     ;Oh察I will do anything you ask me to。           You are so good and great。; 

     ;Oh察good and greatif you knew           Now go察dear。; 

     ;I have not kept you from your work察have I拭─

     ;No察I have not been working lately。          Good´by察dear。; 

     The younger woman went察and the elder knelt down by the chair察and 

wailed like a little child when you have struck it and it does not dare to cry 


     A year after察it was early spring again。 

     The woman sat at her desk writing察behind her the fire burnt brightly。 

She was writing a leading article on the causes which in differing peoples 

lead to the adoption of Free Trade or Protectionist principles。 

     The woman wrote on quickly。            After a while the servant entered and 

laid a pile of letters on the table。      ;Tell the boy I shall have done in fifteen 

minutes。;     She wrote on。       Then she caught sight of the writing on one of 

the letters。   She put down her pen察and opened it。            It ran so此


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                           Dream Life and Real Life A Little African Story 

     ;Dear FriendI am writing to you察because I know you will rejoice to 

hear of my great happiness。           Do you remember how you told me that day 

by the fire to wait察and after long察long years I should see that all was for 

the   best拭   That   time   has   come   sooner   than   we   hoped。        Last   week   in 

Rome I was married to the best察noblest察most large´hearted of men。                       We 

are now in Florence together。           You don't know how beautiful all life is to 

me。     I   know   now   that   the   old   passion   was   only   a   girl's   foolish   dream。 

My husband is the first man I have ever truly loved。                    He loves me and 

understands me as no other man ever could。                I am thankful that my dream 

was   broken察  God   had   better   things   in   store   for   me。    I   don't   hate   that 

woman any more察I love every one               How are you察dear拭        We shall come 

and see you as soon as we arrive in England。                  I always think of you so 

happy in your great work and helping other people。                   I don't think now it 

is terrible to be a woman察it is lovely。 

     ;I hope you are enjoying this beautiful spring weather。 

     ;Yours察always full of gratitude and love察


     The woman read the letter此          then she stood up and walked towards the 

fire。   She   did   not   re´read   it察  but   stood   with   it   open   in   her   hand察  looking 

down into the blaze。          Her lips were drawn in at the corners。              Presently 

she tore the letter up slowly察and watched the bits floating down one by 

one into the grate。        Then she went back to her desk察and began to write察

with her mouth still drawn in at the corners。                After a while she laid her 

arm on the paper and her head on her arm察and seemed to go to sleep there。 

     Presently   the   servant   knocked察  the   boy   was   waiting。        ;Tell   him   to 

wait    ten   minutes     more。;     She    took   up   her   pen;The      Policy    of  the 

Australian   Colonies   in   favour   of   Protection   is   easily   understood;   she 

waited;when   one   considers   the   factthe   fact察─  then   she   finished   the 


     Cape Town察South Africa察1892。 


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