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     ;I couldn't tell my father or my mother察or any one else察but I can tell 

you察though I know so little of you。        You know察last summer he came and 

stayed with us a month。        I saw a great deal of him。        I don't know if he 

liked me察I know he liked my singing察and we rode togetherI liked him 

more than any  man I   have ever seen。          Oh察you know  it isn't true that   a 

woman can only like a man when he likes her察and I thought察perhaps察he 


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liked me a little。      Since we have been in town we have asked察but he has 

never   come   to   see   us。   Perhaps   people   have   been   saying   something   to 

him about me。        You know him察you are always meeting him察couldn't you 

say   or   do   anything   for   me拭─   She   looked   up   with   her   lips   white   and 

drawn。      ;I feel sometimes as if I were going mad             Oh察it is so terrible to 

be a woman ─        The woman looked down at her。                ;Now I hear he likes 

another woman。         I don't know who she is察but they say she is so clever察

and writes。      Oh察it is so terrible察I can't bear it。; 

     The   woman   leaned   her   elbow   against   the   mantelpiece察  and   her   face 

against her hand。        She looked down into the fire。            Then she turned and 

looked at the younger woman。             ;Yes察─she said察 it is a very terrible thing 

to be a woman。;         She was silent。       She said with some difficulty此           Are 

you sure you love him拭          Are you sure it is not only the feeling a young 

girl   has   for   an   older   man   who   is   celebrated察  and   of   whom   every   one   is 


     ;I have been nearly mad。           I haven't slept for weeks ─         She knit her 

little   hands   together察  till   the   jewelled   rings   almost   cut   into   the   fingers。 

;He is everything to me察there is nothing else in the world。                You察who are 

so great察and strong察and clever察and who care only for your work察and for 

men as your friends察you cannot understand what it is when one person is 

everything to you察when there is nothing else in the world ─

     ;And what do you want me to do拭─

     ;Oh察I don't know ─       She looked up。        ;A woman knows what she can 

do。    Don't   tell   him   that   I   love   him。; She   looked   up   again。   ;Just   say 

something to him。         Oh察it's so terrible to be a woman察I can't do anything。 

You won't tell him exactly that I love him拭             That's the thing that makes a 

man hate a woman察if you tell it him plainly。; 

     ;If I speak to him I must speak openly。              He is my friend。         I cannot 

fence with him。        I have never fenced with him in my own affairs。;                 She 

moved as though she were going away from the fireplace察then she turned 

and   said此    Have   you   thought   of      what   love   is   between   a   man   and    a 

woman when it means marriage拭               That long察long life together察day after 

day察stripped of all romance and distance察living face to face此              seeing each 

other    as  a  man    sees   his  own    soul拭   Do    you    realize   that  the  end   of 


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marriage is to make the man and woman stronger than they were察and that 

if you cannot察when you are an old man and woman and sit by the fire察say察

'Life has been a braver and a freer thing for us察because we passed it hand 

in hand察than if we had passed through it alone' it has failed拭                Do   you 

care for him enough to live for him察not tomorrow察but when he is an old察

faded man察and you an old察faded woman拭               Can you forgive him his sins 

and    his  weaknesses察     when    they   hurt  you   most拭   If   he   were   to  lie  a 

querulous invalid for twenty years察would you be able to fold him in your 

arms all that time察and comfort him察as a mother comforts her little child拭─

The woman drew her breath heavily。 

     ;Oh察I love him  absolutely         I would be glad to die察 if only I   could 

once know that he loved me better than anything in the world ─

     The woman stood looking down at her。               ;Have you never thought of 

that other woman察whether she could not perhaps make his life as perfect 

as you拭─she asked察slowly。 

     ;Oh察no woman ever could be to him what I would be。                    I would live 

for him。 He belongs to me。;          She bent herself forward察not crying察but her 

shoulders moving。         ;It is such a terrible thing to be a woman察to be able 

to do nothing and say nothing ─

     The woman put her hand on her shoulder察the younger woman looked 

up into her face察then the elder turned away and stood looking into the fire。 

There   was   such   quiet察  you   could   hear   the   clock   tick   above   the   writing´ 


     The   woman   said此      There   is   one   thing   I   can   do   for   you。 I   do   not 

know if it will be of any useI will do it。;         She turned away。 

     ;Oh察you are so great and good察so beautiful察so different from other 

women察  who   are   always   thinking   only   of   themselves         Thank   you   so 

much。      I know I can trust you。        I couldn't have told my mother察or any 

one but you。;      ;Now you must go察I have my work to finish。; 

     The younger woman put her arms round her。                  ;Oh察you are so good 

and beautiful ─

     The silk dress and the fur cloak rustled out of the room。 

     The woman who was left alone walked up and down察at last faster and 

faster察till the drops stood on her forehead。           After a time she went up to 


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the   table察  there   was   written   illegibly   in   a   man's   hand   on   a   fragment   of 

manuscript paper此         Can I come to see you this afternoon拭─             Near it was 

a closed and addressed envelope。             She opened it。        In it were written the 

words此      Yes察please察come。; 

     She tore it across and wrote the words此             No察I shall not be at liberty。; 

     She closed them in an envelope and addressed them。                   Then she rolled 

up   the   manuscript   on   the   table   and   rang   the   bell。  She   gave   it   to   the 

servant。     ;Tell the boy to give this to his master察and say the article ends 

rather    abruptly察   they   must   state   it  is  to  be  continued察   I  will  finish   it 

tomorrow。       As   he  passes    No。   20   let  him   leave   this  note   there。;    The 

servant went out。        She walked up and down with her hands folded above 

her head。 


     Two months after察the older woman stood before the fire。                     The door 

opened suddenly察and the younger woman came in。 

     ;I had to comeI couldn't wait。           You have heard察he was married this 

morning拭      Oh察do you think it is true拭         Do help me ─        She put out her 


     ;Sit down。      Yes察it is quite true。; 

     ;Oh察it is so terrible察and I didn't know anything                Did you ever say 

anything to him拭─        She caught the woman's hands。 

     ;I   never saw  him  again   after the day  you   were   hereso  I   could   not 

speak to himbut I did what I could。;             She stood looking passively into 

the fire。 

     ;And they say she is quite a child察only eighteen。                 They say he only 

saw her three times before he proposed to her。               Do you think it is true拭─

     ;Yes察it is quite true。; 

     ;He can't love her。        They say he's only marrying her for her rank and 

her money。; 

     The woman turned quickly。 

     ;What right have you to say that拭             No one but I know him。             What 

need   has   he   of   any   one's   rank   or   wealth拭He   is   greater   than   them   all 

Older women may have failed him察he has needed to turn to her beautiful察

fresh察  young   life   to   compensate   him。     She   is   a   woman   whom   any   man 


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might have loved察so young and beautiful察her family are famed for their 

intellect。    If he trains her察she may make him a better wife than any other 

woman would have done。; 

     ;Oh察  but   I   can't   bear   itI   can't   bear   it ─The   younger   woman   sat 

down in the chair。       ;She will be his

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