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dream life and real life(知廠嚥嵎)-及2准

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delicious cold water。          Up and up the stream she walked察where it rattled 

over the pebbles察and past where the farmhouse lay察and where the rocks 


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                           Dream Life and Real Life A Little African Story 

were large she leaped from one to the other。                The night wind in her face 

made her strongshe laughed。            She had never felt such night wind before。 

So the night smells to the wild bucks察because they are free                  A free thing 

feels as a chained thing never can。 

     At last she came to a place where the willows grew on each side of the 

river察and trailed their long branches on the sandy bed。                She could not tell 

why察she could not tell the reason察but a feeling of fear came over her。 

     On   the   left   bank   rose   a   chain   of   kopjes   and   a   precipice   of   rocks。 

Between the precipice and the river bank there was a narrow path covered 

by the fragments of fallen rock。           And upon the summit of the precipice a 

kippersol tree grew察whose palm´like leaves were clearly cut out against 

the night sky。       The   rocks   cast   a   deep   shadow察  and   the   willow   trees察  on 

either side of the river。        She paused察looked up and about her察and then 

ran on察fearful。 

     ;What was I afraid of拭         How foolish I have been ─she said察when she 

came   to   a   place   where   the   trees   were   not   so   close   together。  And   she 

stood still and looked back and shivered。 

     At last her steps grew wearier and wearier。              She was very sleepy now察

she could scarcely lift her feet。           She stepped out of the river´bed。            She 

only saw that the rocks about her were wild察as though many little kopjes 

had been broken up and strewn upon the ground察lay down at the foot of 

an aloe察and fell asleep。 


     But察in the morning察she saw what a glorious place it was。                  The rocks 

were piled   on   one  another察 and tossed this   way  and that。            Prickly  pears 

grew among them察and there were no less than six kippersol trees scattered 

here    and    there   among     the   broken    kopjes。     In   the   rocks    there   were 

hundreds of homes for the conies察and from the crevices wild   asparagus 

hung   down。       She   ran   to   the   river察  bathed   in   the   clear   cold   water察  and 

tossed it over her head。         She sang aloud。         All the songs she knew were 

sad察so she could not sing them now察she was glad察she was so free察but she 

sang   the  notes   without   the   words察  as   the   cock´o´veets   do。    Singing   and 

jumping all the way察she went back察and took a sharp stone察and cut at the 

root of a kippersol察and got out a large piece察as long as her arm察and sat to 


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                          Dream Life and Real Life A Little African Story 

chew it。     Two conies came out on the rock above her head and peeped at 

her。    She held them out a piece察but they did not want it察and ran away。 

     It was very delicious to her。         Kippersol is like raw quince察when it is 

very green察but she liked it。         When good food is thrown at you by other 

people察strange to say察it is very bitter察but whatever you find yourself is 


     When she had finished she dug out another piece察and went to look for 

a   pantry   to  put   it  in。  At   the   top  of  a  heap    of  rocks   up   which    she 

clambered she found that some large stones stood apart but met at the top察

making a room。 

     ;Oh察this is my little home ─she said。 

     At the top and all round it was closed察only in the front it was open。 

There     was    a  beautiful    shelf  in   the  wall   for   the   kippersol察   and   she 

scrambled down again。           She brought a great bunch of prickly pear察and 

stuck it in a crevice before the door察and hung wild asparagus over it察till it 

looked as though it grew there。           No one could see that there was a room 

there察  for   she   left   only   a   tiny   opening察  and   hung   a   branch   of   feathery 

asparagus over it。       Then she crept in to see how it looked。             There was a 

glorious soft green light。         Then she went out and picked some of those 

purple little ground flowersyou know themthose that keep their faces 

close to the ground察but when you turn them up and look at them they are 

deep blue eyes looking into yours            She took them with a little earth察and 

put   them   in   the   crevices   between   the   rocks察  and   so   the   room   was   quite 

furnished。      Afterwards she went down to the river and brought her arms 

full of willow察and made a lovely bed察and察because the weather was very 

hot察she lay down to rest upon it。 

     She went to sleep soon察and slept long察for she was very weak。                    Late 

in the afternoon she was awakened by a few cold drops falling on her face。 

She sat up。      A great and fierce thunderstorm had been raging察and a few 

of the cool drops had fallen through the crevice in the rocks。                She pushed 

the   asparagus   branch   aside察  and   looked   out察  with   her   little   hands   folded 

about her knees。        She heard the thunder rolling察and saw the red torrents 

rush among the stones on their way to the river。              She heard the roar of the 

river as it now rolled察angry and red察bearing away stumps and trees on its 


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                          Dream Life and Real Life A Little African Story 

muddy   water。      She   listened   and   smiled察  and   pressed   closer   to   the   rock 

that   took   care   of  her。   She    pressed    the   palm   of   her  hand    against   it。 

When you have no one to love you察you love the dumb things very much。 

When the sun set察it cleared up。            Then the little girl ate some kippersol察

and lay down again to sleep。           She thought there was nothing so nice as to 

sleep。     When one has had no food but kippersol juice for two days察one 

doesn't feel strong。 

     ;It is so nice here察─she thought as she went to sleep察 I will stay here 


     Afterwards the   moon   rose。        The   sky was   very  clear   now察 there   was 

not a cloud anywhere察and the moon shone in through the bushes in the 

door察and made a lattice´work of light on her face。                She was dreaming a 

beautiful dream。        The loveliest dreams of all are dreamed when you are 

hungry。     She  thought   she  was   walking   in   a  beautiful place察  holding   her 

father's   hand察  and   they   both   had   crowns   on   their   heads察  crowns   of   wild 

asparagus。       The people whom they passed smiled and kissed her察some 

gave     her   flowers察   and    some    gave    her   food察   and   the   sunlight    was 

everywhere。       She   dreamed   the   same   dream   over   and   over察  and   it   grew 

more   and   more   beautiful察  till察  suddenly察  it   seemed   as   though   she   were 

standing quite alone。         She looked up此       on one side of her was the high 

precipice察on the other was the river察with the willow trees察drooping their 

branches into the water察and the moonlight was over all。                  Up察against the 

night sky  the   pointed   leaves   of   the   kippersol   trees   were   clearly   marked察

and the rocks and the willow trees cast dark shadows。 

     In her sleep she shivered察and half awoke。 

     ;Ah察I am not there察I am here察─she said察and she crept closer to the 

rock察and kissed it察and went to sleep again。 

     It must have been about three o'clock察for the moon had begun to sink 

towards the western sky察when she woke察with a violent start。                  She sat up察

and pressed her hand against her heart。 

     ;What   can   it   be拭  A  cony  must   surely  have   run   across   my  feet   and 

frightened me ─she said察and she turned to lie down again察but soon she 

sat up。    Outside察there was the distinct sound of thorns crackling in a fire。 

     She crept to the door and made an opening in the branches with her 


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                          Dream Life and Real Life A Little African Story 


     A  large   fire   was blazing in   the   shadow察 at the   foot of   the   rocks。   A 

little Bushman sat over some burning coals that had been raked from it察

cooking meat。       Stretched on the ground was an Englishman察dressed in a 

blouse察and with a heavy察sullen face。           On the stone beside him was Dirk察

the Hottentot察sharpening a bowie knife。 

     She held her breath。       Not a cony in all the roc

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