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acres of diamonds-第11节

小说: acres of diamonds 字数: 每页4000字

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ch…bell tolled during that entire hour; and its awesome boom went sadly sounding over these hills。''

Conwell believes that his real life dates from a happening of the time of the Civil Wara happening that still looms vivid and intense before him; and which undoubtedly did deepen and strengthen his strong and deep nature。  Yet the real Conwell was always essentially the same。  Neighborhood tradition still tells of his bravery as a boy and a youth; of his reckless coasting; his skill as a swimmer and his saving of lives; his strength and endurance; his plunging out into the darkness of a wild winter night to save a neighbor's cattle。  His soldiers came home with tales of his devotion to them; and of how he shared his rations and his blankets and bravely risked his life; of how he crept off into a swamp; at imminent peril; to rescue one of his men lost or mired there。  The present Conwell was always Conwell; in fact; he may be traced through his ancestry; too; for in him are the sturdy virtues; the bravery; the grim determination; the practicality; of his father; and romanticism; that comes from his grandmother; and the dreamy qualities of his mother; who; practical and hardworking New England woman that she was; was at the same time influenced by an almost startling mysticism。

And Conwell himself is a dreamer: first of all he is a dreamer; it is the most important fact in regard to him!  It is because he is a dreamer and visualizes his dreams that he can plan the great things that to other men would seem impossibilities; and then his intensely practical side his intense efficiency; his power; his skill; his patience; his fine earnestness; his mastery over others; develop his dreams into realities。  He dreams dreams and sees visionsbut his visions are never visionary and his dreams become facts。

The rocky hills which meant a dogged struggle for very existence; the fugitive slaves; John Brown what a school for youth!  And the literal school was a tiny one…room school…house where young Conwell came under the care of a teacher who realized the boy's unusual capabilities and was able to give him broad and unusual help。  Then a wise country preacher also recognized the unusual; and urged the parents to give still more education; whereupon supreme effort was made and young Russell was sent to Wilbraham Academy。  He likes to tell of his life there; and of the hardships; of which he makes light; and of the joy with which week…end pies and cakes were received from home!

He tells of how he went out on the roads selling books from house to house; and of how eagerly he devoured the contents of the sample books that he carried。  ‘‘They were a foundation of learning for me;'' he says; soberly。  ‘‘And they gave me a broad idea of the world。''

He went to Yale in 1860; but the outbreak of the war interfered with college; and he enlisted in 1861。  But he was only eighteen; and his father objected; and he went back to Yale。  But next year he again enlisted; and men of his Berkshire neighborhood; likewise enlisting; insisted that he be their captain; and Governor Andrews; appealed to; consented to commission the nineteen…year… old youth who was so evidently a natural leader; and the men gave freely of their scant money to get for him a sword; all gay and splendid with gilt; and upon the sword was the declaration in stately Latin that; ‘‘True friendship is eternal。''

And with that sword is associated the most vivid; the most momentous experience of Russell Conwell's life。

That sword hangs at the head of Conwell's bed in his home in Philadelphia。  Man of peace that he is; and minister of peace; that symbol of war has for over half a century been of infinite importance to him。

He told me the story as we stood together before that sword。  And as he told the story; speaking with quiet repression; but seeing it all and living it all just as vividly as if it had occurred but yesterday; ‘‘That sword has meant so much to me;'' he murmured; and then he began the tale:

‘‘A boy up there in the Berkshires; a neighbor's son; was John Ring; I call him a boy; for we all called him a boy; and we looked upon him as a boy; for he was under…sized and under…developed so much so that he could not enlist。

‘‘But for some reason he was devoted to me; and he not only wanted to enlist; but he also wanted to be in the artillery company of which I was captain; and I could only take him along as my servant。  I didn't want a servant; but it was the only way to take poor little Johnnie Ring。

‘‘Johnnie was deeply religious; and would read the Bible every evening before turning in。  In those days I was an atheist; or at least thought I was; and I used to laugh at Ring; and after a while he took to reading the Bible outside the tent on account of my laughing at him!  But he did not stop reading it; and his faithfulness to me remained unchanged。

‘‘The scabbard of the sword was too glittering for the regulations''the ghost of a smile hovered on Conwell's lips‘‘and I could not wear it; and could only wear a plain one for service and keep this hanging in my tent on the tent…pole。  John Ring used to handle it adoringly; and kept it polished to brilliancy。It's dull enough these many years;'' he added; somberly。  ‘‘To Ring it represented not only his captain; but the very glory and pomp of war。

‘‘One day the Confederates suddenly stormed our position near New Berne and swept through the camp; driving our entire force before them; and all; including my company; retreated hurriedly across the river; setting fire to a long wooden bridge as we went over。  It soon blazed up furiously; making a barrier that the Confederates could not pass。

‘‘But; unknown to everybody; and unnoticed; John Ring had dashed back to my tent。  I think he was able to make his way back because he just looked like a mere boy; but however that was; he got past the Confederates into my tent and took down; from where it was hanging on the tent… pole; my bright; gold…scabbarded sword。

‘‘John Ring seized the sword that had long been so precious to him。  He dodged here and there; and actually managed to gain the bridge just as it was beginning to blaze。  He started across。  The flames were every moment getting fiercer; the smoke denser; and now and then; as he crawled and staggered on; he leaned for a few seconds far over the edge of the bridge in an effort to get air。  Both sides saw him; both sides watched his terrible progress; even while firing was fiercely kept up from each side of the river。  And then a Confederate officerhe was one of General Pickett's officersran to the water's edge and waved a white handkerchief and the firing ceased。

‘‘ ‘Tell that boy to come back here!' he cried。  ‘Tell him to come back here and we will let him go free!'

‘‘He called this out just as Ring was about to enter upon the worst part of the bridgethe cov… ered part; where there were top and bottom and sides of blazing wood。  The roar of the flames was so close to Ring that he could not hear the calls from either side of the river; and he pushed desperately on and disappeared in the covered part。

‘‘There was dead silence except for the crackling of the fire。  Not a man cried out。  All waited in hopeless expectancy。  And then came a mighty yell from Northerner and Southerner alike; for Johnnie came crawling out of the end of the covered wayhe had actually passed through that frightful placeand his clothes were ablaze; and he toppled over and fell into shallow water; and in a few moments he was dragged out; unconscious; and hurried to a hospital。

‘‘He lingered for a day or so; still unconscious; and then came to himself and smiled a little as he found that the sword for which he had given his life had been left beside him。  He took it in his arms。  He hugged it to his breast。  He gave a few words of final message for me。  And that was all。''

Conwell's voice had gone thrillingly low as he neared the end; for it was all so very; very vivid to him; and his eyes had grown tender and his lips more strong and firm。  And he fell silent; thinking of that long…ago happening; and though he looked down upon the thronging traffic of Broad Street; it was clear that he did not see it; and that if the rumbling hubbub of sound meant anything to him it was the rumbling of the guns of the distant past。  When he spoke again it was with a still tenser tone of feeling。

‘‘When I stood beside the body of John Ring and realized that he had died for love of me; I made a vow that has formed my life。  I vowed that from that moment I would live not only my own life; but that I would also live the life of John Ring。  And from that moment I have worked sixteen hours every dayeight for John Ring's work and eight hours for my own。''

A curious note had come into his voice; as of one who had run the race and neared the goal; fought the good fight and neared the end。

‘‘Every morning when I rise I look at this sword; or if I am away from home I think of the sword; and vow anew that another day shall see sixteen hours of work from me。''  And when one comes to know Russell Conwell one realizes that never did a man work more hard and constantly;

‘‘It was through John Ring and his giving his life through devotion to me that 

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